

单词 兜圈
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CROWD〕People were milling around in the corridor, waiting for the show to start. 人们绕着走廊兜圈子,等表演开场。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Every time we try to reach a decision, we end up going round in circles. 我们每次想要作决定时,结果都是在原地兜圈子。朗文写作活用〔around〕We became lost and began driving around in circles.我们开车迷了路, 开始一遍一又遍地兜圈子。外研社新世纪〔beat around the bush〕Don't beat around the bush - get to the point! 别兜圈子了——有话直说!剑桥高阶〔contradict〕He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself and often ends up saying nothing.他说话经常兜圈子,老是自相矛盾,常常到最后什么也没说。柯林斯高阶〔contradict〕He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself, and often ends up saying nothing.他讲话经常兜圈子, 常自相矛盾, 很多时候言之无物。外研社新世纪〔end run〕Football A play in which the ball carrier attempts to run around one end of the defensive line.【橄榄球】 线外侧迂回进攻:带球跑的队员试图绕着防御线的一端兜圈子前进的战术美国传统〔flannel〕Leave out the flannel and answer the question! 别兜圈子了,回答问题吧!剑桥高阶〔game〕Don't play silly games with me; I know you did it.别跟我兜圈子,我知道是你干的。牛津高阶〔game〕I'm trying to be honest with you. I'm not interested in playing games.我是想跟你说实话,不想跟你兜圈子。韦氏高阶〔go/run around in circles〕The discussion kept going around in circles.讨论一直在原地兜圈子。剑桥高阶〔go/run round in circles〕The discussion kept going round in circles.讨论一直在原地兜圈子。剑桥高阶〔indirect〕His explanation was circuitous and puzzling.他的解释在兜圈子,让人费解。美国传统〔merry〕She was leading journalists a merry dance about her wedding day.关于她结婚的日子她故意和记者们兜圈子。麦克米伦高阶〔roundabout〕The bus took a very long and roundabout route .公共汽车路线很长,兜圈子走。朗文当代〔talk around〕They've been talking around the real issue rather than addressing it directly.他们在实质性问题上一直兜圈子,而不去直接应对。韦氏高阶We cycled through primeval forests.我们在原始森林中兜圈子(迷了路)。剑桥国际




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