

单词 假日
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brit〕Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun.酷爱假日的英国人正收拾小桶和锹铲前往阳光充足的地方。柯林斯高阶〔Christmas〕During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.在圣诞假日期间, 美国东北部和佛罗里达州之间车流量巨大。外研社新世纪〔Christmas〕During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.在圣诞假日期间,东北地区和佛罗里达州之间的交通十分繁忙。柯林斯高阶〔FAMILY〕My extended family usually gets together at holidays. 我的大家庭通常在假日里相聚。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕O'Hare Airport was jammed with holiday flights. 奥黑尔机场上挤满了假日航班。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕We'd forgotten that July 14th was a holiday in France. 我们忘了7月14日是法国的法定假日。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕It's horrible when you get ill on holiday. 在假日里生病真是糟糕。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕She runs a company called Sunshine Holidays. 她经营一家名为“阳光假日”的公司。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕January 2nd is a public holiday in Scotland, but in England it is a normal working day. 1月2日是苏格兰的公共假日,但是在英格兰却是一个普通的工作日。朗文写作活用〔Presidents' Day〕The third Monday in February, observed in the United States as a legal holiday in commemoration of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.总统日:二月份的第三个星期一,在美国为法定假日,为乔治·华盛顿和亚伯拉罕·林肯的出生纪念日美国传统〔anthelion〕A luminous, white, halolike area occasionally seen in the sky opposite the sun on the parhelic circle.幻日,反假日:天空中有时可见的与太阳相对的幻日圈上的白色发光光环美国传统〔apex〕Yesterday was the apex of the holiday shopping season.昨天是假日购物季的最高潮。外研社新世纪〔as〕He worked as a waiter in the holidays.他在节假日里做侍者。外研社新世纪〔bank holiday〕A day on which banks are legally closed.银行法定假日美国传统〔bank holiday〕Chiefly British A legal holiday when banks are ordered to remain closed.【多用于英国】 法定假日:奉政府命令保持停业状态的银行法定假日美国传统〔bank holiday〕Next Monday is a bank holiday.下星期一是银行假日。朗文当代〔bask〕All through the hot, still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun.在整个炎热、安静的假日,埃米一直在晒太阳。柯林斯高阶〔bear〕The rally in U.S. futures yesterday encouraged pre-holiday bear covering.昨天美国期货回升,促使卖空者在假日前补进。英汉大词典〔between〕Are there any public holidays between Christmas and Easter? 圣诞节和复活节之间有公众假日吗?朗文当代〔bonus〕All employees get an annual bonus before the holidays.假日前,所有的员工都拿到了年度奖金。牛津搭配〔booking〕Holiday bookings are up 20% on last year.节假日的预订比去年增加了20%。麦克米伦高阶〔breed〕The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.这种新型的徒步旅行假日重在愉悦身心,而不是为了锻炼耐力。柯林斯高阶〔busman's holiday〕A vacation during which one engages in activity that is similar to one's usual work.照常工作的假日:照常进行类似其日常工作的假日美国传统〔choice〕Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel.夏威夷一直是深受人们青睐的冬季假日旅游胜地。牛津高阶〔christmas〕Are you spending Christmas with your family? 你和家人共度圣诞节假日吗?牛津高阶〔clash〕The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。柯林斯高阶〔clog〕The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.节假日期间,马路上堵满了车辆。剑桥高阶〔close〕The two bank holidays are quite close together in May.5月份的两个银行假日离得很近。麦克米伦高阶〔coincide〕My birthday coincides with a bank holiday.我生日那天正好是一个银行假日。牛津同义词〔compensatory〕Workers are given a compensatory day off when a national holiday falls on a weekend.如果法定假日赶上周末,工人可以得到一天补休。朗文当代〔condemn〕They were condemned to spend every holiday on a rainy campsite.