

单词 元素
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕Among the discoveries of the late nineteenth century were several new chemical elements, including radium. 19世纪后期的发现中有几种新的化学元素,包括镭。朗文写作活用〔allotrope〕A structurally differentiated form of an element that exhibits allotropy.同素异形体:化学元素的结构分化形式,表现为同素异形现象美国传统〔allotropy〕The existence, especially in the solid state, of two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element.同素异形现象:一种元素中有两种或更多的晶体或分子结构形式,特别是以固态存在的现象美国传统〔analogue〕Chemistry A structural derivative of a parent compound that often differs from it by a single element.【化学】 类似物:一个母化合物的结构衍生物,通常只有一个元素不同美国传统〔array〕Computer Science An arrangement of memory elements in one or several planes.【计算机科学】 数组:一个或多个平面上排列的存储元素美国传统〔azine〕A six-membered heterocyclic compound, such as pyridine, that contains one or more atoms of nitrogen with a ring structure resembling that of benzene.吖嗪,连氮:由六种元素构成的杂环化合物,如氮苯(吡啶),它由一个或更多的氮原子构成,呈环状结构,类似苯的结构美国传统〔azole〕A class of organic compounds having a five-membered heterocyclic ring with two double bonds.氮杂茂:一种由五种杂环元素,两组粘合剂组成的有机化合物美国传统〔binary operation〕An operation, such as addition, that is applied to two elements of a set to produce a third element of the set.二进制运算:适用于由两种元素产生第三种元素的运算,如加法美国传统〔bromide〕A binary compound of bromine with another element, such as silver.溴化物:由溴和另一元素构成的二元化合物,如银美国传统〔carbide〕A binary compound consisting of carbon and a more electropositive element, especially calcium.碳化物:一种二元化合物,由碳和一个电正性的元素,尤指钙,组成美国传统〔combination〕Mathematics One or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.【数学】 组合:从一组数字中随机选取一个或一个以上元素美国传统〔combine〕When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.当使一种元素与氧化合时,即称其被氧化。21世纪英汉〔complication〕A factor, a condition, or an element that complicates.复杂情况:一个复杂的因素、情形或元素美国传统〔composition〕The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.组成:将不同的部分和元素结合成为一个整体美国传统〔compound〕Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts.混合的:包含两种或多种物质、成分、元素或部分的美国传统〔compound〕Dalton believed that the simplest compound of two elements must have one atom of each.道尔顿认为由两种化学元素组成的最简单化合物必须含有每种元素的一个原子。牛津搭配〔cuneiform〕Writing typified by the use of characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements.楔形文字:以使用由小型楔状元素排列而成的字母为典型的文字美国传统〔dark comedy〕A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss.黑色喜剧:有忧郁或有令人不安的元素的喜剧,特别是一出其中角色会遭遇无法挽回的丧失的戏剧美国传统〔decompose〕To separate into components or basic elements.使分解:分解成组成部分或分解成基本元素美国传统〔design〕The latest model incorporates some novel design features.最新的款式融入了一些新颖的设计元素。牛津搭配〔didymium〕A mixture of rare-earth elements and oxides used chiefly in manufacturing and coloring various forms of glass.稀土与氧化物混合物:稀土元素和氧化物的混合物,这要用于制造和给各种形式的玻璃上色美国传统〔electrovalence〕Valence characterized by the transfer of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of another during the formation of an ionic bond between the atoms.电价:在原子间形成离子键的过程中,由电子从一种元素的原子转移到另一种元素的原子所表示的价美国传统〔elemental〕Of, relating to, or being an element.元素的:关于元素的,与元素有关的或作为元素的美国传统〔element〕Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements, but water is not.氢和氧都是元素,但水不是。英汉大词典〔enrich〕Physics To increase the amount of one or more radioactive isotopes in (a material, especially a nuclear fuel).