

单词 北地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Axel Heiberg〕An island of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean west of Ellesmere Island.阿克塞尔:加拿大西北地区北部的一个岛,位于埃尔斯米尔岛西部的北冰洋中美国传统〔Baffin Island〕An island of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, west of Greenland. It is the fifth-largest island in the world.巴芬岛:加拿大西北地区东北部的一个岛屿,位于格陵兰岛西部,是世界第五大岛屿美国传统〔Baffin〕A region of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, including Baffin Island, the Queen Elizabeth and Parry islands, and Melville Peninsula.巴芬:位于加拿大西北地区东北部的一个地区,包括巴芬岛、伊丽莎白女王岛和帕里岛,以及梅尔维尔半岛美国传统〔Bathurst Island〕An island of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Parry Islands northwest of Baffin Island.巴德斯特岛:加拿大西北地区北部的一个岛,属巴芬岛西北的帕立群岛中的一个岛美国传统〔Christmas〕During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.在圣诞假日期间,东北地区和佛罗里达州之间的交通十分繁忙。柯林斯高阶〔Devon Island〕An island of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, between Baffin and Ellesmere islands.德文岛:加拿大西北地区东北的一个岛,位于巴芬岛和埃尔斯米尔岛之间美国传统〔FOREIGN〕Much of the wood harvested in the northwest is shipped overseas. 西北地区砍伐的木材大部分都被船运至海外。朗文写作活用〔Fort Smith〕A region of southwest Northwest Territories, Canada, including Great Slave Lake and most of Great Bear Lake.史密斯堡:加拿大西北地区西南部的一个地区,包括大奴湖和大熊湖的大部美国传统〔Foxe Basin〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between the Melville Peninsula and Baffin Island in Northwest Territories, Canada.福克斯湾:大西洋麦维尔半岛与巴芬岛之间的狭长港湾,位于加拿大的西北地区美国传统〔Inuvik〕A region of northwest Northwest Territories, Canada. It is crossed by the Mackenzie River.伊努维克:加拿大西北地方西北部一地区。马更些河横穿其间美国传统〔Kitikmeot〕A region of central Northwest Territories, Canada, including a portion of the northern mainland and Victoria and King William islands.基蒂克梅奥特:加拿大西北地区中部一地区,包括大陆北端的一部分、维多利亚群岛和威廉王群岛美国传统〔Lancaster Sound〕An arm of Baffin Bay between northern Baffin Island and southern Devon Island in Northwest Territories, Canada.兰开斯特海峡:加拿大西北地区巴芬湾的一个分支,位于北边的德文岛和南边的巴芬岛之间美国传统〔Mackenzie District〕A former district of western and central Northwest Territories, Canada, now divided mainly between Inuvik and Fort Smith districts.马更些区:原为加拿大西北地区的中西部一行政区,现主要分属伊努维克和史密斯堡地区美国传统〔Nettilling Lake〕A freshwater lake of south-central Baffin Island in the eastern Northwest Territories, Canada. It is frozen most of the year.内蒂灵湖:加拿大西北地区东部的一个淡水湖,位于巴芬岛中南部。常年结冰美国传统〔Parry Channel〕A water route through the central Arctic Archipelago of Northwest Territories, Canada, linking Baffin Bay on the east with the Beaufort Sea on the west.帕里航道:加拿大西北地区穿越北极群岛中部一条水路,连接了东部的巴芬湾和西部的波弗特海美国传统〔Parry Islands〕A group of islands of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean north of Victoria Island.帕里群岛:加拿大西北地区北部的一群岛屿,位于维多利亚岛北部的北冰洋中美国传统〔SPREAD〕The forest fires in the Northwest are spreading out of control. 西北地区的森林大火在蔓延,渐渐失去了控制。朗文写作活用〔Somerset Island〕An island of Northwest Territories, Canada, separated from Boothia Peninsula by a narrow strait.萨默塞特岛:加拿大西北地区的一岛屿,被一条狭窄的海峡从布斯亚半岛分开美国传统〔Sverdrup Islands〕A group of islands of the northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean west of Ellesmere Island.斯弗德鲁普群岛:加拿大西北地区北部的一群岛屿,位于埃尔斯米尔岛西部的北冰洋中美国传统〔Yurok〕A Native American people inhabiting northwest California along the Pacific coast and lower Klamath River.尤罗克族:一支美洲土著民族,居住在沿太平洋海岸和克拉马斯河下游的加利福尼亚西北地区美国传统〔bread basket〕The north-west became the country's bread-basket.西北地区成为该国的大粮仓。柯林斯高阶〔bread basket〕The northwest became the country's bread basket.西北地区成为了该国的主要粮食产地。外研社新世纪〔cisalpine〕Cisalpine Gaul 山南高卢(古地区名,或称内高卢,包括今意大利北部阿尔卑斯山以南、卢比孔河[Rubicon]以北地区)英汉大词典〔latitude〕The army must cease military operations above 36 degrees latitude north.军队必须终止在北纬36度以北地区的军事行动。外研社新世纪〔latitude〕The army must cease military operations above 36 degrees latitude north.在北纬36度以北地区,军队必须停止军事行动。柯林斯高阶〔north-northeast〕In, from, or toward the north-northeast.在,来自或朝东北偏北地美国传统〔north-northwest〕In, from, or toward the north-northwest.在,来自或朝西北偏北地美国传统〔northeastern〕Northeastern China 中国东北地区剑桥高阶〔northeastward〕Toward, to, or in the northeast.向东北地(的):向,去,或在东北方向地(的)美国传统〔northward〕Toward, to, or in the north.向北地(的):向、朝或在北方地(的)美国传统〔northwest by north〕Toward or from northwest by north.西北偏北地(的):朝或来自西北偏北地(的)美国传统〔northwestward〕Toward, to, or in the northwest.朝西北地(的):朝,向或在西北地(的)美国传统〔northwest〕In, from, or toward the northwest.西北地,来自或朝西北地美国传统〔northwest〕We traveled throughout the Northwest.我们游遍了美国西北地区。韦氏高阶〔north〕In, from, or toward the north.在,从或朝北地美国传统〔open〕We shall open up the resources of the northwestern areas of our country.我们将开发我国西北地区的资源。英汉大词典〔preside〕Mr Justice Waller, presiding judge for the northeast 沃勒法官,东北地区的首席法官朗文当代〔pure〕The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.她高昂纯净的嗓音使人想起极北地区滴水成冰的寒冷与清冽。柯林斯高阶〔purity〕The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.她完美的高音使人联想起远北地区的冰天雪地。外研社新世纪〔redundancy〕The economic downturn has meant 10,000 redundancies in the Northeast.由于经济衰退,东北地区有一万人失业。剑桥高阶〔sourdough〕An early settler or prospector, especially in Alaska and northwest Canada.探矿者:早期移民或探矿者,尤指美国阿拉斯加及加拿大西北地区者美国传统〔ultima Thule〕The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers.极北地区:古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区美国传统The report concerned plans to build reservoirs and pumping stations to irrigate land in the northeastern region.这份报告是关于建造水库和泵站来灌溉东北地区土地的计划。剑桥国际Three companies have been struggling to win the same prize -- the TV franchise for the north-west.三家公司在争取赢得同一个竞争目标----在西北地区经营电视业务的特许权。剑桥国际




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