

单词 动物
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔USELESS〕pointless drug testing on animals 在动物身上做的无谓的药品试验朗文写作活用〔ancestor〕an ancient animal that was the ancestor of the modern horse 作为现代马的原种的一种古代动物韦氏高阶〔animalize〕animalizing food through digestion使食物经消化变为动物性物质21世纪英汉〔assistant〕an animal assistant to man 对人类有帮助的动物英汉大词典〔as〕man as different from the other animals 区别于其他动物的人类英汉大词典〔carnivore〕a carnivorous animal 食肉动物韦氏高阶〔convention〕the Berne Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife 《伯尔尼保护欧洲野生动物公约》牛津搭配〔evolution〕the evolution of species from fish to dinosaurs to mammals从鱼到恐龙再到哺乳动物的物种进化外研社新世纪〔extricate〕the efforts of a trapped animal to untangle itself from a net. 为追踪漏网的动物而做的努力 美国传统〔fatal〕a chemical which is invariably fatal to small mammals 对小型哺乳动物无一例外会致命的一种化学品牛津搭配〔fellow〕the fellows of the Zoological Society of London伦敦动物学会的会员外研社新世纪〔free〕a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. 没有疾病的健康动物;自给自足美国传统〔general〕generic differences between birds and reptiles; 鸟类和爬行动物之间的一般性区别;美国传统〔gilding〕experts on taxidermy and gilding动物标本剥制术和镀金术方面的专家外研社新世纪〔habit〕the practice of killing animals for their fur 捕杀动物获取毛皮的做法朗文当代〔hindquarter〕hindquarters The posterior part of a quadruped, adjacent to the hind legs. hindquarters 后腿部分:四足动物两后腿附着于躯干处以后的所有部分美国传统〔horned〕a horned animal 有角的动物英汉大词典〔induced〕induced tumours in experimental animals 在实验动物体内诱发产生的肿瘤英汉大词典〔kill〕huge kills of both fin and shellfish along the coast 海岸上大量已死的有鳍鱼类和水生贝壳类动物 英汉大词典〔kingdom〕the animal/plant kingdom 动物/植物界剑桥高阶〔land〕animals grazing on marginal land 在贫瘠的土地上吃草的动物牛津搭配〔lethal〕chemicals lethal to fish and aquatic mammals. 会杀死鱼类和水生哺乳动物的致命化学品柯林斯高阶〔mating〕the mating season (动物的)交配季节英汉大词典〔nonhuman〕nonhuman primates/animals 灵长类动物;动物韦氏高阶〔pouched〕pouched mammals 有袋目哺乳动物(如袋鼠等) 英汉大词典〔predatory〕predatory birds like the eagle. 像鹰一样的捕食性动物柯林斯高阶〔preservation〕the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust 泽西野生动物保护信托基金会麦克米伦高阶〔range〕photographing wild animals from close range. 对野生动物进行近距离拍摄柯林斯高阶〔ravenously〕a pack of ravenous animals. 一群饿极了的动物柯林斯高阶〔sculpture〕stone sculptures of figures and animals. 人像和动物的石雕柯林斯高阶〔sculpt〕a display of animals sculpted in ice 冰雕动物展牛津高阶〔sectorial〕the sectorial teeth of carnivores 食肉动物的裂齿英汉大词典〔shelter〕an animal shelter 动物收容所韦氏高阶〔substitute〕tests on humans to find a blood substitute made from animal blood. 为从动物血液中提取人血的替代品而在人体上进行的试验柯林斯高阶〔uncultivated〕an area left uncultivated to attract insects and small animals为吸引昆虫和小动物而有意留下的一片未开垦区域外研社新世纪〔violence〕people who inflict violence on animals 虐待动物的人牛津搭配〔wild〕wild animals 野生动物英汉大词典〔winglike〕an animal with winglike appendages 附带长有翼状器官的动物韦氏高阶〔zoological〕zoological infections 动物感染英汉大词典〔zoology〕the zoology of vertebrates 脊椎动物的动物特性英汉大词典




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