【物理学】 添加元素:增加一种同位素或更具有放射性的核素的数量于(一种物质,尤其是核燃料)美国传统〔equivalence relation〕A reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive relationship between elements of a set that establishes any two elements in the set as equivalent or nonequivalent.等价关系:一组元素之间的可反射的、对称的、可转移的关系,这种关系对任意两个元素来说要么相等,要么不相等美国传统〔ether〕The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.天体要素:在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素美国传统〔family〕Chemistry A group of elements with similar chemical properties.【化学】 同族:具有相近的属性的一组元素美国传统〔ferroalloy〕Any of various alloys of iron and one or more other elements, such as manganese or silicon, used as a raw material in the production of steel.铁合金:例如锰或硅等铁和一种或几种其它元素构成的不同合金,用作生产钢的原料美国传统〔film〕The script has plenty of what film people call 'bankability'.这个剧本有很多电影人称之为“可赚钱”的元素。牛津搭配〔fingerprint〕Ordinarily, spectral patterns were well understood fingerprints for identifying chemical elements in the stars.光谱图型通常是鉴别星球上化学元素特征的人所熟知的依据。英汉大词典〔fluoride〕A binary compound of fluorine with another element.氟化物:氟与其他元素组成的二元化合物美国传统〔froth〕This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这篇报道包含了众多元素,任何一个新闻编辑都会激动得嘴上唾沫横飞。柯林斯高阶〔fully〕It was fully 200 years since the last element had been discovered.从发现最后一种元素起至少已经过去200年了。外研社新世纪〔fuse〕Their music fuses elements as diverse as Cajun, bebop and Cuban waltzes.他们的音乐融合了凯金音乐、毕波普音乐和古巴华尔兹等不同元素。朗文当代〔graft〕New elements are being grafted onto our traditional form of government.在我们传统的政府模式中又加入了新的元素。朗文当代〔halide〕A chemical compound of a halogen with a more electropositive element or group.卤化物:由一种卤素与另外一带正电的金属元素或族形成的一种化合物美国传统〔homogeneous〕Mathematics Consisting of terms of the same degree or elements of the same dimension.【数学】 齐性,均匀:含有相同次幂的项或相同量的元素的美国传统〔homology〕The relation of the elements of a periodic family or group.同周期:同一周期族或组的元素的关系美国传统〔hydride〕A compound of hydrogen with another, more electropositive element or group.氢化物:氢与另一种电正性较大的元素或基组成的二元化合物美国传统〔inert〕Chemistry Not readily reactive with other elements; forming few or no chemical compounds.【化学】 惰性的:与其它元素反应不活泼的;不能形成或很少能形成化合物的美国传统〔iodide〕A compound of iodine with a more electropositive element or group.碘化物:碘与带更多正电的元素或原子团生成的化合物美国传统〔linear combination〕An expression of first order, composed of the sums and differences of elements with nonzero coefficients.线性组合:系数不全为零由元素的和、差组成的数学式的第一序表达式美国传统〔linear independence〕The property of a set with the coefficients of another set of having no linear combinations equal to zero unless all of the coefficients are equal to zero.线性独立,线性无关:一集合的特性,在具有线性系数的情况下,不具有元素的线性,结合等于零的特性,除非每个元素的系数都为零美国传统〔macronutrient〕An element, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen, required in large proportion for the normal growth and development of a plant.大量营养素:满足植物正常生长和发育而需要的大量元素,如碳、氢、氧或氮等美国传统〔map〕Mathematics The correspondence of one or more elements in one set to one or more elements in the same set or another set.【数学】 对应关系:一个集合中的一个或多个元素与同一个或另一个集合中的一个或多个元素之间的一一对应美国传统〔marriage〕His music is a marriage of jazz, blues, and pop.他的音乐里融合了爵士、布鲁斯以及流行乐的元素。剑桥高阶〔marry〕The design marries traditional elements with/to/and modern methods.这个设计把传统元素与现代方法紧密结合了起来。韦氏高阶〔matrix〕Something resembling such an array, as in the regular formation of elements into columns and rows.