

单词 初步
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products. 初步的市场研究显示大部分美国人愿意选用对环境无害的产品。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕The architect's plans are still in the preliminary stages. 建筑师的设计仍处于初步阶段。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕These meetings are useful for kicking around preliminary ideas. 这些会议很有用,可以对初步的想法进行探讨。朗文写作活用〔PSAT〕Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.学业能力初步测验美国传统〔Super Tuesday〕The day on which, in a presidential election year, a number of states hold their primary presidential elections.总统选举日,超级星期二:总统选举年中某些州举行初步总统选举的那一天美国传统〔abecedarian〕Elementary or rudimentary.基本的,初步的美国传统〔adumbrate〕The traditional view was first adumbrated in the eighteenth century.这传统观念在18世纪开始初步形成。英汉大词典〔comprehensive〕Abbr. comp.A preliminary layout showing all the elements planned for an advertisement.缩写 comp.初步设计:显示设计广告所需全部要素的初步轮廓美国传统〔conclusion〕Only tentative conclusions can be drawn from these results.根据这些结果只能得出初步的结论。牛津搭配〔contention〕The talks will only reach an early agreement by leaving aside the issues in contention.会谈只有搁置这些争论才能达成初步的协议。外研社新世纪〔design〕We reviewed the preliminary design for the new stadium.我们审核了这座新体育场的初步设计图。韦氏高阶〔diagnosis〕His doctor made an initial diagnosis of pneumonia.医生初步诊断他得了肺炎。韦氏高阶〔diagnosis〕The doctor has made an initial diagnosis.医生已经作出了初步诊断。剑桥高阶〔diagnosis〕Without the results of the test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis.没有检验结果,医生只能作出初步的诊断。牛津搭配〔embryo〕It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.这只是初步的想法, 并非成形的提案。外研社新世纪〔embryo〕It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.这只是初步的想法,并非成形的提议。柯林斯高阶〔encouraging〕The early results are encouraging.初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。英汉大词典〔finding〕He will present his preliminary findings at the conference.他将在会上提交他初步的研究结果。牛津搭配〔first fruits〕The deal is one of the first fruits of a liberalization of foreign investment law.这笔交易是放宽外国投资法限制后的初步成果之一。外研社新世纪〔first fruits〕The first results of an undertaking.(工作、活动的)最初成果;初步效益美国传统〔first fruit〕These improvements in quality are the first fruits of our investment.质量上的改善是我们投资取得的初步成果。剑桥高阶〔first papers〕The documents first filed by one applying for U.S. citizenship.初步申请书:申请美国国籍时第一次填写的文件美国传统〔firstfruits〕This book is the firstfruits of many year's study.这本书是多年研究的初步成果。英汉大词典〔foray〕Emporio Armani, the Italian fashion house, has made a discreet foray into furnishings.意大利时装品牌安普里奥•阿玛尼为进军家居用品市场做了谨慎的初步尝试。外研社新世纪〔fortify〕His initial success fortified his resolve to be a scientist.他的初步成就增强了他当科学家的决心。英汉大词典〔fruit〕This project is one of the first fruits of commercial co-operation between the two countries.这个项目是两国商业合作的初步成果之一。柯林斯高阶〔get past〕Your application has got past the first stage and will now be examined by the committee.你的申请已经初步通过,现在将由委员会审查。21世纪英汉〔glimpse〕As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。柯林斯高阶〔hearing〕A preliminary examination of an accused person.预审:对被指控的人的初步审查美国传统〔identify〕All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines.这 3 座建筑全都建于 3 世纪,并且被初步鉴定为神庙。牛津搭配〔implementation〕The new regulations are still in the early implementation phase.新规定还处在初步实施阶段。牛津搭配〔indication〕Preliminary indications are that the tape is authentic.初步迹象表明这盘磁带是真实可信的。牛津搭配〔initial〕The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。