

单词 半山腰
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back. 他们已爬到半山腰,天气变得很糟,他们被迫返回。朗文写作活用〔bivouac〕The climbers bivouacked halfway up the mountain.登山者在半山腰上露营。朗文当代〔blot out〕About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.当这3个登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕I had to stop about halfway up the hill and catch my breath.我不得不在大约半山腰的地方停下来喘口气。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕When the sun catches these walks, it makes the hillside look like rich green corduroy.当阳光照射到这些山径的时候,半山腰看上去呈现出缕缕翠绿色的条纹。英汉大词典〔conk out〕The climbers were half way up the mountain when two of them conked out and had to turn back.登山队员爬到半山腰时,其中两人筋疲力尽,只得折回。21世纪英汉〔down〕Their house is halfway down the hill.他们的房子坐落在半山腰。英汉大词典〔exhausted〕The exhausted hikers stopped to rest halfway up the mountain.疲惫不堪的徒步旅行者在半山腰停下来休息。英汉大词典〔gear〕Halfway up the hill, my bike slipped out of gear.骑到半山腰,我的自行车就掉挡了。韦氏高阶〔give〕The bus gave out halfway up the hill.公共汽车驶到半山腰熄火抛锚了。英汉大词典〔hollow〕The cave has been hollowed out of the mountainside.窰洞是在半山腰挖成的。牛津高阶〔mountain〕She arranged to meet the others halfway up the mountain.她安排在半山腰与其他人碰头。牛津搭配〔part way〕She was on the hillside, part way up.她在半山腰。外研社新世纪〔part way〕She was on the hillside, part way up.她在半山腰上。柯林斯高阶〔peak〕The climbers made camp halfway up the peak.登山者在半山腰设置营地。牛津高阶〔side〕The house is halfway up the side of the hill.那座房子在半山腰。英汉大词典〔stall〕The car stalled when I was half way up the hill.我的车开到半山腰时抛锚了。英汉大词典〔stop〕The path stops about halfway up the mountain.小路到半山腰就到了尽头。韦氏高阶Even the most stouthearted of climbers have had to turn back half way up this mountain.即使是最勇敢的登山者,这座山爬到半山腰也不得不折回。剑桥国际My car stalled half way up the hill. 我的车子开到半山腰抛锚了。译典通Rescuers have been hampered by the fact that the plane crashed on a heavily-wooded hillside.飞机撞到长满树木的半山腰上,救援者因此而受到阻碍。剑桥国际The silence half way up the mountain was quite unearthly.在半山腰时那寂静很怕人。剑桥国际Their house is half-way down the hill. 他们的房子座落在半山腰。译典通




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