

单词 初期的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW〕The high early viewing figures bode well for writers Lane and Harvey, who hope to achieve network success. 初期的浏览人数很多,这对莱恩和哈维两位作者来说是好兆头,他们希望在网络上取得成功。朗文写作活用〔early〕It's best not to rush things this early in your career.在你事业还处于这么初期的时候,最好不要仓促行事。麦克米伦高阶〔early〕She was a poet living in the early 15th century.她是一位生活在15世纪初期的诗人。剑桥高阶〔encouraged〕Our early success left us feeling hopeful and encouraged.初期的成功给了我们希望和鼓舞。韦氏高阶〔fanciful〕The economic gloom of the early 1980s was relieved by fanciful architecture.20 世纪 80 年代初期的经济萧条气氛因各种奇异古怪建筑的出现而有所缓解。柯林斯高阶〔icebreaker〕This game is an effective icebreaker at the beginning of a semester.这场比赛可以有效地活跃开学初期的气氛。朗文当代〔inceptive〕Incipient; beginning.初期的;开始的美国传统〔initial〕The initial reaction has been excellent.初期的反应非常好。柯林斯高阶〔optimism〕The early sales reports are cause/reason/grounds for optimism.初期的销售报告让人们有理由持乐观态度。韦氏高阶〔outlay〕The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。牛津高阶〔plateau〕After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.初期的上升进程之后,发展陡然平稳下来。21世纪英汉〔reprint〕The publisher does reprints of books written in the early 1900s.这家出版商的确对20世纪初期的图书进行了再版。韦氏高阶〔sit pretty〕He bought stock in the company early on, and now he is sitting pretty.他买了公司初期的股票,现在形势非常好。韦氏高阶〔truth〕Early independence leaders were in truth little better than rebels.初期的独立运动领导人其实比叛乱分子好不了多少。朗文当代〔white hope〕Someone, especially a beginning competitor, whom supporters hope will achieve great success.被寄予厚望者:被支持者们寄予希望能获得巨大成功的人,尤其指初期的竞争者美国传统




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