

单词 入室行窃
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTER〕If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. 如果有人想入室行窃,警报系统就会自动响起。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Burglary, murder and rape are all on the increase. 入室行窃、凶杀以及强奸案都越来越多。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Foster had been in prison twice already for burglary. 福斯特因入室行窃已两度入狱。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕If you live in an area where burglary is common, it may be worth investing in an alarm system. 如果你住在一个入室行窃很普遍的地方,那么花钱装一个警报系统也许是值得的。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars. 一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。朗文写作活用〔break-in〕The break-in had occurred just before midnight.入室行窃就发生在午夜前。外研社新世纪〔connect〕Police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.警方正把这起入室行窃案和近期该地区其他失窃案联系起来。剑桥高阶〔file〕The police have opened a file on local burglaries.警方已给当地的入室行窃案设立了档案。剑桥高阶〔haul〕Another break-in yielded a £4,000 haul of jewellery.另外一次入室行窃的赃物是价值4,000英镑的珠宝。外研社新世纪〔kite〕I was doing a lot of burglaries and kiting a lot.我那时多次入室行窃, 并多次用空头支票诈骗。外研社新世纪〔mugging〕Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.报纸上几乎每天都有抢劫银行、入室行窃和拦路抢劫的报道。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。柯林斯高阶〔rash〕There has been a rash of burglaries in the area over the last month.近一个月这一带发生了很多起入室行窃案。牛津高阶〔sometime〕A burglar broke in sometime during the night.窃贼在夜间某个时刻入室行窃。韦氏高阶〔surprise〕We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying to break in.我们回家早,无意中发现一个窃贼正要入室行窃。牛津高阶Police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.警察把这起入室行窃案和近期该地区其他失窃案联系起来。剑桥国际




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