

单词 创造力
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕We're looking for creative self-starters with at least three years’ experience. 我们想招聘一些工作积极主动、有创造力的人,他们至少要有三年的工作经验。朗文写作活用〔ART/CULTURE〕Davis was one of the most creative jazz musicians of our time. 戴维斯是我们那个时代最有创造力的爵士音乐家之一。朗文写作活用〔ART/CULTURE〕Ed, you are so creative - where did you learn to draw like that? 埃德,你真有创造力啊—你那样画是从哪里学的?朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕One of the best new players, he shows flair and creativity at the game. 作为最出色的新球员之一,他显示出了在这项运动方面的天赋和创造力。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕These figures are some of the most inventive of all African tribal sculptures. 这些雕像是所有非洲部落雕塑中最富于创造力的几件。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕We need someone creative and enthusiastic to take this project forward. 我们需要个富于创造力和富有热情的人来推行这项计划。朗文写作活用〔Logos〕In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.圣子:在圣经犹太教中的上帝这个词,这个词本身有创造力,上帝通过它与人类沟通美国传统〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕Pruitt says that for him, fatherhood is creative and fulfilling. 普鲁伊特说,对于他来说,为人父可以发掘创造力,令人有满足感。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕A cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind. 桌子凌乱是创造力的表现。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The person we are looking for must be flexible, creative, and able to assimilate new ideas. 我们要找的人必须灵活,富有创造力,能够很快地吸收新思想。朗文写作活用〔burst〕Some people experience bursts of energy and creativity in the spring.有些人在春天感觉到精力和创造力的涌动。外研社新世纪〔channel〕Art provides a channel for creativity.艺术是表现创造力的一种方式。韦氏高阶〔channel〕Art provides a channel for the children's creativity.艺术是儿童发挥创造力的一种方式。朗文当代〔channel〕She was seeking a channel for her creative energies.她在寻找能发挥其创造力的渠道。麦克米伦高阶〔clairvoyance〕Poets, painters and creative people know that there is often a high price to pay for their clairvoyance.诗人、画家和有创造力的人知道他们常常需要为自己的洞察力付出很高的代价。外研社新世纪〔concur〕This concurs with the view that free will and creativity are closely related.这印证了自由意志与创造力紧密相关的观点。外研社新世纪〔creatively〕Like so many creative people he was never satisfied.像许多富于创造力的人一样,他从不满足。柯林斯高阶〔creative〕He was a creative genius.他是一位很有创造力的天才。麦克米伦高阶〔creative〕Human beings are creative animals.人类是有创造力的动物美国传统〔creative〕I don't always feel creative.我并不总是感觉自己有创造力。牛津搭配〔creative〕She has one of the most creative minds in the business.她是行业内最富创造力的人之一。韦氏高阶〔creative〕She's very creative—she writes poetry and paints.她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。牛津高阶〔creative〕We offer people the opportunity to be creative.我们给人们提供发挥创造力的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔creative〕You're so creative! I could never make my own clothes.你真有创造力! 我从来不会自己做衣服。朗文当代〔creativity〕A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity.好的老师能够激发学生的艺术创造力。牛津搭配〔creativity〕Certain situations can foster creativity.某些情况会促进创造力。外研社新世纪〔creativity〕I wanted an agency that had real creativity.我想要一个真正富有创造力的机构。牛津搭配〔creativity〕It was his way of expressing his creativity.这是他自己表达创造力的方式。牛津搭配〔creativity〕Teachers have been attacked for stifling creativity in their pupils.教师被人批评压抑了学生的创造力。朗文当代〔creativity〕This rigid approach stifles creativity.这种僵化的方法扼杀创造力。牛津搭配〔demiurge〕A powerful creative force or personality.