

单词 变成
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BREAK〕to break into pieces 变成碎片朗文写作活用〔SAME〕to make things the same 使事物变成一样朗文写作活用〔abandoned〕abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime变成犯罪温床的废弃建筑外研社新世纪〔animalize〕animalize food through digestion 经过消化使食物变成动物性物质英汉大词典〔apart〕come apart (东西)变成支离破碎;(人)(精神)崩溃文馨英汉〔consummate〕consummate a desire 使愿望变成现实英汉大词典〔conversion〕the conversion of waste into usable products 把废物变成可用的产品朗文当代〔convert〕a bare stage that was transfigured into an enchanted forest; 一个空舞台被变成了一座迷人的森林;美国传统〔convert〕convert a forest into farmland. 把森林变成耕地美国传统〔crush〕pulped raspberries through a sieve; 用筛网把树莓变成浆状;美国传统〔degenerate into〕political debate that degenerate into partisan squabbling变成为党派争吵的政治辩论21世纪英汉〔diminuendo〕to diminuendo down to a mutter把声音渐渐放低,变成小声嘟哝21世纪英汉〔dried-up〕her fears of becoming a dried-up old prune. 她对变成一个干瘪老太太的恐惧柯林斯高阶〔exploration〕an exploration into how an abused child becomes an abuser 对受虐待的孩子如何变成施虐者的研究朗文当代〔fiery〕leaves that turn fiery red in autumn 秋天变成火红色的叶子朗文当代〔grow〕a ripple of laughter that grew to a delighted roar 变成开怀大笑的轻柔笑声麦克米伦高阶〔into〕his attempt to turn a nasty episode into a joke. 他想把一段很不愉快的插曲变成一则笑话的尝试柯林斯高阶〔lapse〕lapse into bad habits; a team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season. 沾染坏习惯;在一赛季中途变成表现平庸的球队美国传统〔limelight〕take the limelight 变成人们注意的中心文馨英汉〔make〕make a liquid into a solid 将液体变成固体英汉大词典〔metamorphose〕hysterical laughter which gradually metamorphoses into convulsive sobs歇斯底里的笑声渐渐地变成了剧烈的抽泣外研社新世纪〔metamorphose〕studying the process by which caterpillars metamorphose into butterflies 研究毛毛虫变成蝴蝶的过程韦氏高阶〔metamorphosis〕the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies 毛虫之变成蝴蝶文馨英汉〔muddy〕muddy the diplomatic waters 使外交事态变成一塘浑水英汉大词典〔none〕make a wise man of one that is none 把一点也不聪明的人变成个聪明人英汉大词典〔novel〕the process of adapting the novel for television 把小说改变成电视剧的过程牛津搭配〔raw〕software to convert raw data into usable information 把原始数据转变成可用信息的软件朗文当代〔reduce〕mountains that will someday be reduced to sand 总有一天将变成沙土的山峦韦氏高阶〔resolve〕like a musician resolving a confused mass of sound into melodic or harmonic order. 就像音乐家那样将混乱嘈杂的声音变成优美和谐的旋律柯林斯高阶〔ruddy〕barges, with their sails ruddy brown from regular dressing of ochre. 船帆由于经常涂染赭石变成了淡红棕色的游艇柯林斯高阶〔taper〕leaves that taper to a point 逐渐变成尖状的树叶韦氏高阶〔terrace〕turning a hillside into a series of ascending terraces for farming. 把一块山坡变成了耕作用的一层层梯田美国传统〔to〕to one's cost 变成某人的损失文馨英汉〔transfer〕to transfer wasteland into fertile fields把荒地变成良田21世纪英汉〔translate〕the danger of translating your emotions into actions 把情感变成行动的危险性朗文当代〔translate〕translate ideas into reality. 将思想变成行动美国传统〔turn〕to turn a flower garden into a vegetable field把花园变成菜地21世纪英汉〔turn〕to turn cream into butter把鲜奶油变成黄油21世纪英汉〔use〕a flat-screen TV that becomes a mirror when it is not in use 一台不用时会变成镜子的平板电视剑桥高阶〔wipe〕wipe from one scene to another 从一个画面划变成另一个画面英汉大词典




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