

单词 在花园中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕Digging in the garden, she came across some pieces of bone. 她在花园中掘土时无意间发现了几块骨头。朗文写作活用〔alcove〕A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden.凉亭:一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭美国传统〔battle〕I'd rather not do battle with the Sunday hordes at the garden centre.我可不想和周日混迹在花园中心的那帮人较量。外研社新世纪〔chatter〕The sparrows are chattering in the garden.麻雀在花园中唧唧喳喳地叫。21世纪英汉〔garden〕We planted the garden with wild flowers.我们在花园中种了野花。牛津搭配〔gnome〕I don't think garden gnomes are in very good taste.我觉得在花园中摆设守护神塑像品位有点低俗。剑桥高阶〔leisurely〕We took a leisurely stroll through the gardens.我们在花园中漫步。外研社新世纪〔loosen〕He is loosening the soil in his garden.他在花园中松土。21世纪英汉〔race about〕They raced about the garden watering the flowers.他们在花园中跑来跑去给花浇水。21世纪英汉〔romp〕The children romped happily around/about in the garden.孩子们高兴地在花园中嬉笑打闹。剑桥高阶〔weed〕A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted, as in a garden.杂草:被认为是不想要的、没有吸引力的或令人讨厌的一种植物,尤指长在人们想要的地方,如在花园中美国传统It was so warm we stayed (out) in the garden until ten that night.那晚天气非常暖和,我们在花园中一直呆到10点。剑桥国际The children romped happily around/about in the garden.孩子们在花园中愉快地嬉戏。剑桥国际We sat in the garden hulling strawberries.我们坐在花园中剥草莓的萼。剑桥国际When I got there Mark was snoozing on a blanket in the garden.我到那儿的时候,马克正躺在花园中的毯子上打盹。剑桥国际You should buy a bag of well-rotted manure and spread it on the garden.你应该买一袋沤软的肥料,撒在花园中。剑桥国际




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