强有力者:强有力的创造力量或人物美国传统〔endlessly〕He is gloriously talented, endlessly inventive.他极富才华, 且创造力无穷。外研社新世纪〔enterprise〕We're looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.我们在寻找有事业心和创造力的年轻人。朗文当代〔entertaining〕Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.米罗是最具创造力和娱乐性的超现实主义画家。柯林斯高阶〔express〕The children are expressing themselves in play.孩子们在游戏中表露自己的创造力。英汉大词典〔exuberant〕This is bold and exuberant cooking.这是一次大胆而富有创造力的烹饪。外研社新世纪〔genius〕Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.高智力:超常的智力和创造力美国传统〔gumption〕Boldness of enterprise; initiative or aggressiveness.事业心,魄力:果敢的事业心;创造力或进取精神美国传统〔imagination〕His fascinating characters are the products of a fertile imagination.他笔下那些具有魅力的人物,是丰富的创造力的产物。英汉大词典〔imagination〕It's a job that needs someone with a bit of imagination.做这项工作需要有一点儿创造力。剑桥高阶〔individual〕Like many creative individuals, she can be very bad-tempered.像许多富有创造力的人一样,她的脾气有时会很不好。剑桥高阶〔inimical〕Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression.过度的管制不利于表现创造力。剑桥高阶〔invention〕An author must have rich invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有丰富的创造力,才能为故事构思出新意。英汉大词典〔invention〕By comparison, British artists seemed to lack imagination and invention.相比之下,英国艺术家似乎缺乏想象力和创造力。麦克米伦高阶〔invention〕Generations of readers have delighted in his wonderful powers of invention.一代又一代的读者都喜欢他非同寻常的创造力。外研社新世纪〔invention〕John was full of invention—always making up new dance steps and sequences.约翰有丰富的创造力 — 总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。牛津高阶〔invention〕With such powers of invention he should get a job easily.他创造力这么强,应该很容易找到工作。朗文当代〔inventive〕She inspired me to be more inventive with my cooking.她启发我在烹饪上更有创造力。外研社新世纪〔ire〕Petty restrictions easily raised/aroused the ire of such a creative artist.种种琐碎的约束很容易激怒这样一位如此富有创造力的艺术家。剑桥高阶〔juice〕She came up with some great ideas when her creative juices started flowing.她一发挥创造力,总会提出一些很好的想法。韦氏高阶〔knock sth out of sb〕Any creativity I had was soon knocked out of me at school.在学校,我所拥有的任何一点创造力都很快丧失殆尽。剑桥高阶〔left-brained〕Of or relating to a person whose behavior is dominated by logic, analytical thinking, and verbal communication, rather than emotion and creativity.左脑型人的:行为举止主要受逻辑、分析型思维及语言交流支配而不是情感及创造力的人的或与其相关的美国传统〔madness〕There may be a link between madness and creativity.在疯狂和创造力之间也许有着某种联系。牛津高阶〔new〕She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas.她极富创造力,总会想出新点子。剑桥高阶〔nothing〕Hollywood is nothing if not creative, especially if someone else will pick up the bills.好莱坞是极有创造力的地方,尤其是如果有人肯埋单的话。柯林斯高阶〔numen〕Creative energy; genius.创造力;天才美国传统〔nurture〕Teachers should nurture their students' creativity.教师应该培养学生的创造力。韦氏高阶〔originality〕Her originality and inventiveness had always set her apart.她的创造力和别出心裁使她总是与众不同。外研社新世纪〔original〕She has a very original and creative mind.她非常富有创造力。韦氏高阶〔outlet〕Many young people find music their best outlet for creative expression.许多年轻人发现音乐是他们表现创造力的渠道。麦克米伦高阶〔prevail〕I admired the creativity which prevailed among the young writers.我钦佩青年作家的那种创造力。朗文当代〔productive〕Internet sources have proved extremely productive.因特网资源被证明是极有创造力的。牛津搭配〔province〕Creativity was once considered the province of a chosen few.创造力一度被认为是少数人独有的才华。