

单词 入室
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The burglary must have happened some time after 8:00 p.m. 入室盗窃案一定是在晚上8点以后的某个时间发生的。朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕They didn't only rob the house, they smashed it up too. 他们不仅入室抢劫,还把屋子捣毁了。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕The book focuses on the dirty tricks, break-ins, and illegal campaign contributions of the 1972 presidential election. 这本书着力记述了1972年的总统大选中发生的种种政客伎俩、破门入室以及非法的竞选资助金等事情。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. 如果有人想入室行窃,警报系统就会自动响起。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕Police believe a local gang is responsible for the recent burglaries. 警方相信最近的这些入室盗窃案是当地的一个犯罪团伙干的。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Very few burglaries are completely unplanned. 极少入室盗窃案完全没有预谋。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Burglary, murder and rape are all on the increase. 入室行窃、凶杀以及强奸案都越来越多。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Call the police -- there's been a burglary. 叫警察来,发生入室盗窃案了。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars. 一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。朗文写作活用〔alarm〕The dog's barking gave the alarm and the intruders were caught.那只狗的叫声发出警报,入室歹徒被抓住了。韦氏高阶〔apply within〕Experienced typewriter wanted; apply within.招聘有经验的打字员;详情入室了解。21世纪英汉〔arrive〕By the time the police arrived on the scene , the burglars had fled.警方到现场时入室窃贼已经逃跑了。朗文当代〔break open〕The burglars broke open the locked safe.入室窃贼砸开了上锁的保险柜。韦氏高阶〔break-in〕Since the break-in we've had all our locks changed.自从发生入室盗窃案后,我们便更换了所有的锁。朗文当代〔break-in〕The break-in had occurred just before midnight.入室行窃就发生在午夜前。外研社新世纪〔burglary〕An 11-year-old boy committed a burglary.一个11岁的小男孩犯了入室盗窃罪。柯林斯高阶〔burglary〕Audio equipment was stolen in a burglary at the mall.购物中心的音响器材在一起入室盗窃案中被盗。牛津搭配〔burglary〕Burglaries are on the increase in the area.该地区入室盗窃有所增加。麦克米伦高阶〔burglary〕Burglaries have risen by 5%.入室盗窃案上升了 5%。朗文当代〔burglary〕He has been charged with attempted burglary.他被指控犯了入室盗窃未遂罪。韦氏高阶〔burglary〕He was jailed for 12 months for burglary.他因入室盗窃坐了12个月的牢。麦克米伦高阶〔burglary〕Most burglaries happen at night.入室盗窃案多数发生在夜间。朗文当代〔burglary〕The youth was charged with three counts of burglary.那个年轻人被控犯有三次入室盗窃罪。牛津高阶〔burglary〕There have been a number of burglaries in the area.这一地区已经发生几起入室盗窃案。外研社新世纪〔burglary〕There have been a number of burglaries in the neighborhood in recent months.最近几个月这个街区发生了几起入室盗窃案。韦氏高阶〔charge〕The following morning, he was arrested on a charge of burglary .第二天上午,他因入室盗窃罪被逮捕了。朗文当代〔clinch〕We'd talked about moving, and the burglary clinched it for us.我们谈过搬家的事,入室盗窃案促使我们最终下了决心。朗文当代〔concurrently〕He was jailed for 33 months to run concurrently with a sentence he is already serving for burglary.他被判入狱33个月, 与他正在服的入室盗窃刑期合并执行。外研社新世纪〔connect〕Police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.警方正把这起入室行窃案和近期该地区其他失窃案联系起来。剑桥高阶〔cover-up〕The book describes the burglary and its ensuing cover-up.这本书描写了一起入室盗窃及其随后的掩饰行为。韦氏高阶〔crack〕She cracked the window to let in fresh air.她稍微打开了一点窗户,让新鲜空气进入室内。