他们得在阴雨连绵的野营地度过每一个假日,徒叹奈何。牛津高阶〔count〕Do bank holidays count as part of annual leave? 银行假日算年假的一部分吗?麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕It's your responsibility to arrange adequate cover for holiday periods.为假日期间安排好充足的替补人员是你的责任。朗文当代〔crawl〕The holiday traffic crawled along the highway.假日来往车辆沿着公路缓慢行进。英汉大词典〔decrease〕Traffic decreases on holidays.节假日行人车辆减少了。美国传统〔decree〕It was decreed that the following day would be a holiday.法令宣布第二天为休假日。牛津高阶〔decree〕The government decreed a national holiday.政府颁布法令,规定了一个全国假日。韦氏高阶〔distill〕He has perfectly distilled the meaning of the holiday into a poem.他把假日的意义完美地升华为一首诗。韦氏高阶〔essentially〕Essentially, this is the last day of the first semester since tomorrow is a holiday.因为明天是个假日,所以实际上今天是第一学期的最后一天。文馨英汉〔eve〕The evening or day preceding a special day, such as a holiday.前夕,前夜:一个特殊日子的前夕、前夜,如假日美国传统〔flatten〕Prices are expected to flatten after the holiday shopping season.假日购物季之后,价格有望降低到一定水平。韦氏高阶〔give〕I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits.我希望假日会使他恢复愉快的情绪。英汉大词典〔haphtarah〕A selection from the Prophets, read in synagogue services on the Sabbath following each lesson from the Torah.哈夫塔拉:在犹太教安息日或假日做礼拜时从先知书中选出诵读的部分美国传统〔holiday〕I'm just trying to spread a little holiday cheer.我只是试图传播一点儿假日的愉快气氛。牛津搭配〔holiday〕It was just a harmless holiday romance .那只是一次无伤大雅的假日罗曼史而已。朗文当代〔holiday〕The school will be closed Monday because it’s a holiday.星期一是公共假日,所以学校不上课。牛津高阶〔holiday〕Today is a holiday in Wales.在威尔士今天是假日。牛津高阶〔homework〕Bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.买便宜货的人会提前做好功课, 选择合适的节假日出手。外研社新世纪〔impossible〕It's virtually/nearly/almost impossible to book a flight just before the holiday.假日前夕几乎不可能订到机票。韦氏高阶〔indulge〕Many people feel that their holiday is the time to indulge.许多人认为他们的假日就是用来尽情享受的。麦克米伦高阶〔laughingly〕I spent much of what I laughingly call 'the holidays' working through 621 pages of typescript.我把我戏称为“假日”的大部分时间都花在那621页的打字稿上了。柯林斯高阶〔legal holiday〕A holiday authorized by law and characterized by a limit or ban on work or official business.法定假日:由法律规定的假日,其特点是该日限制或停止工作或官方事务美国传统〔letting〕The town offers several holiday lettings.城里有几处假日出租房。剑桥高阶〔lucky〕The lucky winner will be able to choose from three different holidays.幸运的获胜者可以从3种不同的假日方案中选择一种。剑桥高阶〔minimum〕You'll need £200 minimum for your holiday expenses.你需要 200 英镑作为你假日的最低开销。牛津高阶〔mostly〕I spent my holidays mostly at home.我的假日多半在家里度过。文馨英汉〔much〕It hasn't been much of a holiday.这简直不像是假日。柯林斯高阶〔over〕He did it over the weekend [holidays].他在周末[假日]把它做了。文馨英汉〔own〕Your day off is your own(= you can spend it as you wish).你的假日归你自己支配。牛津高阶〔peak〕Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season.节假日高峰期宾馆一房难求。朗文当代〔peak〕The peak of the holiday season is approaching.假日的高峰期即将来临。外研社新世纪〔per〕The same meal costs £4 per head more during the holiday season.同样的饭菜在节假日期间每人要多花4英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔pro rata〕Holiday entitlement for part-time staff is calculated pro rata(=according to the number of hours worked).兼职员工节假日的津贴是按比例来计算的。麦克米伦高阶〔put sb in mind of sth〕The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a documentary that I saw last week.提到假日滑雪使我想起上周看到的一部旅行记录片。剑桥高阶〔quite〕We had quite an enjoyable holiday.