

单词 双簧
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English horn〕A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.英国管:一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度美国传统〔commonly〕The oboe and the clarinet have got certain features in common.双簧管和单簧管有些相似之处。柯林斯高阶〔double act〕I met a pal of mine later and he suggested that we do a double act.后来我遇到一个朋友,他建议我们演双簧。柯林斯高阶〔double reed〕A pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce sound in certain wind instruments, such as bassoons and oboes.双簧:在某些管乐器中共同振动以产生声音的一对连在一起的簧片,如用在低音管和双簧管中美国传统〔double reed〕An instrument in which sound is produced by a pair of joined reeds.双簧管乐器:由连在一起的簧片发出声音的乐器美国传统〔heckelphone〕A woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a pitch between that of an English horn and a bassoon.黑克尔管:属于双簧管家族的一种木制管乐器,其音高位于英国号和巴松管之间美国传统〔introduce〕A haunting oboe solo introduces the third movement of the concerto.协奏曲第三乐章以一段摄人心魄的双簧管独奏开始。剑桥高阶〔krummhorn〕A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed.双簧弯管:文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器美国传统〔oboe〕A reed stop in an organ that produces a sound similar to that of the oboe.发出类似双簧管声音的风琴音栓美国传统〔oboe〕A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.双簧管:带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音美国传统〔oboe〕He's an oboist in the city's orchestra.他是市管弦乐队的双簧管吹奏手。韦氏高阶〔oboe〕I play the oboe.我吹双簧管。外研社新世纪〔oboe〕The principal oboe phrases his solo lines with enchanting subtlety.首席双簧管演奏者精湛地演奏了他的独奏乐段, 令人陶醉。外研社新世纪〔oboist〕He served as principal oboist from 1954 until 1977.他从1954年到1977年一直担任首席双簧管演奏者。外研社新世纪〔opposite〕The oboe tends to lose power in the upper register, but with the clarinet the opposite is the case.双簧管往往在高音区音色不够嘹亮,而单簧管则正好相反。牛津搭配〔professionally〕He played the oboe professionally.他以演奏双簧管为职业。外研社新世纪〔reed〕An instrument, such as an oboe or a clarinet, that is fitted with a reed.簧乐器:配有簧片的乐器,如双簧管或单簧管美国传统〔shawm〕Any of various early double-reed wind instruments, forerunners of the modern oboe.肖姆管:任一种早期双簧管乐器,是现代双簧管的前身美国传统〔sound〕The oboe sounded an A.双簧管奏出的是A调。21世纪英汉〔sourdine〕An obsolete double-reed instrument with a soft tone.低音乐器:一种过时的双簧管乐器,声音低柔美国传统〔take〕She has taken up(= started to learn to play)the oboe.她学起吹双簧管来了。牛津高阶〔vibrato〕I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.我鼓励双簧管和单簧管乐手多使用颤音。外研社新世纪〔vibrato〕I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。柯林斯高阶The second movement of the symphony is introduced by a haunting oboe solo.交响曲第二乐章以一段难以忘怀的双簧管独奏开始。剑桥国际




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