

单词 双胞胎
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔adorable〕an adorable set of twins. 一对可爱的双胞胎美国传统〔brother〕my twin brother 我的双胞胎兄弟朗文当代〔documentary〕a documentary about identical twins 关于同卵双胞胎的纪录片牛津搭配〔identity〕the shared genetic identity of identical twins 同卵双胞胎共享的遗传同一性牛津搭配〔indistinguishable〕indistinguishable twins.难区分的双胞胎。牛津同义词〔indistinguishable〕indistinguishable twins; a moth with markings that make it indistinguishable from its background. 难以分辨的双胞胎;蛾翅膀上的斑纹使得它与背景无法分辨美国传统〔least〕her four sons, Christopher, twins Daniel and Nicholas, and last but not least 2-year-old Jack. 她的4个儿子,克里斯托弗、双胞胎丹尼尔和尼古拉斯,还有不能不提的两岁大的杰克柯林斯高阶〔longitudinal〕a longitudinal study of twins. 对双胞胎的跟踪研究美国传统〔myth〕a popular myth about twins 流传广泛的关于双胞胎的无稽之谈牛津搭配〔nonidentical〕nonidentical twins. 异卵双生的双胞胎美国传统〔of〕the difficulty of bringing up twins 抚养双胞胎的艰难剑桥高阶〔pair〕several pairs of identical twins 好几对同卵双胞胎麦克米伦高阶〔pregnancy〕twins or other multiple pregnancies 双胞胎或其他多胎妊娠牛津搭配〔premature〕the birth of premature twins早产双胞胎的出生外研社新世纪〔produce〕twins produced from a single egg 同卵双胞胎韦氏高阶〔resemblance〕the resemblance of twins.双胞胎的相似之处。牛津同义词〔schlep〕schlepped around with the twins in a stroller. 缓慢地推着双胞胎坐的小推车美国传统〔separate〕twins who were separated at birth一出生就被分开的双胞胎外研社新世纪〔set〕two sets of twins两组双胞胎外研社新世纪〔similarity〕the similarity of twins.双胞胎相似之处。牛津同义词〔tell apart〕to tell twins apart把双胞胎辨别开来21世纪英汉〔twin〕a pair of identical twins 一对同卵双胞胎牛津搭配〔twin〕a twin sister 双胞胎姐妹中的一个剑桥高阶〔twin〕adult twins who were raised apart 分开抚养长大的成年双胞胎牛津搭配




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