

单词 可放
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIT/NOT FIT〕We were going to put the fridge between the stove and the washing machine, but it wouldn't fit. 我们本来打算把冰箱放在炉子和洗衣机中间,可放不下。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The rains came this weekend, much to the relief of tomato growers in Florida. 这个周末下了雨,佛罗里达的番茄菜农大可放心了。朗文写作活用〔acid〕A substance capable of yielding hydrogen ions.氢离子供体:一种可放出氢离子的物质美国传统〔add salt to sth〕You can be sure she'll always add salt to the conversation! 你大可放心,她总能够让对话更有趣。剑桥高阶〔aisle〕Aisle seats have more room for carry-on luggage.靠过道的座位有较宽绰的空间可放手提行李。英汉大词典〔assuredness〕Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance.家长尽可放心,孩子们的安全将成为重中之重。柯林斯高阶〔assured〕Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance.家长尽可放心, 孩子们的安全将是重中之重。外研社新世纪〔assured〕You may be assured that everything is all right.一切都好,你尽可放心。英汉大词典〔bet〕You can bet she will be there.你大可放心,她一定会去那里的。柯林斯高阶〔biological〕If the stain remains, soak overnight in biological detergent.如果污渍洗不掉, 可放进加酶洗涤剂中浸泡一夜。外研社新世纪〔confidentiality〕People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.人们尽可放心地打电话来,他们提供的任何信息都会被保密。柯林斯高阶〔confidentially〕People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.人们尽可放心地打电话来, 他们提供的任何信息都会保密。外研社新世纪〔derringer〕A short-barreled pistol that has a large bore and is small enough to be carried in a pocket.迪林格手枪:一种有一个大钻孔轮管,可放在口袋里携带的短小的手轮美国传统〔dumb down〕The BBC must not seek to dumb down and compete with the bottom end of the market.英国广播公司绝不可放低身段去和市场底层的对手竞争。外研社新世纪〔easy〕We can rest easy.我们尽可放心。英汉大词典〔event〕In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months.如果一切正常,大约在三个月之内即可放款。朗文当代〔footrest〕A support on which to rest the feet.搁脚板:脚可放在上面休息的支撑物美国传统〔here〕I'd like a piano, but here and now we haven't enough room.我想有架钢琴,但眼下我们没有地方可放。英汉大词典〔integrity〕You can trust his integrity.他为人正直,你大可放心。牛津同义词〔odd〕You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs and chopped onions.你可放入骨头、少量蔬菜、香草以及切碎的洋葱。英汉大词典〔restraint〕In practice the king suffered few restraints on his freedom of action.国王实际上不受什么约束而可放手自行其是。英汉大词典〔tee〕A small peg with a concave top for holding a golf ball for an initial drive.球座:带有凹顶可放置高尔夫球进行发球的小短桩美国传统




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