21世纪英汉〔crime〕She claimed that the real crime is that burglars and muggers usually get a light sentence.她声称,对入室盗窃者和抢劫者一般都判轻刑才是真正的犯罪。牛津搭配〔crop〕Bring strawberry plants indoors for an early crop.把草莓植株移入室内以提早收获。牛津搭配〔drum〕The thieves went drumming.盗贼入室偷窃。21世纪英汉〔ear〕If news of the break-in reaches the boss's ears, we're in trouble.如果非法入室的事情传到老板的耳朵里,我们就麻烦了。牛津搭配〔entry〕The burglars gained entry by a top window.窃贼是从房顶的天窗进入室内的。剑桥高阶〔every〕A burglary occurs every three minutes in London.伦敦每3分钟就会发生一起入室抢劫案。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕She claimed that she shot the burglar because she was in fear for her life.她声称,她朝入室窃贼开枪是因为担心自己有生命危险。韦氏高阶〔file〕The police have opened a file on local burglaries.警方已给当地的入室行窃案设立了档案。剑桥高阶〔finger〕Who fingered him for the burglaries? 谁告发他入室盗窃?牛津高阶〔force〕A pump forces air into the chamber.气泵将空气压入室内。韦氏高阶〔from〕Evans is charged with offences ranging from burglary to armed assault.埃文斯被指控犯有从入室抢劫到武装袭击等罪行。麦克米伦高阶〔haul〕Another break-in yielded a £4,000 haul of jewellery.另外一次入室行窃的赃物是价值4,000英镑的珠宝。外研社新世纪〔have sb up〕He was had up for burglary.他因入室盗窃而遭传讯。剑桥高阶〔housetrain〕To housebreak.入室抢劫美国传统〔increase〕Burglaries in the area are on the increase.该地区入室盗窃案件正在增加。牛津搭配〔insecure〕In 90% of burglaries, access is through insecure doors and windows.在90%的入室盗窃案件中,作案者都是通过不牢固的门窗进入室内的。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕He got put inside for burglary.他因入室抢劫而入狱。韦氏高阶〔kick in〕The policeman had to kick the door in to get inside the room.警察不得不踢开门进入室内。21世纪英汉〔kite〕I was doing a lot of burglaries and kiting a lot.我那时多次入室行窃, 并多次用空头支票诈骗。外研社新世纪〔light〕The windows let fresh air and light into the room.新鲜空气和阳光通过窗户进入室内。韦氏高阶〔link〕Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year.侦探认为这起入室盗窃案与去年此地区一类似案件有关。牛津高阶〔lock〕We had new locks fitted after the burglary.遭入室盗窃之后,我们换了新锁。牛津搭配〔lunge〕The burglar made a lunge at him with a knife.入室窃贼拿着刀子向他猛扑过去。牛津搭配〔mugging〕Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.报纸上几乎每天都有抢劫银行、入室行窃和拦路抢劫的报道。柯林斯高阶〔nail〕The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.检控方仍设法使其入室抢劫知名实业家们的罪名成立。柯林斯高阶〔neutralize〕The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者砸碎一扇窗户进入室内, 然后破坏了报警系统。外研社新世纪〔opportunist〕Most burglars are opportunists.大多数入室盗窃者都是临时起意的。朗文当代〔opportunist〕Most burglars are opportunists.大多数入室窃贼都是想乘机捞一把的人。韦氏高阶〔overturn〕The intruder had overturned some of the furniture in the house.入室窃贼翻动了屋子里的一些家具。剑桥高阶〔par〕Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.格拉斯哥部分地区的入室盗窃案与伦敦、利物浦最乱的地区一样猖狂。外研社新世纪〔par〕Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.格拉斯哥部分地区的入室盗窃案与伦敦、利物浦最乱的地区一样猖狂。柯林斯高阶〔penetrate〕No noise penetrated the room.没有一点声音传入室内。英汉大词典〔penetrate〕The mist penetrated into the room.雾气渗入室内。英汉大词典〔pickings〕Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars.对有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常藏钱的那些地方最容易得手。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.去年抢劫和入室盗窃成灾。外研社新世纪〔plague〕Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。柯林斯高阶〔plead〕Henderson pled guilty to burglary.亨德森承认犯有入室盗窃罪。