

单词 动动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I'd like you to work with the person sitting beside you and see if we can come up with some new ideas, 我希望你们跟坐在旁边的人一起动动脑筋,看看是否能想出什么新的主意来。朗文写作活用〔art〕Getting him to go out is quite an art (= needs special skill).想让他出门交际可得好好动动脑筋。剑桥高阶〔base〕He acted from base motives.他的行动动机卑鄙。牛津高阶〔bean〕Use your bean, man! 老兄,要动动脑子!英汉大词典〔brain〕Come on, use your brain , John.来吧,动动脑子,约翰。朗文当代〔brain〕Just stop and use your brain for a minute.停下来, 动动脑子吧。外研社新世纪〔brain〕That can't possibly be the right way to do it - use your brain! 那样做肯定不对——动动脑筋!剑桥高阶〔brain〕You have to use your brains in this job.做这件工作你得动动脑子。麦克米伦高阶〔head〕I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying something).我希望你能动动脑子。牛津搭配〔head〕Use your head (= think more carefully)! 动动脑子!剑桥高阶〔head〕Use your head to work out the answer.动动脑筋想出答案。朗文当代〔idle〕She never lifts a finger to help. She's bone idle.她连动动手指帮个忙都从来不做,她就是个懒骨头。牛津搭配〔imagination〕Use your imagination!(= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) 你自己动动脑筋嘛!牛津高阶〔limber〕You should limber up your wits before the test.在测验之前你该动动脑筋。21世纪英汉〔manoeuvre〕You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test.驾驶考试中会要求你做几个标准的机动动作。牛津高阶〔mouth〕Don't you ever think before you open your big mouth?你在说大话之前都不动动脑子吗?外研社新世纪〔movement〕The brain is necessary to initiate movement and control balance.在启动动作和控制平衡的过程中大脑是不可或缺的。牛津搭配〔mutiny〕A series of coup attempts and mutinies within the armed forces destabilized the regime.军队内部一连串的政变图谋和暴动动摇了该政权。柯林斯高阶〔noddle〕It's easy enough to do if you just use your noddle (=think) .这事很容易,你只要动动脑筋就行了。朗文当代〔noggin〕Use your noggin (=think) .动动脑子。朗文当代〔noggin〕Use your noggin - think before you decide what to do! 动动脑子——想清楚了再决定要做什么。剑桥高阶〔nut〕Come on, use your nut (= think clearly)! 好啦,动动你的脑子!剑桥高阶〔nut〕Oh come on, use your nut ! 加油啊,动动脑筋!朗文当代〔passive〕In “He was hit by the ball,” “hit” is a passive verb.在句子He was hit by the ball中,hit是被动动词。韦氏高阶〔secret weapon〕The mayor's campaign unleashed its secret weapon.市长的竞选活动动用了秘密武器。韦氏高阶〔shout〕She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg.她想动动腿,结果疼得大叫起来。牛津高阶Come on, use your nut (= think clearly)! You do it like this.来,动动你的脑筋!像这样做!剑桥国际Use your head (=Think more carefully)! 动动脑筋!剑桥国际




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