柯林斯高阶〔initial〕The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目的是澄清这些问题。外研社新世纪〔initiate〕One who has been introduced to or has attained knowledge in a particular field.被传授了初步知识的人:已被引入或熟悉某一特定领域知识的人美国传统〔initiate〕The book was written to initiate outsiders in(to) the mysteries of the trade.写这本书是为了让外行初步了解这一行业的奥秘。英汉大词典〔initiatory〕Introductory; initial.初步的;介绍性的美国传统〔introduce〕She helped to introduce Americans to European fashions. = She helped to introduce European fashions to America.她使美国人初步了解了欧洲时尚。韦氏高阶〔introduce〕The class introduces students to computer programming.这门课程让学生们初步了解计算机编程。韦氏高阶〔investigation〕After conducting preliminary investigations, government lawyers will set out areas of concern.完成初步调查以后,政府律师将对关注领域进行阐述。牛津搭配〔negotiating table〕The decision to return to the negotiating table marks an early victory for trade unions.回到谈判桌旁的决定标志着工会的初步胜利。柯林斯高阶〔nucleus〕He had the nucleus of a good plan, but it required working out.他初步设想了一个很好的计划,但尚须详尽制订出来。英汉大词典〔organize〕The initial mobilisation was well organised.初步动员安排到位。柯林斯高阶〔outlay〕The initial outlay for the program will be 2.4 million dollars.这个方案的初步费用将达到240万美元。韦氏高阶〔pedagogy〕Preparatory training or instruction.初步的训练或指导美国传统〔preliminary〕Preliminary findings/studies/tests show that the drug could help patients with skin cancer.初步发现/研究/试验表明这种药对皮肤癌患者有帮助。韦氏高阶〔preliminary〕Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.初步结果显示共和党获得了11%的选票。外研社新世纪〔preliminary〕Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.初步结果显示共和党获得了11%的选票。柯林斯高阶〔preliminary〕Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday.昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。柯林斯高阶〔preliminary〕Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business; introductory or prefatory.开头的,初步的:先于主要事件、行动或业务的或为其作准备的;预备性的或前面的美国传统〔preliminary〕Something that precedes, prepares for, or introduces the main matter, action, or business.开端,初步:先于、准备或介绍主要事件、行动或业务的事美国传统〔preliminary〕They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible terrorist attack.他们正在为应付一次可能的恐怖袭击作初步的准备。英汉大词典〔preliminary〕We've decided to change the design based on our preliminary findings.我们决定依据初步调查的结果对设计方案进行更改。剑桥高阶〔preliminary〕We’ll go ahead if the preliminary survey is encouraging.如果初步的调查令人鼓舞,我们就会进行。牛津同义词〔preview〕An introductory or preliminary message, sample, or overview; a foretaste.预告:介绍性或初步的信息,标本或概述;象征,预示美国传统〔prima facie case〕A case in which the evidence presented is sufficient for a judgment to be made unless the evidence is contested.初步证据确实的案件:所提供的证据足够作出判决的案件,除非在证据被反驳的情况下此结论是成立的美国传统〔prima facie evidence〕Evidence that would, if uncontested, establish a fact or raise a presumption of a fact.初步证据:如对方反证驳不倒即证明事实为真实或事实被认定的证据美国传统〔prima facie〕Prima facie, there is a strong case against him.据初步认定,证据对他极其不利。牛津高阶〔prima facie〕There is prima facie evidence that he was involved in the fraud.有初步证据证明他参与了这场骗局。剑桥高阶〔prima facie〕You have a strong prima facie case of fraud.你的这起案件已经充分初步证明是诈骗案。外研社新世纪〔reconnaissance〕Spotter planes made a preliminary aerial reconnaissance of the island.侦察机对该岛进行了初步的空中侦察牛津搭配〔result〕Preliminary results suggest that there is no cause for concern.初步结果表明现在还不必担心。牛津搭配〔rough〕I've roughed out a few ideas.我已有几个初步设想。牛津高阶〔rough〕We'd worked out a rough plan of campaign.我们已制订了初步的作战方案。外研社新世纪〔rudimentary〕He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.