

单词 只为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMBITIOUS〕Most politicians are power-hungry people who serve only themselves. 多数政客都贪求权位,只为自己谋利。朗文写作活用〔Esau〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage.以扫:在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生兄弟雅各美国传统〔IMPORTANT〕Bob lives for just two things -- his daughters and his music. 鲍勃只为了两件事而活着—一他的女儿和他的音乐。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕This class is just for beginners. Why don't you try the class next door? 这个班只为初学者而设,你为什么不到隔壁班去看看呢?朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕I don't blame anyone for looking out for themselves, that's human nature. 我不会责备只为自己着想的人,那是人的本性。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The early morning market is for wholesalers only, the general public have to wait until later in the day. 早市只为批发商开放,普通民众必须等到晚些时候。朗文写作活用〔absurd〕It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting.要人家开 3 小时的车只为了去参加一个 20 分钟的会议,好像很荒唐吧。朗文当代〔afloat〕They are borrowing just to stay afloat, not for investment.他们借钱只为了周转,而不是投资。柯林斯高阶〔attention〕I was living just for myself and paying little attention to God.我过去只为自己活,哪管上帝怎么想。柯林斯高阶〔brownnose〕He has been brownnosing everyone in the company just to get a bigger office.他一直讨好公司的每个人,只为得到一间大一点的办公室。韦氏高阶〔cost-effective〕It wouldn't be cost-effective to buy an expensive new computer when all you want to do is store your photos.只为保存照片而买一台昂贵的新电脑并不划算。剑桥高阶〔dark horse〕Until recently A. S. Byatt was a dark horse, known only by those steeped in literature.一直到前不久,A.S.拜厄特都还是只为潜心研究文学的人所知晓的一匹黑马。柯林斯高阶〔didactic〕In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.在极权社会里, 艺术只为教化的目的而存在。外研社新世纪〔didactic〕In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.在极权社会里,艺术只为教化的目的而存在。柯林斯高阶〔exclusive〕The owners of the golf club are determined to keep it exclusive.高尔夫俱乐部业主决定俱乐部只为会员服务。牛津搭配〔for laughs〕The children were saying every word backward, just for laughs.孩子们倒着说出每个词,只为好玩。韦氏高阶〔functional〕Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional.浴室不必完全只为了实用。牛津高阶〔hell〕Managers seem to be spending millions just for the hell of it.经理们似乎只为了寻个乐子就动辄花上几百万。柯林斯高阶〔in-joke〕A joke originated or appreciated by the members of a particular group.内部笑话:指起源于某特定集团内部并只为某成员领会的笑话美国传统〔introductory〕This introductory offer is for three days only.本试销优惠只为期三天。牛津高阶〔live for〕He lives for nothing but his cause.他只为自己的事业生活。21世纪英汉〔mountain〕Many people come simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air.许多人来这里只为享受山间的清新空气。牛津搭配〔musical〕When he began his musical career, King played only for black audiences.金刚开始从事他的音乐事业时只为黑人观众演奏。朗文当代〔one-person〕Designed for or restricted to one person.只限于或只为一个人设计的美国传统〔one-woman show〕An exhibition or a performance featuring the artistic work of one woman.女性个人展:只为一位女士的艺术作品而设的展览或表演美国传统〔pain〕It's a pain having to go all that way for just one meeting.只为开一次会,要跑那么远的路,真烦死人了。牛津高阶〔peek〕You may occasionally drive by his flat just to get a peek.你可能会偶尔开车经过他的公寓, 只为偷偷看一眼。外研社新世纪〔piss about/around〕She didn't come all this way just to piss about.她大老远到这儿来并不是只为了混日子。韦氏高阶〔practical〕It wouldn't be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend.我们跑那么远只为了去度个周末实在很不切实际。牛津高阶〔regurgitate〕She memorized the historical dates only to regurgitate them on the exam.她死记硬背历史事件日期,只为应对考试。韦氏高阶〔score〕The written form of a composition for orchestral or vocal parts, either complete or for a particular instrument or voice.乐谱:为管弦乐部分或歌唱部分谱的曲,可能为整体或只为一部分作曲美国传统〔self-seeker〕He's a self-seeker who'll do anything to get ahead.他是一个只为自己打算的人,为求成功不择手段。韦氏高阶〔self-serving〕Her friends are a pretty self-serving bunch.她的朋友都是一些只为自己设想的人。麦克米伦高阶〔selflessly〕She was a wonderful companion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless.她是一个极好的伴侣,她对我慷慨大方,一心只为我着想。柯林斯高阶〔spring ephemeral〕Any of various species of wildflowers that bloom in the early spring for only a few weeks.早春花,迎春花:各种在早春时开花,而且只为期几个星期的野花美国传统〔think of〕I'm only thinking of you.我一心只为你着想。外研社新世纪〔translation〕The translation of the Latin motto reads 'Not for oneself, but for others'.这句拉丁语格言可以解释为“毋为己,只为人”。牛津搭配He doesn't really care about you-- he's just out for a good time.他并不真正喜欢你----他只为了图一时快乐而已。剑桥国际He seems only to write for a small audience of people who share his snobbish literary views.他似乎只为一小部分读者写书,这些人和他都持有自命不凡的文学观点。剑桥国际He's well known for looking after himself/ number one (= he is selfish and only does what is good for himself) .他以只为自己考虑而出名。剑桥国际I've only got fire coverage for my car.我只为自己的车投了火灾险。剑桥国际The passage of time is a concept seemingly grasped only by humans.时间的流逝是一个似乎只为人类掌握的概念。剑桥国际We only make these curtains to special order (= if a customer asks us to do so).我们只为那些有特殊要求的顾客定制窗帘。剑桥国际




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