我们假日过得非常愉快。英汉大词典〔recess〕The bill has to be passed before the holiday recess.该法案必须在假日休会期前通过。牛津搭配〔refund〕You will receive a full refund if you cancel the holiday.如果你取消假日,将会收到全额退款。麦克米伦高阶〔remind〕That song always reminds me of our holiday in Mexico.那首歌总让我想起我们在墨西哥的假日。麦克米伦高阶〔routine〕Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。柯林斯高阶〔rove〕In our holidays we roved the fields and woods.假日我们悠游于田野和树林。文馨英汉〔scatter〕Besides the annual vacation, one- and two-day holidays scattered throughout the year.除了一年一次的休假以外,全年还有些一天两天的零星假日。英汉大词典〔screw up〕The car broke down, so that screwed up our holiday.汽车抛锚了, 把我们的假日也给毁了。外研社新世纪〔series〕A ~ of wet days spoiled our vacation. 连日阴雨毁了我们的假日。英汉大词典〔spice〕Seeing exotic places adds spice to a holiday.游览有异国情调的地方,可以替假日加添趣味。牛津同义词〔statutory holiday〕Monday is a statutory holiday.星期一是法定假日。外研社新世纪〔store〕The stores are always crowded around the holiday season.节假日商店总是很挤。韦氏高阶〔topless〕I'd never go topless, not even on holiday.即使是在假日,我也从不袒胸露肚。麦克米伦高阶〔treat〕She took a party of little orphans on a holiday treat to a zoo.她带一群孤儿去动物园,作为假日款待。英汉大词典〔turn〕Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare.我们梦想的假日变成了一场噩梦。牛津高阶〔vacation〕A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子美国传统〔villa〕We rented a holiday villa in Spain.我们在西班牙租了一座假日别墅。牛津高阶〔week〕This is a short week because of the public holiday.因为有公共假日,所以这个星期比较短。牛津搭配〔whole〕We offer a whole variety of weekend breaks.我们提供的周末假日活动丰富多彩,一应俱全。牛津高阶An activity holiday is ideal for getting to know people (=it is the best way of doing this).举行活动的假日是结识人的理想之时。剑桥国际Complaints have dropped significantly this year as a result of holiday companies cleaning up their act to avoid heavy fines.今年投诉大为减少,这是因为假日旅游公司遵纪守法以避免巨额罚款。剑桥国际Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. 在回教国家里星期五是假日。译典通I haven't had my holiday photos developed yet.我还没把我假日的照片送去冲洗。剑桥国际In the busy holiday season, extra buses are provided to supplement the existing service.在繁忙的假日季节,增开汽车补充了现有服务。剑桥国际It was a jammy assignment -- more of a holiday really.这是一项非常容易的任务----其实还不如说是一个假日。剑桥国际It's easy to go on expensive holidays when you have a pay packet the size of hers.当你的工资和她的大小一样时,去度些昂贵的假日就不在话下了。剑桥国际Picnicking is a pleasant employment for our holidays. 远足是我们假日喜爱的活动。译典通She never forgave him for his lies / ruining her holiday.因为他撒谎/毁了她的假日,她永远也不原谅他。剑桥国际The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a travelogue that I saw last week.提起滑雪假日使我想起上星期我看过的旅行纪录片。剑桥国际The promise of brilliant sunshine got the bank holiday weekend off to a cheerful start today.今天将会阳光灿烂,使这个公假日周末有了一个快乐的开始。剑桥国际The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.马路上挤满了节假日的车辆。剑桥国际The stock market will be closed on Monday for a national holiday.星期一为全国假日,股票市场停止营业。牛津商务The store has had its busiest holiday shopping season for some years.这商店已有好几年在假日购物季节里极其繁忙。牛津商务Watching that holiday program has given Mandy ideas of (=made her consider) going abroad.看着假日电视节目,曼迪有了出国的想法。剑桥国际We are paid time and a half for extra hours on weekdays and double time for public holidays.我们平时加班支付 1.5 倍工资,公共假日加班支付双倍工资。牛津商务We had grand weather on our holiday.我们的假日有个好天气。剑桥国际




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