

单词 初犯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IGNORE〕Although this is a first offence it cannot be overlooked. 虽然这次是初犯,但也不能饶恕。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕The court decided to waive her fine as it was her first offence. 因为是初犯,法庭判她免交罚金。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕The penalty is a $250 fine for the first offense. 初犯罚款250美元。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Some ministers are suggesting that there should be much lighter penalties for first-time offenders. 有些部长建议,对初犯者应该大大减轻判刑。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕The courts will often deal quite leniently with first-time offenders. 法院对初犯者往往会从宽处理。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕This time the police let him go with a reprimand as it was his first offence. 因为这次是初犯,警察训斥了他一顿就让他走了。朗文写作活用〔caution〕As a first offender, she got off with a caution.她由于是初犯而获从轻发落,只受到了警告。牛津高阶〔caution〕As it was her first offence, she was only given a caution.由于是初犯,所以只给了她一个口头警告。剑桥高阶〔charge〕As it was his first offence, the store agreed not to press charges .因为他是初犯,商店同意不起诉他。朗文当代〔criminal〕The new law will ensure that habitual criminals (=criminals who commit crimes repeatedly) receive tougher punishments than first-time offenders.这条新法律将确保惯犯比初犯受到更为严厉的惩罚。朗文当代〔example〕Although it was only his first offense, the judge decided to make an example of him and sentence him to prison.尽管他只是初犯,但法官决定要惩一儆百,于是判了他监禁。韦氏高阶〔first offender〕Because he was a first offender, he was put on probation rather than sentenced to jail.因为是初犯,他被判了缓刑,不用坐牢。韦氏高阶〔first offender〕Most first offenders now get a two-year sentence.多数初犯现在被判2年徒刑。外研社新世纪〔first offender〕One convicted of a legal offense for the first time.初犯:初次犯法的人美国传统〔first-time〕The punishment for a first-time offense of this kind is a fine.对这类初犯的惩罚是罚款。韦氏高阶〔lenient〕The judge was lenient with her as this was her first offence.念及她是初犯,法官对她从轻发落。麦克米伦高阶〔light〕He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction.因为是初犯,他得以轻判。剑桥高阶〔noncustodial〕The judge favors non-custodial sentences/punishments for most first offenses.对于大多数初犯,法官倾向于实施监外判决/处罚。韦氏高阶〔offence〕Punishment for a first offence is a fine.对初犯的惩罚是罚款。朗文当代〔offence〕The usual fine is £15 to £100 for a first offence.对初犯的罚款通常是15至100英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔offender〕As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.因为是初犯,他被从宽量刑。牛津搭配〔offense〕Penalties for a first offense range from fines to jail time.对初犯的惩罚方式从罚款到入狱都有。韦氏高阶〔penalty〕The penalty for a first offense is a fine.初犯将处以罚款。朗文当代〔probate〕They should be probated for first offences.他们是初犯,故应处缓刑。英汉大词典〔probate〕They should be probated for first offenses.他们是初犯,应当缓刑处理。21世纪英汉〔prosecution〕Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.因初犯轻罪被控者很少被判监禁。牛津高阶〔punishment〕He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh punishment for a first offense.他被判刑六年,对于初犯是个严厉的处罚。朗文当代〔suspended sentence〕The judge handed down a suspended sentence to the first-time offender.法官宣布对那名初犯者实施缓刑。韦氏高阶Although it was only his first offence, the court handed down an eight-year sentence.尽管他只是初犯,法庭仍对他判刑八年。剑桥国际As a first-time offender, the judge treated him mercifully and did not give him a prison sentence.法官因念他是初犯,对他宽大处理,没有判他进监狱。剑桥国际She got off with a fairly light sentence because it was her first conviction.她被从轻发落,因为她是初犯。剑桥国际They should be probated for first offences. 他们是初犯,故应处缓刑。译典通




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