矩阵元素:类似矩形的事物,如元素有规则地形成列或行美国传统〔maya〕The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.空幻境界:神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量美国传统〔metallic〕Silver is a metallic element.银是一种金属元素。韦氏高阶〔metalloid〕A nonmetallic element, such as carbon, that can form an alloy with metals.非金属:能与金属结合生成合金的非金属元素,例如碳元素美国传统〔micronutrient〕A substance, such as a vitamin or mineral, that is essential in minute amounts for the proper growth and metabolism of a living organism.微量养料;微量营养元素:一种对生物的正常生长和新陈代谢极其重要的微量物质,如一种维生素或矿物质美国传统〔mineral〕An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to the nutrition of human beings, animals, and plants.无机元素:无机元素,如铝、铁、钾、钠或锌,为人类、动物和植物营养必不可少的成分美国传统〔moment of inertia〕The sum of the products of each mass element of a body multiplied by the square of its distance from an axis.物体每一元素质量与从轴心到它距离的平方的乘积的总和美国传统〔mutagen〕An agent, such as ultraviolet light or a radioactive element, that can induce or increase the frequency of mutation in an organism.诱变剂:有机体中的一种可诱发或者增加突变的次数的因子,如紫外线或放射性元素美国传统〔nonmetal〕Any of a number of elements, such as oxygen or sulfur, that lack the physical and chemical properties of metals.非金属:一种元素,如氧或硫,其没有金属的物理和化学性质美国传统〔offset〕An agent, an element, or a thing that balances, counteracts, or compensates for something else.补偿,抵消:一种用以平衡、抵消、中和或补偿另一物的试剂、元素等物美国传统〔onto〕Of, relating to, or being a mapping such that every element of the set referred to is the image of an element in another.映成的:一集合中的每一元素,经映象后为另一集合至少一元素的象的;与之有关的;或成为象的美国传统〔operator〕A chromosomal segment of DNA that regulates the activity of the structural genes of an operon by interacting with a specific repressor.DNA中的染色体元素:DNA中的染色体,它是通过与一特殊的约束因子相互作用而控制遗传子结构基因的行为美国传统〔opposition〕Linguistics Contrast in a language between two phonemes or other linguistically important elements.【语言学】 元素的相对:语言中两个音素的相对或其它重要的语素的相对美国传统〔order〕The number of elements in a finite group.次数:一个有限群中的元素个数美国传统〔ordonnance〕The arrangement of elements in a literary or artistic composition or an architectural plan.布局:在文学或艺术作品或建筑计划中对各构成元素进行的安排美国传统〔organization〕Something made up of elements with varied functions that contribute to the whole and to collective functions; an organism.组织:由作用不同的但却合而为一共同发挥作用的元素组成的事物;有机体美国传统〔overlap〕Mathematics To have one or more elements in common. Used of sets.【数学】 有与…共同的某物:有一个或更多相同的元素,用于指集合美国传统〔parody〕Her performance contains a strong element of self-parody (=when someone makes fun of their own style) .她的表演包含了强烈的自我嘲讽元素。朗文当代〔periodic table〕A tabular arrangement of the elements according to their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties are in the same column.周期表:元素根据原子数安排的表,使有相似特性的元素在同一行中美国传统〔period〕Chemistry A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table.【化学】 元素周期:一系列元素按原子序数升序排列形成的周期表中的一个横排美国传统〔permutation〕Mathematics An ordered arrangement of the elements of a set.【数学】 数列:一组元素的有序排列美国传统〔phosphide〕A compound of phosphorus and a more electropositive element or radical.磷化物:由磷和电正的元素或基因组成的一种化合物美国传统〔posit〕Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals.卡拉汉假定化学元素放射电磁信号。外研社新世纪〔posit〕Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals.卡拉汉假定化学元素放射电磁信号。柯林斯高阶〔rare earth〕Any of various oxides of the rare-earth elements.