

单词 厄运
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Jonah〕One thought to bring bad luck.不祥的人:被认为会带来厄运的人美国传统〔accursed〕Whoever strikes me shall be accursed.无论谁袭击我, 必遭厄运。外研社新世纪〔augur〕This award often seems to augur misfortune for the recipient.这个奖项对获奖者似乎往往意味着厄运。外研社新世纪〔befall〕They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.他们并不知道即将降临到他们头上的厄运。牛津高阶〔bewail〕She bewailed her misfortune.她哀叹自己的厄运。21世纪英汉〔break〕We've had a few bad breaks(= pieces of bad luck)along the way.我们一路上遭遇了几次厄运。牛津高阶〔cruel and unusual punishment〕Life has dealt them some cruel blows in recent years. [=some very bad things have happened to them in recent years] 最近几年里,他们厄运连连。韦氏高阶〔doom to〕He was doomed to ill fortune.他命中注定要遭厄运。21世纪英汉〔doom〕A sense of doom hung over the entire country.整个国家都笼罩在厄运降临的气氛之中。剑桥高阶〔doom〕A sense of impending doom hung over the meeting.即将降临的厄运麦克米伦高阶〔doom〕Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one.命运:命运,尤指厄运或劫数美国传统〔doom〕He predicted doom for any country that did not act immediately.他预言没有立即采取行动的国家注定难逃厄运。麦克米伦高阶〔doom〕She had a sense of impending doom(= felt that sth very bad was going to happen).她预感到厄运已经逼近。牛津高阶〔down〕Afflicted by misfortune.不走运地,穷困潦倒地:由于不幸而遭受厄运的折磨美国传统〔evil〕They have fallen on evil days.他们交上了厄运。英汉大词典〔fate〕He saved me from a fate worse than death.他帮助我摆脱了比死亡更糟的厄运。麦克米伦高阶〔fate〕The refugees have suffered an appalling fate.难民们遭遇了骇人听闻的厄运。麦克米伦高阶〔folklore〕According to popular folklore, anyone who owns such a picture will have bad luck.民间盛传拥有这样图画的人会遭厄运。牛津搭配〔fortune〕Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.疾病或厄运会让你变得穷困潦倒。朗文当代〔gloat〕Don't gloat over your rival's misfortune.不要幸灾乐祸于对手的厄运美国传统〔hex〕Don't let her join us, who will hex us as a female.别让她参加咱们的活动,女人会给咱们带来厄运的。21世纪英汉〔hoodoo〕Bad luck.厄运美国传统〔hoodoo〕One that brings bad luck.带来厄运的人或物美国传统〔hoodoo〕To bring bad luck to.使遭厄运美国传统〔ill wind〕The ill wind of financial crisis was sweeping across Asia.经济危机的厄运正横扫亚洲。麦克米伦高阶〔ill〕She had brought ill luck into her family.她给家庭带来了厄运。柯林斯高阶〔jinx〕A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.凶咎,厄运:看起来是由某个特定的人或物造成的一种坏状况或倒霉的阶段美国传统〔jinx〕A person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck.不详的人或物:被认为会带来厄运的人或物美国传统〔jinx〕He felt like he'd finally broken the jinx.他觉得自己好像终于摆脱了厄运。韦氏高阶〔jinx〕I think I put a jinx on the team after I scored.我觉得自己进球得分给球队带来了厄运。外研社新世纪〔jinx〕I'm sure there's a jinx on this car.我确信这辆小汽车会带来厄运。牛津搭配〔jinx〕The team seems to have shaken off the jinx that's been dogging them for months.该队似乎已经摆脱了数月来一直如影相随的厄运了。牛津搭配〔jinx〕There's a jinx on it, mark my words.记住我的话, 这会带来厄运的。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Her spirits have kept up very well despite all her bad luck.虽然遭到种种厄运,但她仍毫不气馁。英汉大词典〔low〕He has been brought low by misfortune.他因遭厄运而穷困潦倒。英汉大词典〔luck〕He's had nothing but bad luck since moving to New York.他自搬到纽约后就厄运连连。麦克米伦高阶〔mantle〕Her face wore a mantle of tragic doom.她的脸上笼罩着厄运的阴影。英汉大词典〔medicine〕They will kill us for they think that we are bad medicine.他们会杀死我们, 因为他们认为我们会带来厄运。外研社新世纪〔misfortune〕Bad fortune or ill luck.厄运:坏运气或倒霉美国传统〔misfortune〕He blamed the party's misfortunes on poor leadership.他把该政党的厄运归咎于领导不力。韦氏高阶〔misfortune〕He is always ready to help people in misfortune.他总是乐于帮助遭厄运的人们。