

单词 入海
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alaska〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean between the Alaska Peninsula and Alexander Archipelago.阿拉斯加湾:阿拉斯加半岛和亚历山大群岛之间的太平洋入海口美国传统〔Atlantis〕A legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, said by Plato to have sunk beneath the sea during an earthquake.亚特兰蒂斯:大西洋中一传说岛屿,位于直布罗陀西部,柏拉图声称在一场地震中沉入海底美国传统〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕He dived fearlessly into the sea, ignoring the rocks below. 他不顾下面有礁石,勇敢无畏地跃入海中。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕Investigators are not sure what caused the plane to break into pieces and plunge into the ocean. 调查人员不清楚是什么原因导致这架飞机断裂并栽入海中。朗文写作活用〔Fear〕A promontory on Smith Island off the coast of southeast North Carolina at the mouth of the Cape Fear River.菲尔角:开普菲尔河的入海口,是离开北卡罗来纳州东南海岸的史密斯岛上的一个岬美国传统〔Georges Bank〕A submerged sandbank in the Atlantic Ocean east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It is a highly productive fishing ground.乔治沙洲:美国马萨诸塞州科德角以东浸入海面下的一片沙洲,是高产鱼地区美国传统〔Khambhat〕An inlet of the Arabian Sea on the northwest coast of India.喀伯哈特:印度西北海岸的阿拉伯海入海口美国传统〔LAST〕Dealers are mixing the drug with heroin and cocaine to eke out their supplies. 毒贩在这种毒品中掺入海洛因和可卡因,这使他们的毒品供应可以持久。朗文写作活用〔Lorne〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Scotland between Mull Island and the mainland.洛恩:苏格兰西海岸马尔岛和大陆之间的大西洋入海口美国传统〔POUR〕A tanker has run aground, spilling 60,000 gallons of oil into the sea. 一艘油轮搁浅,60,000加仑石油溢入海中。朗文写作活用〔PROTEST〕Over 3,000 people took part in a demonstration against the dumping of nuclear waste at sea. 三千多名民众参加游行示威,抗议将核废料倾入海中。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕The pier would be 1000 metres long and project about 400 metres into the sea. 码头全长将有1,000米,有400米左右伸入海里。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Companies must call a halt to the dumping of toxic waste at sea. 所有公司必须停止倾倒有毒废料入海的行为。朗文写作活用〔Shelikof Strait〕A strait of southern Alaska between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak and Afognak islands. Cook Inlet is at its northern end.雪利科夫海峡:美国阿拉斯加南部的一个海峡,位于阿拉斯加半岛与科迪亚克和阿福纳克群岛之间,库克入海口在其北端美国传统〔Southampton Island〕An island of eastern Northwest Territories, Canada, at the entrance to Hudson Bay.南安普敦岛:加拿大西北部地区的一个岛屿,位于哈得孙湾的入海口美国传统〔anchor〕A ship arrived and anchored in the bay.一艘轮船驶入海湾, 抛锚停泊。外研社新世纪〔bottom〕The boat sank to the bottom of the sea.船沉入海底。牛津搭配〔bottom〕The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.潜艇潜入海底观察洋底。21世纪英汉〔broad〕The river grows broader where it empties into the sea.河面在入海处变得开阔。英汉大词典〔catadromous〕Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish.因产卵顺流入海的:在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类美国传统〔comfort〕The bombs fell in the sea, many too close for comfort.这些炸弹落入海中,很多离岸边太近,令人担忧。柯林斯高阶〔comfort〕The bombs fell in the sea, many too close for comfort.那些炸弹落入海中, 有很多离岸太近, 令人担忧。外研社新世纪〔crash〕Amazingly, he survived when his plane crashed into the sea.令人吃惊的是,他的飞机坠入海里时他居然没死。麦克米伦高阶〔discharge〕Some towns discharge rubbish into the sea.有些城市把垃圾倒入海中。英汉大词典〔discharge〕The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.