

单词 分红
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bonus〕All workers participate in the bonus scheme.所有工人都参加分红计划。牛津搭配〔color-blind〕Many color-blind people cannot distinguish between red and green.许多色盲的人无法区分红色和绿色。韦氏高阶〔cut〕By the time the organizers have had their cut, there won't be much left.组织者们分红后,就会所剩无几。牛津搭配〔differentiate〕Neil is colour-blind and cannot differentiate between red and green.尼尔是色盲,无法区分红色和绿色。麦克米伦高阶〔merchandiser〕In 1979, Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser.1979年,Liquor Barn 烈酒折扣店的生意十分红火。柯林斯高阶〔motivate〕The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.利润分红计划旨在激励员工努力工作。朗文当代〔notice〕Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。外研社新世纪〔notice〕Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。柯林斯高阶〔payout〕A percentage of corporate earnings that is paid as dividends to shareholders.分红:法人团体收入中付给股东的红利百分数美国传统〔profit sharing〕A system by which employees receive a share of the profits of a business enterprise.分红制:雇员可分得其所在商业企业经营利润的一部分的制度美国传统〔share〕The stock dividend would increase the company's outstanding shares to a total of 1 100 000.股票分红可以将公司已发行股票的总量增至 110 万股。牛津搭配〔split〕We split the profits.我们摊分红利。牛津同义词〔thing〕Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.那些拿分红而不是领薪水的董事可能会认为他们现在日子是好过,但是到退休时可能就有麻烦了。朗文当代〔underlie〕Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock.优先股比普通股享有优先分红权美国传统〔vested〕Shareholders have a vested right to 10% per annum.股东享有每年 10% 分红的既定权利。朗文当代〔with-profits〕Returns on with-profits bonds have improved.分红式债券的收益已有所提高。外研社新世纪〔with-profits〕Returns on with-profits bonds have improved.分红式债券的收益已有所提高。柯林斯高阶A growth stock usually pays no dividends but increases in value.成长型股票通常不分红,而是价值增值。牛津商务A touch less red would have made the picture more attractive.少一分红色这幅画就会更吸引人。剑桥国际He can earn an annual bonus of 70% of his basic pay.他每年所挣的分红占其基本工资的 70%。牛津商务Insurers traditionally make their annual bonus declarations in the first three months of the year.保险公司历来是在每年的前 3 个月公布其年度分红。牛津商务No dividend has been paid for several years.已经有好几年没有分红了。牛津商务Securities include government bonds, which pay interest, and company shares, which pay dividends.证券包括付利息的公债以及分红利的公司股票。剑桥国际The President said that taxing stockholders on corporate dividends represented multiple taxation and was wrong.董事长称对股东的公司分红进行征税意味着多重征税,这种做法是不当的。牛津商务The board declared (= announced) a quarterly dividend of $0.125.董事会宣布季度分红为 0.125 元。牛津商务The company announced it will have to pass its dividend as profits have been lower than expected.由于利润低于预期,公司宣布将不分红。牛津商务The company has set aside 5% of its pre-tax profits each year for employee profit-sharing.公司每年留出 5% 的税前利润给雇员分红。牛津商务The group's final dividend was 50¢, taking last year's payout to 85¢.这个集团的最后一期红利是 50 分,把去年的分红提高到 85 分。牛津商务They increased the dividend payout for the year from 7¢ to 9¢.他们将本年度分红支出从 7 分提高到了 9 分。牛津商务You pay higher premiums on a with-profit policy than on a without-profit policy.分红型保单的保险费比不分红型保单高。牛津商务




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