

单词 动态
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MPEG〕downloaded an MPEG of the new video from the Internet. 从网络上下载这部新电影的动态影像压缩标准文件美国传统〔abreast〕keeping abreast of the latest developments. 及时了解最新动态美国传统〔acquaint〕acquaint Western readers with recent happenings in China 向西方读者介绍中国最近的动态英汉大词典〔action〕a photograph filled with action 一张充满动态的照片英汉大词典〔development〕recent political developments in Japan 日本的最新政治动态朗文当代〔development〕the latest developments in Moscow. 莫斯科的最新动态柯林斯高阶〔dynamically〕the dynamics of the social system. 社会体制的动态柯林斯高阶〔dynamics〕population dynamics 人口动态英汉大词典〔dynamic〕a dynamic and unstable process 动态的、不稳定的过程朗文当代〔dynamic〕a dynamic relationship 动态关系韦氏高阶〔dynamic〕a dynamic verb 动态动词英汉大词典〔dynamic〕a study on famine and population dynamics 对饥荒和人口动态的研究韦氏高阶〔dynamic〕the dynamics of political change 政治变化动态牛津高阶〔dynamic〕the dynamics of the family 家庭动态朗文当代〔image〕the use of still and moving video images 静态及动态视频影像的使用牛津搭配〔quarterback〕quarterback the rise of Action News at Channel 6 主持第六频道“动态新闻”节目的成功试播英汉大词典〔reactionary〕maintain a reactionary attitude toward economic reforms 对经济改革持反动态度英汉大词典〔retainer〕be on retainer to report unusual occurrences to the police 定期取酬向警方报告异常动态 英汉大词典〔touched〕keeping the unemployed in touch with the labour market. 使失业者即时了解劳动力市场的最新动态柯林斯高阶〔vital〕vital records 人口动态记录英汉大词典〔vital〕vital records. 人口动态记录美国传统animated gifs 动态图形交换格式牛津商务




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