流入海洋的石油严重伤害了许多水鸟海兽。21世纪英汉〔disgorge〕The Changjiang River disgorges tons of waters and muds into the ocean.长江把大量泥水倾注入海。21世纪英汉〔disgorge〕The river disgorges at seven mouths into the sea.那条河在7个河口入海。英汉大词典〔draft〕He wasn't drafted for the war; he volunteered for the Navy.他不是因为这次战争才被征召入伍的,他是自愿加入海军的。柯林斯高阶〔drift〕They were drifting out to sea.他们漂流入海。牛津搭配〔drink〕The hatch cover slid off the boat and into the drink.舱盖从船上滑入海里美国传统〔embay〕To put, shelter, or detain in a bay.使入海湾:放在、庇护或扣留在港湾美国传统〔empty〕The river empties into a bay.河水注入海湾美国传统〔entrance〕A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour.灯塔是进入海港的标志。牛津高阶〔escort〕Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.在数只小船的护航下,帆船驶入海港。剑桥高阶〔eventide〕At eventide we were already in the straits.黄昏时分,我们已进入海峡。英汉大词典〔extrudabilities〕The land masses extrude into the sea.大块大块的陆地伸入海里。21世纪英汉〔fall〕Here the river falls into the sea.河从这里入海。英汉大词典〔flow〕It's here that the river flows down into the ocean.这条河就在这里汇入海洋。牛津高阶〔gird〕The company is girding its loins for a plunge into the overseas market.公司正准备打入海外市场。牛津高阶〔into〕We dived into the sea.我们潜入海里。朗文当代〔join〕Join the Navy and see the world! 加入海军,环游世界!韦氏高阶〔jut〕A rocky headland jutted into the sea.嶙峋的岬角突入海中。牛津高阶〔jut〕The northern end of the island juts out like a long, thin finger into the sea.岛屿的北端像一根细长的手指一样伸入海中。外研社新世纪〔jut〕The northern end of the island juts out like a long, thin finger into the sea.岛屿的北端像一根细长的手指一样伸入海中。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕Dogs must be kept off the beach.狗不得进入海滩。麦克米伦高阶〔lagan〕Cargo or equipment thrown into the sea but attached to a float or buoy so that it can be recovered.系浮标投物:系上浮标投入海里的货物或装置,为的是能够被人发现美国传统〔legend〕According to legend, he escaped by leaping from the cliffs into the sea.据传,他是跳崖入海逃生的。朗文当代〔limp〕A severely damaged battleship came limping into the harbour.一艘受损严重的战舰缓缓驶入海港。外研社新世纪〔lough〕A bay or an inlet of the sea.海湾:海湾或入海口美国传统〔medical〕I saw an advert to join the NAAFI and I had to have a medical.我看到了加入海陆空军小吃部的广告, 我得做个体检。外研社新世纪〔navy〕Gabriel joined the navy in 1997.加布里埃尔于1997年加入海军。剑桥高阶〔navy〕He joined the Navy in 1991.他于 1991 年加入海军。牛津搭配〔navy〕He plans to join the Navy.他打算加入海军。韦氏高阶〔ocean〕The ship quickly sank to the bottom of the ocean.轮船迅速沉入海底。韦氏高阶〔off-limits〕Two fishermen drifted into off-limits waters.两个渔民漂入海上禁区。英汉大词典〔out〕A long peninsula juts out into the sea.一个长形的半岛伸入海中。朗文当代〔overboard〕Huge waves washed him overboard.巨浪把他冲下甲板卷入海中。牛津高阶〔perceptible〕Appreciable amounts of noxious waste are still being dumped into the harbor.可以估算的大量有害废物仍被倾倒入海港。美国传统〔pipe〕Eighty percent of sewage is piped directly into the sea.80% 的污水通过管道直接排入海中。朗文当代〔plummet〕The satellite plummeted into/toward the ocean.卫星坠入海中。韦氏高阶〔plump〕The anchor fell plump into the sea.锚直落入海里美国传统〔plunge〕He stripped off and plunged into the sea.他脱光衣服跳入海中。朗文当代〔plunge〕We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.我们跑向海滩,纵身跳入海中。剑桥高阶〔pollute〕A number of beaches have been polluted by sewage pumped into the sea.有一些海滩被排入海中的污水污染了。外研社新世纪〔press〕To force into service in the army or navy; impress.强迫入伍或加入海军;强迫服役美国传统〔river〕A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, a lake, or another body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.