

单词 使劲拉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PULL〕She pulled the dog back with a sharp jerk of his leash. 她使劲拉动狗颈项上的皮带,硬是把它往后拖。朗文写作活用〔PULL〕The other girls surrounded her, calling her names and yanking her hair. 其他女孩子围住她,破口大骂并使劲拉她头发。朗文写作活用〔budge〕I got a grip on the boat and pulled but I couldn't budge it.我抓住船使劲拉,但是拽不动。柯林斯高阶〔force〕If you force the zip, it'll break.如果你使劲拉拉链,会拉坏的。剑桥高阶〔hold〕They laid hold of the rope and pulled lustily.他们抓住绳子使劲拉。英汉大词典〔pull at〕She pulled at the thread till it came out of the piece of cloth.她使劲拉才把线从这块布里拉出来。21世纪英汉〔pull〕Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。牛津高阶〔pull〕He got hold of the rope and pulled hard.他抓住绳子使劲拉。牛津搭配〔stiff〕Pull hard – that drawer's very stiff.使劲拉 — 那个抽屉很紧。朗文当代〔strain〕Several sailors were straining at the rope.几个水手在使劲拉绳子。英汉大词典〔strain〕The elephants strained at their ropes.这些大象使劲拉扯系在它们身上的绳子。麦克米伦高阶〔tug〕She tugged the cord until the plug came out of the wall socket.她使劲拉电线,直到把插头从插座上拔出来。韦氏高阶〔tug〕To move by pulling with great effort or exertion; drag.用力或使劲拉动;拖拉美国传统〔yank〕I yanked him to the window by his shirt collar.我使劲拉着他的衬衫领,把他拖到窗边。英汉大词典Give the battery a yank and it should come out.使劲拉一下电池,它就会出来。剑桥国际




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