

单词 判处
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔calcification〕calcification of negotiations. 谈判处于僵持阶段美国传统〔commit〕commit sb. to five years' imprisonment 判处某人5年徒刑英汉大词典〔concurrent〕be sentenced to serve three concurrent life terms 被判处合并执行的三个无期徒刑英汉大词典〔conviction〕an offence which carries, on conviction, a sentence of not more than five years' imprisonment 定罪后可判处五年或以下监禁的罪行牛津高阶〔custodial sentence〕a custodial sentence 判处监禁韦氏高阶〔doom〕to doom the prisoner to life imprisonment判处囚犯无期徒刑21世纪英汉〔farcical〕a farcical nine months' jail sentence imposed yesterday on a killer. 昨天判处一个杀人犯 9 个月监禁的荒唐判决柯林斯高阶〔flame〕be condemned to the flames 判处火刑英汉大词典〔gat;got〕to get ten years for robbery因抢劫被判处10年徒刑21世纪英汉〔hanging〕a hanging judge. 惯于判处绞刑的法官美国传统〔hanging〕a hanging judge惯于判处绞刑的法官外研社新世纪〔hanging〕be sentenced to hanging 被判处绞刑英汉大词典〔hanging〕to sentence sb to death by hanging 判处某人绞刑牛津高阶〔impose〕impose a light sentence on a first offender 对初犯者从轻判处英汉大词典〔imprisonment〕a felony punishable by imprisonment 可判处监禁的重罪牛津搭配〔inflict〕inflict a harsh sentence 判处重刑英汉大词典〔pass〕pass a sentence of imprisonment of 2 years 宣布判处2年徒刑英汉大词典〔prison〕be sentenced to prison terms of two to eight years 被判处2至8年的刑期英汉大词典〔punishable〕a crime punishable by 20 years in prison 可以判处20年徒刑的罪行麦克米伦高阶〔rap〕slap a loan-sharking rap on sb. 当即以高利盘剥罪判处某人 英汉大词典〔scaffold〕be condemned to the scaffold 被判处死刑英汉大词典〔send〕be sent up for life 被判处终身监禁英汉大词典〔sentence〕a jail/prison sentence 判处监禁牛津高阶〔sentence〕to be sentenced to death被判处死刑21世纪英汉〔sentence〕to be under sentence of death 被判处死刑牛津高阶〔shoot〕be sentenced to be shot as a traitor 作为叛徒被判处枪决英汉大词典〔slashing〕a three month sentence for slashing 因砍人而判处的3个月徒刑英汉大词典〔spying〕a ten-year sentence for spying. 因间谍罪判处的 10 年监禁柯林斯高阶〔t.o〕sentenced to ten years in prison被判处十年徒刑21世纪英汉〔to〕be sentenced to death 被判处死刑英汉大词典




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