

单词 创记录
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cleave〕The vessel cleft the billowing sea at record speed.船以创记录速度破浪前进。英汉大词典〔duplicate〕The record-breaking harvest of 1975 may not be duplicated this year.今年不可能再获得1975年那种创记录的丰收。英汉大词典A German produced the sensation of the championships yesterday by beating the world champion to win the women's 100 metres in record time.一名德国人昨天以创记录的时间打败世界冠军赢得女子100米赛,成为锦标赛的轰动新闻。剑桥国际Company profits are rising and it looks as though this is going to be a record-breaking year.公司利润在上升,看起来今年要成为创记录的一年。剑桥国际He won the 100 metres in record time.他以创记录的时间赢得了100米跑的胜利。剑桥国际In 1963 there was one of the longest cold spells ever recorded in the British Isles.不列颠群岛在1963年曾经有过一次创记录的长久寒冷期。剑桥国际Our profits hit (=reached) an all-time high of £ 20 million last year.我们去年的利润高达创记录的二千万英镑。剑桥国际The next task is to weld the players into a force capable of maintaining the record set last year.下一个任务是将运动员们组成一个能够保持去年所创记录的队伍。剑桥国际




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