

单词 北大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The village is about fifty miles north of here, give or take a few miles. 该村庄位于从这里往北大约五十英里的地方,上下相差不了几英里。朗文写作活用〔Barents Sea〕A shallow section of the Arctic Ocean north of Norway and northwest European U.S.S.R. The North Atlantic Current keeps its southern ports ice-free all year.巴伦支海:北冰洋的一个浅区,位于挪威以北和苏联欧洲部分的西北。北大西洋暖流使其南部港口终年不冻美国传统〔DISAGREE〕There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict. 对北大西洋公约组织在世界各国间的冲突上的角色一直有着意见分歧。朗文写作活用〔Denmark Strait〕A channel between Greenland and Iceland connecting the Arctic Ocean with the northern Atlantic Ocean.丹麦海峡:位于格陵兰岛和冰岛之间的海峡,连接着北冰洋与北大西洋美国传统〔Faial〕An island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Faial is noted for its abundant plant life.法亚尔:北大西洋中的一个岛,位于艾兹鲁中部。法亚尔因其大量的植物而闻名美国传统〔GO〕Mary is at Northwestern University. 玛丽就读于西北大学。朗文写作活用〔Irish Sea〕An arm of the northern Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Great Britain.爱尔兰海:北大西洋处于爱尔兰和大不列颠之间的部分美国传统〔JOIN〕Several other countries had applied to become members of NATO. 有其他一些国家申请成为北大西洋公约组织成员国。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕When I graduate I want to study law at the Northeastern university. 我毕业后想在东北大学读法律。朗文写作活用〔Labrador Sea〕An arm of the northern Atlantic Ocean between eastern Canada and southwest Greenland.拉布拉多海:北大西洋的一个分支,位于加拿大与格陵兰岛西南部之间美国传统〔MEANING〕NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO代表北大西洋公约组织。朗文写作活用〔NATO〕North Atlantic Treaty Organization.北大西洋公约组织美国传统〔NEXT TO〕The 100-acre parcel of land adjoins Seagal's ranch, about 30 miles north of Santa Barbara. 这块100英亩的土地毗邻西加的农场,位于圣巴巴拉以北大约30英里的地方。朗文写作活用〔North Atlantic Current〕The northern extension of the Gulf Stream in the northern Atlantic Ocean. It warms the coast and affects the climate of northwest Europe.北大西洋流:墨西哥湾流于北大西洋的北支。其带来沿岸温暖的气候并影响西北欧的天气美国传统〔North Atlantic Ocean〕The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北大西洋:大西洋北部,从赤道向北延伸至北冰洋美国传统〔PURPOSE〕Membership of NATO is one of the country's long-term political aims. 成为北大西洋公约组织的一员是该国长期的政治目标之一。朗文写作活用〔Terceira〕A Portuguese island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean.特尔赛拉岛:北大西洋上亚速尔群岛中部,属于葡萄牙的一个岛屿美国传统〔UNDER/BELOW〕Far beneath the waters of the North Atlantic lies the wreck of the great liner, the Titanic. 北大西洋的深海底下躺着巨轮“泰坦尼克”号的残骸。朗文写作活用〔acronym〕The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is known by the acronym “NATO.” 北大西洋公约组织首字母缩合为NATO。韦氏高阶〔capability〕The allies agreed to retain NATO's nuclear capability.盟国同意维持北大西洋公约组织的核战斗力。麦克米伦高阶〔compose〕The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.部队将由来自北大西洋公约组织成员国的军队组成。外研社新世纪〔curtail〕NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.北大西洋公约组织计划缩减派往该地区的军队数量。外研社新世纪〔drift〕North Atlantic Drift 北大西洋缓流英汉大词典〔institutionally〕NATO remains the United States' chief institutional anchor in Europe.北大西洋公约组织仍然是美国在欧洲首要的支柱机构。柯林斯高阶〔institutional〕NATO remains the United States' chief institutional anchor in Europe.北大西洋公约组织仍然是美国在欧洲的主要支持机构。外研社新世纪〔limit〕NATO officials said that the air strikes were limited to military targets.北大西洋公约组织的官员声称他们只对军事目标进行空袭。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这几乎明确地预示着北大西洋公约组织的终结。外研社新世纪〔member〕Britain is a full member of NATO.英国是北大西洋公约组织的正式成员国。柯林斯高阶〔northeaster〕A storm or gale blowing from the northeast.东北大风:从东北来的风暴或强风美国传统〔northwester〕A storm or gale blowing from the northwest.西北大风:来自西北的风暴或大风美国传统〔pared-down〕The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization.新北大西洋公约组织将是一个精简了的军事组织。外研社新世纪〔pared-down〕The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization.新的北大西洋公约组织将是一个精简了的军事组织。柯林斯高阶〔pounding〕NATO's pounding of the city 北大西洋公约组织对该城市反复的沉重打击麦克米伦高阶〔primacy〕With regard to European defence, they accept the primacy of NATO.就欧洲的防务而论,他们首推北大西洋公约组织。麦克米伦高阶〔prime〕Truman had been the prime architect of the NATO alliance.杜鲁门是北大西洋公约组织这个联盟的主要缔造者。麦克米伦高阶〔rockling〕Any of various small marine fishes of the family Gadidae, of North Atlantic coastal waters.鳕鱼,五须鳕:任何一种生活在北大西洋海岸水域的鳕科属的小型海生鱼类美国传统〔signatory〕Most western European nations are signatories to/of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.大部分西欧国家都是北大西洋公约组织的缔约国。剑桥高阶〔skipjack〕Any of various fishes, such as the bluefish, that habitually leap out of the water.飞鱼:一种习惯性跃出水面的鱼,例如北大西洋沿岸的蓝色食用鱼美国传统〔spring-cleaning〕He called for “a good spring-cleaning” within the NATO alliance.他要求在北大西洋公约组织联盟内部好好整顿一番。英汉大词典〔stock〕Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.北大西洋中鳕鱼的总量已大幅下降。朗文当代〔strongly〕He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。柯林斯高阶〔supranational〕NATO and other Western supranational institutions.北大西洋公约组织和其他西方超国家机构柯林斯高阶〔supranational〕NATO is a supranational organization.北大西洋公约组织是一个超国家组织。剑桥高阶A herring is a North Atlantic fish that can be eaten. 鲱鱼是一种可食用的北大西洋海鱼。译典通America's lead in international affairs at the time included the setting-up of the United Nations, NATO, the Bretton Woods monetary system and a network of alliances across the globe.当时美国在国际事务中的领导地位包括成立联合国、北大西洋公约组织、布雷敦森林货币体制及全球范围的联盟网络。剑桥国际Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.北大西洋和北海有鳕鱼生存。剑桥国际Mackerel are found in the N Atlantic.鲭产于北大西洋。剑桥国际Most western European nations are signatories to / of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.大多数的西欧国家是北大西洋公约组织的签约国。剑桥国际NATO is a supranational organization.北大西洋公约组织是一个超国家的组织。剑桥国际The president's speech came at the opening session of the two-day NATO summit in Rome.总统在罗马召开的为期两天的北大西洋公约组织峰会开幕式上演讲。剑桥国际




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