英汉大词典〔misfortune〕Misfortune struck before they had even left port.他们还没离开港口,厄运就降临了。牛津搭配〔misfortune〕The expedition was dogged by misfortune.探险队厄运连连。牛津搭配〔misfortune〕The family was plagued by misfortune.这个家庭受到厄运的折磨。麦克米伦高阶〔mishap〕Bad luck.厄运:坏运气美国传统〔mishap〕When Venus appears high, there is fortune in battle and little mishap.当金星高挂时, 战运昌、厄运少。外研社新世纪〔overtake〕From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt, she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom.自从爱德华告诉她打算逃跑的那一刻起,她便强烈感到厄运在一步步逼近。柯林斯高阶〔pursue〕Bad luck pursued her.厄运纠缠着她。21世纪英汉〔pursue〕Ill health (Bad luck) pursued her.疾病(厄运)纠缠着她。英汉大词典〔relate〕Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War.《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。英汉大词典〔reversal〕Some Internet firms have suffered a painful reversal of fortune (=they were successful but now they are not) .一些网络公司遭逢厄运。朗文当代〔reversal〕The economy is suffering a dramatic reversal of fortune.经济正大遭厄运。麦克米伦高阶〔reverse〕Suicide is a refusal to stand up to reverses, to life.自杀就是不愿勇敢地面对厄运,不肯直面人生。英汉大词典〔rise above sth〕He rose above his pain/bad luck/difficulties.他战胜了疼痛/厄运/困难。剑桥高阶〔smite〕Misfortune smote him and all his family.厄运沉重地打击了他和他的家人。韦氏高阶〔spate〕We had a spate of bad luck.我们碰到一连串厄运。英汉大词典〔superstition〕According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.按照迷信的说法,从梯子下走过会带来厄运。剑桥高阶〔superstitious〕Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.琼非常迷信,认为绿色会带来厄运。柯林斯高阶〔tender〕The SS Nomadic was a tender to the ill-fated liner, Titanic.“漂流号”是后来遭受厄运的“泰坦尼克号”上搭载的一艘小艇。剑桥高阶〔thin〕Workers believe the job cuts are just the thin end of the wedge.工人们认为裁员只是厄运的开始。朗文当代〔twist〕His injury was a cruel twist of fate for the team.他受伤对于球队来说是个厄运。麦克米伦高阶〔weird〕One's assigned lot or fortune, especially when evil.厄运:某人注定的运气或命运,尤指不吉祥的美国传统A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity. 好朋友不会在人遭到厄运时弃之不顾。译典通According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.据迷信说法,你若从梯子下走过将遭厄运。剑桥国际British companies are trying to avoid the fate that has already befallen their American counterparts.英国公司正努力避免已经降临到美国同类公司头上的厄运。剑桥国际He has been pursued by misfortune. 他厄运连连。译典通He's sure the new play will be a great success and will break the jinx which has caused every new production in the theatre to be a disaster.他相信这出新戏会获得巨大的成功,打破每出在这个剧院上演的新戏都遭到惨败的厄运。剑桥国际Her astute political sense stopped her from exploiting her opponent's misfortune.她老谋深算的权术意识使她未去对对手的厄运落井下石。剑桥国际Last night's defeat has spelt doom for the team's hopes of winning the competition.昨晚的失败给期望胜利的球队带来了厄运。剑桥国际Many people believe that a broken mirror is an omen of bad luck.许多人相信一面碎镜子是厄运之兆。剑桥国际She and her colleagues have read/seen the writing on the wall for the company ( = They have understood that the company will fail) and have been making plans to find other jobs.她与她的同事们已经看到这家公司正面临厄运,并已经在计划找其它工作了。剑桥国际She has been buffeted by misfortunes. 她不断遭到厄运的打击。译典通The workforce is managing to remain cheerful in spite of all the gloom and doom about the company's future.尽管公司的前景黯淡,厄运难逃,员工们还是尽力让自己开心点。剑桥国际There's a superstition that if you break a mirror, you'll have seven years’bad luck.有种迷信说法,如果你打碎镜子将遭七年厄运。剑桥国际




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