河,江,水道:一条巨大的天然水流,注入海洋、湖泊或另一水域,而且常沿其水道由汇聚的支流供水美国传统〔run-off〕The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The river runs into the gulf.这条河流入海湾。韦氏高阶〔sea〕Jay stripped his clothes off and ran into the sea.杰伊脱光衣服奔入海里。朗文当代〔sea〕The waste was dumped in the sea.废物倒入海中。牛津高阶〔shelve〕The south side of the island shelved down to the sea.岛的南端逐渐倾斜入海。英汉大词典〔ship over〕After the hitch,I will not ship over.这次服役后,我不打算再加入海军队伍了。21世纪英汉〔shoot〕The cape shoots out into the sea.岬伸入海中。文馨英汉〔sink〕The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.船沉入海底。牛津高阶〔sow〕Millions of fingerlings were sown in the waters of the Gulf.千百万条幼鱼被撒入海湾水域中放养。英汉大词典〔steeply〕The beach slopes steeply down to the sea.海岸陡然没入海中。剑桥高阶〔tip〕A lot of waste is being tipped into the sea.大量的废弃物正在被倾入海中。剑桥高阶〔toxic〕When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.石油溢入海洋可能危害海生动植物。英汉大词典〔underseas〕Submarines go underseas.潜艇潜入海底。英汉大词典〔waste〕He opposes any kind of nuclear waste being dumped at sea.他反对将任何一种核废料倾倒入海中。剑桥高阶A lot of waste is being tipped into the sea (= put into the sea and left there).人们正把大量的垃圾倾入海中。剑桥国际All the oil from the stricken tanker has now leaked into the sea.遇难油轮上的油现已全部漏入海中。剑桥国际Everybody believed that the missing plane was buried under the sea. Well, here is the zinger that it is still alive in some remote island and all the passengers are intact. 每个人都认为那架飞机沈入海底了。令人震惊的消息是,它还好好地存在于一个海岛上,而且所有的乘客都还活著。译典通I rowed down the river/down river to its mouth (= where it flows into the sea).我顺着河流划/到其入海口。剑桥国际It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments (= sediment) and eventually decompose.人们希望油膜会沉入海底,几年内被泥沙所覆盖,并最终分解。剑桥国际Marine biologists are concerned about the effects of untreated sewage that is flowing into coastal waters.海洋生物学家对未经处理即排入海中的污水将造成的后果担忧不已。剑桥国际Once you're in the sea it's fine, but it's the getting in that is the problem.一旦你到了海里,那就好极了,但问题是如何才能进入海中。剑桥国际One boat of refugees was caught in the naval crossfire and sunk.一艘载满难民的船只因陷入海上交叉炮火沉没了。剑桥国际Suddenly he (Br and Aus) stripped off/(Am and Aus) stripped (= removed all his clothes) and ran into the sea.他突然脱光衣服跳入海中。剑桥国际The River Dart enters the sea at Dartmouth.达特河在达特默思入海。剑桥国际The River Nile flows into the sea near Alexandria.尼罗河在亚历山大附近注入海洋。剑桥国际The beach slopes steeply down to the sea.海岸陡峭地插入海中。剑桥国际The boat was swept out to sea (= away from land) by the tide.船被潮水卷入海中。剑桥国际The fuselage of the lost plane has been submerged in the sea. 失事飞机的机身已经沈入海底。译典通The museum houses a memorial to the 2000 sailors who went down with the Scharnhorst (= died when that ship sank) in 1943.这个博物馆有一块纪念1943年随沙恩霍斯特号沉入海底的2000名水手的纪念碑。剑桥国际The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.潜水艇发现敌机即潜入海中。剑桥国际The usual way of taking a fix of heroin is by injecting it.摄入海洛因的常用方法是注射。剑桥国际They're diving for sunken treasure.他们潜入海底寻找沉没的宝藏。剑桥国际We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.我们跑下海滩,跳入海中。剑桥国际We've heard that the pilot hopes to berth (= bring into port) the tanker as soon as the engines are running again.我们听说领航员希望发动机一旦再次启动就将油轮泊入海港。剑桥国际




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