朗文当代〔rash〕Local police are investigating a rash of burglaries in the area.当地警察正在调查发生在该地区的多起入室盗窃案。麦克米伦高阶〔rash〕There has been a rash of burglaries in the area over the last month.近一个月这一带发生了很多起入室行窃案。牛津高阶〔register〕An adjustable, grill-like device through which heated or cooled air is released into a room.通风调节装置:把热空气或冷空气放入室内的可调节的格式装置美国传统〔roof〕The burglars removed tiles to climb into the roof space.入室盗窃者揭开屋瓦爬进了阁楼。牛津搭配〔secure〕The house has been made secure against intruders.这房子采取了防止入室盗窃的安全措施。牛津搭配〔self-defense〕He argued that shooting the burglar was self-defense.他辩称开枪打死入室窃贼属于自卫。韦氏高阶〔show〕The latest crime figures show a sharp rise in burglaries.最新的犯罪数据表明,入室盗窃案急剧增加。剑桥高阶〔shut〕The windows were shut against the noise of the traffic.窗子是为防止交通噪声进入室内而关闭的。英汉大词典〔sign〕There were no signs of forced entry into the house.没有强行入室的痕迹。朗文当代〔sometime〕A burglar broke in sometime during the night.窃贼在夜间某个时刻入室行窃。韦氏高阶〔spate〕Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road area.警方正在调查最近在金斯兰德路周边地区接连发生的多起入室盗窃案。剑桥高阶〔squeeze〕Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.很多入室盗窃案都是可以从狭小窗户挤进挤出的年轻人干的。外研社新世纪〔squeeze〕Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.很多入室盗窃案都是年轻人干的,他们可以从狭小的窗口钻进去。柯林斯高阶〔static〕Figures for housebreaking had dropped or remained static.破门入室的数字已下降或保持不变。麦克米伦高阶〔struggle〕James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the burglars.詹姆斯在和入室盗贼搏斗时嘴部挨了打。朗文当代〔surprise〕The police took the burglars by surprise.警方出其不意地逮捕了入室窃贼。牛津高阶〔surprise〕We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying to break in.我们回家早,无意中发现一个窃贼正要入室行窃。牛津高阶〔take〕Did the burglars take anything valuable? 入室窃贼偷走了贵重的东西没有?牛津高阶〔target〕Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars.门窗被窃贼作为入室的目标容易得手。牛津高阶〔testimony〕He had by his own testimony taken part in the burglary.根据他本人的证言,他参与了这起入室盗窃案。牛津搭配〔thief〕The art gallery was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with two valuable paintings.艺术馆昨晚遭入室盗窃,被偷走了两幅珍贵的画。剑桥高阶〔time〕Paul was doing time for burglary.保罗因入室盗窃罪在监狱服刑。朗文当代〔trigger〕The burglars fled after triggering the alarm .入室窃贼触动报警器后就逃跑了。朗文当代〔turn in〕I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.今天把一个入室盗窃的人扭送警方我也许会犹豫。外研社新世纪〔turn in〕I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.现在让我把入室窃贼送交警方,我可能会有所顾虑。柯林斯高阶〔unclaimed〕Police regularly sell unclaimed property from burglaries to raise cash to fight crime.警方通常会将无人认领的入室盗窃赃物卖掉, 以筹集资金打击犯罪。外研社新世纪〔unglued〕When the secret plans came unglued, the president was revealed to have ordered the burglary.秘密约定败露后,发现总裁是这起入室盗窃案的主谋。剑桥高阶〔violate〕Victims of burglaries often feel personally violated.入室盗窃的受害人往往觉得自己受到了人身侵犯。朗文当代〔wall〕The burglars must have scaled the side wall.这些入室窃贼一定是攀越边墙进来的。牛津搭配〔while〕We must have been burgled while we were asleep.我们睡觉时一定让贼入室偷了。牛津高阶Last year the number of burglaries (= crimes of illegally entering a place and stealing things) reported in the city increased by 7%.据报道去年该市的入室盗窃案增长了7%。剑桥国际Police are connecting the break-in with other recent thefts in the area.警察把这起入室行窃案和近期该地区其他失窃案联系起来。剑桥国际




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