他对这一科只有初步的认识。牛津同义词〔rudimentary〕Of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary.基本的,初步的;有关基本事实或原理的美国传统〔screen〕A system for preliminary appraisal and selection of personnel as to their suitability for particular jobs.初选,遴选:一种初步的审查和筛选人员的系统,以决定他们是否适应某一特定工作美国传统〔sketch〕A hasty or undetailed drawing or painting often made as a preliminary study.略图:作为初步研究而画的草图或大略图形美国传统〔subjectively〕Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer.我们的初步结果显示,人们的确在主观上感觉演讲表达得更清晰明了了。柯林斯高阶〔successfully〕The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests.医生们成功完成了初步试验。外研社新世纪〔taster〕The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。外研社新世纪〔taster〕The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。柯林斯高阶〔tease〕A preliminary remark or act intended to whet the curiosity.挑逗的话,挑逗的行为:为刺激好奇心的初步言论或行动美国传统〔tentatively〕Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。柯林斯高阶〔tentative〕I passed on my tentative conclusions to the police.我把我的初步结论递交给了警方。朗文当代〔toehold〕Family connections gave her a toehold in politics.家庭关系使她在政治上获得了初步的立脚点美国传统〔toehold〕Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market.三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。柯林斯高阶〔toehold〕The company has gained a toehold in the competitive computer market.该公司在竞争激烈的计算机市场初步站稳了脚根。朗文当代〔toehold〕The socialist party gained a toehold in the local elections.社会党在地方选举中获得初步的立脚点。英汉大词典〔track〕We've had the initial test results and it looks as though we're on the right track.我们有了初步的试验结果,好像我们的思路是正确的。朗文当代〔underline〕It should be underlined that these are only preliminary findings.需要强调的是,这些只是初步的研究结果。牛津高阶〔vintage〕The initial stages of winemaking.初期阶断:制酒的初步阶段美国传统After looking at all the applications, we reached the tentative conclusion that three or four people might be worth interviewing.审阅了所有的申请表后,我们的初步结论是有三四个人值得面试。剑桥国际For millions of Americans witnessing the event it was a prima facie case of police brutality.由于数百万美国人亲眼目睹了这起事件,它成了初步证据确凿的警察施暴案件。剑桥国际He initiated his son into the game of chess. 他把下棋的初步知识教给儿子。译典通Her knowledge is still only rudimentary.她的知识仍然只是初步的。剑桥国际I have only a rudimentary grasp of chemistry. 我只掌握了化学的初步知识。译典通I've roughed out a few ideas.我已经有了几个初步设想。牛津商务She had a child's inchoate awareness of language.她有孩子的对语言的初步意识。剑桥国际The candidate's brain trust is gathering this weekend to plan strategy for the primary election.候选人的智囊团这个周末要聚会策划初步选举的策略。剑桥国际The committee will issue its initial findings tomorrow.委员会将在明天发表其初步的调查结果。牛津商务The initial estimate for the project was ¥12 bn.对这项工程的初步估计是 120 亿日元。牛津商务The investigator now has a working hypothesis of what caused the accident.调查人员对事故的起因现在有了初步的意见。牛津商务The share sale has been pencilled in for April.股票发售初步确定在四月份。牛津商务There is prima facie evidence that he was involved in the fraud.有初步证据证明他卷入了这场骗局。剑桥国际These improvements in quality are the first fruits of our investment.这些质量方面的提高是我们投资的初步收益。剑桥国际They pencilled her name in on the preliminary list of speakers.他们把她的名字先列入发言人的初步名单上。剑桥国际Two independent mediators drew up a draft settlement.两个独立调解人起草了初步处理方案。牛津商务We achieved most of the project's initial aims though I wouldn't say that it's been an unqualified success.我们完成了这个项目初步目标的大部分, 虽然我不会说这已经是绝对的成功。剑桥国际We have carried out a preliminary analysis of potential takeover targets.我们对潜在的收购目标进行了初步分析。牛津商务




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