

单词 半闭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OPEN〕She sleeps with her eyes half open. 她睡着的时候眼睛半闭半开。朗文写作活用〔closed〕The sun streamed through the partially closed blinds.阳光透过半闭合的百叶窗照进来。牛津搭配〔close〕The museum closes at 5.30.博物馆5点半闭馆。剑桥高阶〔eyelid〕She watched him from behind half-closed eyelids.她从半闭的眼睛缝里看着他。牛津搭配〔half-mast〕His eyes, usually half-mast, opened wide.他那通常半开半闭的眼睛睁大了。英汉大词典〔halfway〕His eyes closed halfway, making him look forbidding.他的眼睛半闭着,这使他看上去令人生畏。英汉大词典〔half〕His eyes were half closed.他双眼半闭。外研社新世纪〔half〕His eyes were half closed.他双眼半闭。柯林斯高阶〔have〕I had my eyes half-closed.我半闭着眼睛。朗文当代〔hooded〕He looked at us with hooded eyes.他半闭着眼睛看我们。韦氏高阶〔hooded〕I thought those hooded eyes concealed something.我认为这些半睁半闭的眼睛里隐藏了什么东西。外研社新世纪〔lid〕He was watching her through half-closed lids.他正透过半闭的眼睛瞅着她。牛津搭配〔mirage〕Through my half-closed eyelids I began to see mirages.透过半睁半闭的眼睑, 我开始看见海市蜃楼。外研社新世纪〔mirage〕Through my half-closed eyelids I began to see mirages.透过我半睁半闭的双眼,我看到了海市蜃楼。柯林斯高阶〔mumble〕To speak words indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth.咕哝:通过降低声音或半闭着嘴的方式不清晰地讲话美国传统〔nothingness〕Her eyes, glazed with the drug, stared with half closed lids at nothingness.她因吸食毒品而目光呆滞,双眼半睁半闭,茫然呆视。柯林斯高阶〔nothingness〕Her eyes, glazed with the drug, stared with half-closed lids at nothingness.她吸食毒品后眼睛半睁半闭, 目光茫然而呆滞。外研社新世纪〔swelling〕His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid.他双眼半闭, 眼睑上有一个肿块。外研社新世纪〔swelling〕His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid.他的眼睛半闭着,眼睑上有一个肿块。柯林斯高阶




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