稀土:稀土元素中的任意一种矿物美国传统〔reaction〕Chemistry A change or transformation in which a substance decomposes, combines with other substances, or interchanges constituents with other substances.【化学】 反应:一种物质分解,同其它物质结合或与其它物质交换元素的变化或转变美国传统〔refine〕Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it and separate out the different elements, such as benzene.原油经过工业提炼来提纯并且分离出诸如苯之类的不同元素。剑桥高阶〔resolution〕The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.长音节的拆分或替换:一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节美国传统〔root〕A number that reduces a polynomial equation in one variable to an identity when it is substituted for the variable.解,根:当代表变量时简化变量中的多项式或方程得出的一个单位元素的数美国传统〔rudiment〕Often rudiments A fundamental element, principle, or skill, as of a field of learning. 常作 rudiments 基本原理:某一学术领域的基本元素、原理或技巧美国传统〔seal〕A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage.封口机:用这种方式连接两个系统或元素以防渗漏的装置美国传统〔shot〕His work was deeply refreshing, and all of it shot through with humour.他的作品令人耳目一新,充满幽默元素。柯林斯高阶〔silver〕This metallic element as a commodity or medium of exchange.交易的钱币:作为商品或交换媒介的这种金属元素美国传统〔simple〕Being a fundamental or rudimentary element; basic.基本的:根本或基本元素的;基础的美国传统〔superfluid〕A fluid, such as a liquid form of helium, exhibiting a frictionless flow at temperatures close to absolute zero.超流体:一种在温度接近绝对零度时能不受摩擦力作用而流动的流体,例如氦元素的液体状态美国传统〔synthesize〕The movement synthesised elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.该运动综合了立体派和超现实主义等以前从未同时出现过的现代艺术元素。柯林斯高阶〔system〕A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.系统:组成一个复杂的整体的一组互相作用、互相联系或互相依存的元素美国传统〔terbium metal〕Any of several rare-earth metals separable from other metals as a group and including europium, terbium, and gadolinium.铽金属:能够同其它金属元素分开的几种稀土元素的任何一种或几种,包括镝、铽和钆等美国传统〔tetrode〕A four-element electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, a control grid, and an additional electrode.四极管:包括一个阳板,一个阳极,一个控制棒和一个附加电极的四元素电子管美国传统〔trace〕Seaweed is rich in vitamins and trace elements.海藻含有丰富的维生素和微量元素。牛津搭配〔trace〕The sum of the elements of the principal diagonal of a matrix.一矩阵中主对角线元素之和美国传统〔trigraphic〕Of, relating to, or being a substitution or procedure by groups of three characters or elements at a time in encoding, decoding, or cryptanalysis.一次三个字母的:属于、关于一次替换或操作三个字或二个元素的,特指在设置密码、破译密码或密码分析中美国传统〔vector〕An element of a vector space.向量元素:向量空间的元素美国传统〔vegetable〕Raw vegetables contain more potassium than cooked ones.生的蔬菜中所含的钾元素比做熟后的要多。剑桥高阶〔wholegrains〕Fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains are rich in potassium.水果、蔬菜和全谷物富含钾元素。柯林斯高阶〔ylem〕A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements.原元素(依论):宇宙大爆炸理论中的假设存在于化学物质形成之前的物质形式美国传统All living creatures that we know about contain carbon.我们所知晓的所有生命体中都含有碳元素。剑桥国际Aluminium is an element.铝是一种元素。剑桥国际Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound. 碳是元素,而二氧化碳是化合物。译典通High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas of the sea.在这个海洋被污染的地区中发现了高浓度的有毒元素。剑桥国际Research and development is a key element of their competitive strategy.研究和发展是他们制订竞争策略的关键元素。牛津商务Steel is an alloy of iron, carbon and other elements such as phosphorus and nickel.钢是铁、碳、及磷、镍等其他元素的合金。剑桥国际




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