

单词 利利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bashan〕An ancient region of Palestine northeast of the Sea of Galilee.巴山:在加利利海东北方,巴勒斯坦古代的一个地区美国传统〔Bethsaida〕A town of ancient Palestine on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee.贝特塞达:古巴勒斯坦一城镇,位于加利利海的东北海滨美国传统〔Gadara〕An ancient city of Palestine southeast of the Sea of Galilee. It was one of the Greek cities of the Decapolis.加达拉:巴勒斯坦一古城,位于加利利海东南。是德卡波利斯的希腊城市之一美国传统〔Galilean〕A native or inhabitant of Galilee.加利利人:加利利的本地人或居民美国传统〔Galilean〕Of or relating to Galilee or its people.加利利的:属于或有关加利利及加利利人的美国传统〔Galilee〕A region of northern Israel. The northernmost part of Palestine and the ancient kingdom of Israel, Galilee was the center of Jesus's ministry.加利利:以色列北部的一地区。在巴勒斯坦最北部和以色列的古王国,加利利是基督教徒的中心美国传统〔Sermon on the Mount〕In the New Testament, a discourse of Jesus delivered on a Galilee mountainside.登山宝训:新约中耶稣在加利利山腰处发表的讲道美国传统〔centre〕Moore centred the ball and Lilly nodded it home.穆尔将球传至球场中央, 利利把球顶了进去。外研社新世纪〔enclave〕Melilla, the Spanish enclave in North Africa梅利利亚, 西班牙在北非的飞地外研社新世纪〔gossip〕Mrs Lilywhite never gossiped.利利怀特夫人从来不说长道短。柯林斯高阶〔jog〕We were jogging along comfortably and enjoying our work.我们进行得顺顺利利,工作得很愉快。朗文当代〔patrolman, patrolwoman〕Patrolman Don Lilly 巡警唐 · 利利牛津高阶




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