牛津搭配〔regard〕I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。柯林斯高阶〔release〕Becoming your own person releases your creativity.保持自己的本色才有助于发挥自身创造力。柯林斯高阶〔resourceful〕Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.机敏的:能有效或有创造力地行动,尤指在困难情况下美国传统〔room〕Children need to have room to develop their natural creativity.儿童需要空间来发挥他们天生的创造力。朗文当代〔run〕Her creativity has run dry.她的创造力已经枯竭了。韦氏高阶〔showstopper〕Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家不同凡响,令人叹服。柯林斯高阶〔showstopper〕Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家令人叹为观止。外研社新世纪〔spark〕The performance was short on spark and creativity.表演缺少活力和创造力。麦克米伦高阶〔squelch〕Her creativity had been squelched.她的创造力受到了压制。朗文当代〔sterile〕Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality.枯燥无味的:缺少想象力、创造力或生气的美国传统〔stifle〕Fear stifles creativity.恐惧会扼杀创造力。外研社新世纪〔stifle〕Regulations on children stifled creativity.给孩子们定的各种规矩扼杀了他们的创造力。柯林斯高阶〔tap into〕The essence of the workshops is to enable the participant to tap into their own creativity.研讨班的主旨就是使参加者充分发挥他们自己的创造力。外研社新世纪〔technician〕As a painter, he was more than just a technician; he was a creative genius.作为画家,他不仅仅是个能工巧匠,更是个有创造力的天才。韦氏高阶〔technique〕She's a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the technique of a truly great performer.她是一个很有创造力的舞蹈演员,但她缺乏一个真正伟大的舞蹈家的技巧。剑桥高阶〔ten out of ten〕I'll give them ten out of ten for creativity.我会给他们的创造力打满分。韦氏高阶〔thrive〕Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.有创造力的人通常意志坚定, 能够享受克服障碍的过程。外研社新世纪〔trait〕Creativity is a human trait.创造力是人类的一种特性。外研社新世纪〔trait〕Creativity is a human trait.创造力是人类的一种特性。柯林斯高阶〔unlock〕This class will unlock your creativity.这门课程将开启你的创造力。韦氏高阶〔unshackle〕We need to unshackle our creativity.我们需要解放我们的创造力。韦氏高阶〔way〕Most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力。牛津搭配〔when〕There are times when she is very creative.有时候她很有创造力。文馨英汉〔wild〕Be creative – allow your imagination to run wild .发挥你的创造力 — 让你的想象力自由飞翔。朗文当代〔yeasty〕Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.生气勃勃的:充满活力的或多产的;创造力旺盛的美国传统An author must have invention to think up new ideas for stories. 作家必须具有为故事构思新意的创造力。译典通Creativity is being strangled by financial pressures. 创造力被经济上的重重压力抑制住了。译典通Creativity, ingenuity and flair are the songwriter's real talents.创造力,巧思和天赋是这作曲家真正具备的才能。剑桥国际Like many creative individuals she can be very bad-tempered.像许多富有创造力的人一样,她的脾气有时会很坏。剑桥国际Our competitive advantage lies in our innovation, creativity and entrepreneurialism.我们的竞争优势在于我们的创新、创造力和创业精神。牛津商务Petty restrictions easily raised/aroused the ire of such a creative artist.小小的限制很容易激起这样一位富有创造力的艺术家的怒火。剑桥国际She has been described as the creative colossus of the literary world.她被誉为文学界里创造力的巨匠。剑桥国际So many boring new buildings reveal a complete lack of imagination on the part of their architects.这么多外形单调的新建筑物说明它们的建筑师完全缺乏创造力。剑桥国际The new company is so creative it will soon make up for lost time.这家新公司很有创造力,它很快就会把耽误的时间补回来。牛津商务The office blocks now going up use space more inventively.在建的办公楼对空间的利用更显示出创造力。剑桥国际The team responded inventively to the challenge of creating an environmentally friendly vehicle.这个小组对要发明一种对环境有利车辆的挑战作出了富有创造力的反应。剑桥国际There is a disappointing poverty of creativity in their work.他们的工作令人失望地缺乏创造力。剑桥国际




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