

单词 前夜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Christmas Eve〕The evening before Christmas.圣诞前夜美国传统〔Halloween〕A group of trick-or-treaters gather in a graveyard on Halloween night.万圣节前夜一群玩“不给糖就捣蛋”的孩子聚集在墓地。外研社新世纪〔Halloween〕Halloween night万圣节前夜外研社新世纪〔Kol Nidre〕The opening prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur, declaring the annulment of all personal vows made to God in the preceding year.悔罪祈祷:在赎罪日前夜所颂读的祈祷文的开头部分,宣布取消前一年所有个人对上帝所发的誓言美国传统〔New Year's Eve〕New Year's Eve ball/celebrations/party新年前夜的舞会/庆祝/派对外研社新世纪〔New Year's Eve〕On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.新年前夜我通常都会举办派对, 而且几乎每次都是混乱不堪。外研社新世纪〔New Year's Eve〕The eve of New Year's Day.除夕:元旦的前夜美国传统〔bar〕The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。牛津高阶〔confide〕On New Year's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains.新年前夜,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。柯林斯高阶〔eve〕It was the eve of our 20th wedding anniversary.那是我们结婚20周年纪念日的前夜。外研社新世纪〔eve〕The evening or day preceding a special day, such as a holiday.前夕,前夜:一个特殊日子的前夕、前夜,如假日美国传统〔eve〕Tuesday night, the eve of the budget星期二晚上, 预算日的前夜外研社新世纪〔feasting〕At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day.圣诞节时,客人们在节日前夜开始逐家拜节。柯林斯高阶〔feast〕At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day.圣诞节时, 客人们会在节日前夜开始逐家拜访。外研社新世纪〔festivity〕We enjoyed the New Year's Eve festivities.我们在新年前夜的庆典中尽享快乐。韦氏高阶〔land〕Two months later, Jason landed on her doorstep - on Christmas Eve.两个月之后, 贾森突然拜访她——就在圣诞前夜。外研社新世纪〔luminaria〕New Mexico A bonfire built in front of each house in a pueblo to celebrate Christmas Eve.【新墨西哥州】 营火:为了庆祝圣诞前夜,在印第安人村庄的每一间房子前燃烧的营火美国传统〔party〕Our New Year's Eve party was a huge success.我们的新年前夜晚会特别成功。韦氏高阶〔peek at〕Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.不到圣诞节前夜不许偷看你们的礼物。21世纪英汉〔run〕Run through your notes the night before the examination.考试前夜把笔记复习一下。英汉大词典〔watch night〕New Year's Eve.除夕:新年前夜美国传统〔zoo〕The supermarket was a real zoo on the night before the storm.在暴风雨前夜,这家超市真成了闹市。韦氏高阶He hardly came to any classes--he just mugged it all up the night before.他几乎从来不上课----只是在考试前夜临时抱佛脚。剑桥国际Her mind was so full of what had happened the night before that she could think of little else.她的头脑里充满了前夜发生的事,她几乎没法想别的了。剑桥国际Mr Hurd was speaking to Arab journalists in London on the eve of his visit to Jordan and Saudi Arabia.赫德先生访问约旦和沙特阿拉伯的前夜,对阿拉伯在伦敦的记者们发表讲话。剑桥国际The men had been out gritting (= putting small stones on) the icy roads the night before.人们前夜在外面结冰的路上铺砂子。剑桥国际We always go to the Christmas Eve service at the cathedral.我们常去参加大教堂的圣诞前夜祈祷仪式。剑桥国际




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