

单词 刻意
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔courtship〕a deliberate courtship of African-American voters对非洲裔美国选民的刻意迎合外研社新世纪〔demean〕demeaned themselves well in class. 他们刻意使自己在班上表现良好美国传统〔do〕a crime that had been done on purpose. 刻意犯下的罪行美国传统〔imitate〕a genuine German musical which does not try to imitate the American model. 不刻意模仿美国模式的真正的德国音乐剧柯林斯高阶〔misleading〕deliberately misleading comments 刻意误导他人的评论韦氏高阶〔plant〕a carefully planted rumour刻意散布的谣言21世纪英汉〔pretension〕a building with no pretensions to architectural merit 没有刻意表现建筑特色的楼房牛津高阶〔profundity〕the profundity of these social changes 这些社会变革的深刻意义麦克米伦高阶〔provocative〕a deliberately provocative remark 刻意挑拨离间的话麦克米伦高阶〔provocative〕an intentionally provocative style 刻意挑衅的风格韦氏高阶〔selectively〕a tendency to selectively forget all the adverse effects of the drug. 有刻意忘掉毒品所有负面影响的倾向柯林斯高阶〔self-consciously〕this self-consciously stylish hotel这家刻意营造时尚格调的酒店外研社新世纪〔self-conscious〕a self-conscious attempt to win people's sympathy 刻意寻求人们同情的举动韦氏高阶〔self-conscious〕the self-conscious irony in the play 剧中刻意的反讽韦氏高阶〔significant〕rituals which are deeply significant to Christians 对基督徒具有深刻意义的仪式牛津搭配〔southpaw〕a laboriously printed southpaw note 刻意用左手书写的印刷体字条英汉大词典〔stifle〕to stifle in one's appetite在欲望上刻意压抑自己21世纪英汉




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