

单词 可想
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Ian's bound to get the job -- it's a foregone conclusion. 伊恩肯定能得到这份工作—这是可想而知的。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕When I was a boy, having a bath every day was an inconceivable luxury. 在我小时候,每天洗个澡是不可想象的奢侈。朗文写作活用〔anything〕Spending Christmas with him and his brother - I can't imagine anything worse! 跟他兄弟俩一起过圣诞节?我可想象不出比这更糟糕的事了!剑桥高阶〔conceivable〕The book covers every conceivable aspect of the subject.这本书涉及了该主题可想到的每个方面。麦克米伦高阶〔conceivable〕Without their support the project would not have been conceivable.如果没有他们的支持,这个项目根本就不可想象。柯林斯高阶〔heretofore〕This technology has created heretofore unimaginable possibilities.这项工艺创造出此前不可想象的发展前景。韦氏高阶〔imaginable〕These technological developments were hardly imaginable 30 years ago.这些科技新产品在 30 年前几乎是不可想像的。牛津高阶〔imaginable〕This is the only solution imaginable.这是唯一可想象的解决办法。英汉大词典〔imagine〕It's easy to imagine yourself in an exotic location.身处异国他乡的情况可想而知。外研社新世纪〔inconceivable〕It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.要她改变主意是不可想象的。剑桥高阶〔inconceivable〕The idea that they might not win was inconceivable to them.他们可能赢不了的念头对他们来说是不可想象的。剑桥高阶〔option〕The possibilities are endless.可想的办法是无穷的。牛津高阶〔possibility〕The possibilities are endless.可想的办法是无穷的。牛津高阶〔predictability〕His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism.可想而知,他的文章是对资本主义的严厉抨击。柯林斯高阶〔predictability〕There is a certain predictability about the outcome.结果可想而知。外研社新世纪〔predictable〕Logan's reaction was predictable.洛根的反应是可想而知的。朗文当代〔predictable〕The result is predictable.结果是可想而知的。英汉大词典〔predictable〕The result was entirely predictable.结果完全是可想而知的。外研社新世纪〔predictably〕His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism.可想而知, 他的文章是对资本主义的猛烈抨击。外研社新世纪〔railway〕Such speed was unimaginable before the railway age.这样的速度在铁路时代之前是不可想象的。牛津搭配〔sorry〕The manager had said he was sorry, there was nothing he could do about it.经理说过他很遗憾,对此他没有什么办法可想。英汉大词典〔strangled〕In a strangled voice he said, 'This place is going to be unthinkable without you.' 他哽咽地说道:“没有你这个地方会变得不可想象。”柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕Imagine our surprise when they sold their house and moved to the Bahamas.他们卖掉了房子移居巴哈马群岛,你可想而知我们有多惊讶。韦氏高阶〔surprise〕There is a shortage of carrots. So everybody starts growing carrots. Next season, surprise, surprise, there is a glut of carrots.胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。柯林斯高阶〔tether〕I took the view then that I had reached the end of my tether.我那时认定我已无法可想了。英汉大词典〔thinkable〕It's hardly thinkable.那几乎是不可想像的。英汉大词典〔thinkable〕The previously unthinkable is not only thinkable, but achievable.先前不可想象的事现在不仅可以考虑, 而且能够实现。外研社新世纪〔thinkable〕They divorced during a time when that was barely thinkable.在那个离婚几乎是不可想象的年代里,他们离了婚。韦氏高阶〔think〕It would be lovely, but think of the expense! 是很不错,可想想那费用!朗文当代〔unimaginable〕Experiments were carried out under almost unimaginable conditions.实验是在简直不可想象的条件下做的。英汉大词典〔unseeded〕He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American.他第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手, 沮丧之情可想而知。外研社新世纪Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.在同一地点再发生一次核事故简直/几乎是不可想象的。剑桥国际It is not inconceivable that she could be lying.她可能在说谎这一点并不是不可想象的。剑桥国际It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.要她改变主意是不可想象的。剑桥国际The idea that they might not win was inconceivable to them.他们可能不会赢这一想法对他们来说是不可想象的。剑桥国际Understandably, she was all smiles when she spoke about breaking the world record.可想而知,当她谈及打破世界纪录时,满面笑容。剑桥国际




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