

单词 前奏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chorale prelude〕A composition usually for organ, chiefly in baroque style and characterized by an elaborate contrapuntal structure based on the melody of a hymn or chorale.众赞歌前奏曲:一支主要为巴洛克风格、通常为风琴所作的音乐作品,以基于赞歌或众赞歌旋律的华美复调音乐结构为特征美国传统〔curtain-raiser〕The President's address tonight from the Oval Office is a curtain-raiser for the economic policy message set for delivery to Congress on Wednesday.美国总统今晚于总统办公室发表的讲话是将于周三提交国会的经济政策的前奏。柯林斯高阶〔handsel〕Our present tears are but the handsels of our joys hereafter.我们现在的眼泪只不过是我们今后欢乐的前奏而已。英汉大词典〔herald〕For her, it was the herald of summer.对她来说,这是夏天来临的前奏。柯林斯高阶〔herald〕The festival is the herald of a new age.这个节日是新世纪到来的前奏。外研社新世纪〔immunity〕Several ministers were stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges.数名部长被剥夺了议会豁免权,这还只是对其提起腐败指控的前奏。牛津搭配〔introduction〕The song's great, but the introduction's a bit too long.这首歌很棒,但前奏部分太长了。剑桥高阶〔intro〕This song has a brilliant piano intro.这首歌的钢琴前奏非常好听。剑桥高阶〔lead-up〕The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting.婚礼的前奏非常有意思。柯林斯高阶〔monument〕Her recordings of the complete Preludes and Fugues are the finest monuments to a much lamented artist.她录制的完整版《前奏曲与赋格曲》是她作为一位令人无比缅怀的艺术家最上乘的不朽之作。外研社新世纪〔overture〕A similar orchestral work, such as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a play.序曲,序乐:一种类似的管弦乐曲,如谱写的作为合唱篇或话剧的前奏曲的此类乐曲美国传统〔overture〕An instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio.器乐前奏曲:一种器乐乐曲,尤被用作长作品(如一部歌剧或圣乐的导言部分)美国传统〔overture〕This time it is likely to be only an overture to a clash in the Iraqi capital itself.这一次, 它可能只是伊拉克首都冲突的前奏。外研社新世纪〔play〕She played a Bach prelude.她演奏了一首巴赫的前奏曲。朗文当代〔preamble〕The fighting along the border may be a preamble to war.边界地带的战役也许只是战争的前奏。麦克米伦高阶〔preface〕For Monica, it was the immediate preface to her own death.对莫妮卡来说, 这是她即将死去的前奏。外研社新世纪〔prelude〕Chopin's preludes 肖邦的前奏曲朗文当代〔prelude〕Every life is but a prelude to a death.每个生命都只不过是死亡的前奏。牛津搭配〔prelude〕For some, retirement can be a boring prelude to senility and death.对有些人来说, 退休可能是衰老和死亡的无聊前奏。外研社新世纪〔prelude〕Living together as a prelude to marriage is now considered acceptable in many countries.同居作为婚姻的前奏现在在许多国家都是认可的。朗文当代〔prelude〕Some songs and dances will prelude the main event.一些歌曲和舞蹈将作为主要活动的前奏。外研社新世纪〔prelude〕That first misunderstanding now seemed like a prelude to all the angry arguments which followed.最初的那个误会现在看起来就像是后来所有愤怒争吵的前奏。外研社新世纪〔prelude〕The dark clouds were a prelude to the storm.乌云是暴风雨的前奏。韦氏高阶〔prelude〕This is just a prelude to a larger attack.这仅仅是更大规模攻击的前奏。牛津搭配〔prelude〕To serve as a prelude to.作为前奏:作为…的序曲美国传统〔rehearsal〕When 'Can-Can' was in rehearsal, Porter felt that the title song needed a musical introduction.在排练《康康舞》的时候,波特感觉主题曲需要一个前奏乐曲。柯林斯高阶〔symphony〕An instrumental overture or interlude, as in early opera.序曲,插曲:由乐器演奏的前奏曲或插曲,如在早期歌剧中美国传统〔warmup〕Dinner is just a warmup. You should see what we're having for dessert! 晚餐只是个前奏,你还是看看我们甜点都吃些什么吧!韦氏高阶〔warmup〕This presentation is just a warmup for the big session tomorrow.这个展示只是明天大会的前奏。韦氏高阶The accident was the preface to a great scientific discovery. 这一偶然事件成了一项重大科学发现的前奏。译典通The concert began with the prelude to Act 1 of Wagner's opera, ‘Parsifal’.音乐会以瓦格纳的歌剧《帕西发尔》第一幕的前奏曲为开始。剑桥国际The fighting in the streets may be a prelude to more serious trouble. 街头殴斗可能是一个更严重事端的前奏。译典通The lead-up to tonight's boxing match has seen the usual war of nerves in the press.新闻界一贯的神经战已经成为今晚拳击赛的前奏。剑桥国际This song has a brilliant piano intro.这首歌的钢琴前奏写得很有才气。剑桥国际




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