

单词 出动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕An army of 1650 plows and 2000 workers will be out this afternoon as snow begins to accumulate. 积雪越来越厚,一支由1,650台扫雪机和2,000名工人组成的队伍今天下午将出动。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕Extra troops have been brought in, and riot police are on standby. 更多的部队奉召到场,防暴警察也在待命出动。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Troops were used to put down a rebellion and arrest hundreds of protestors. 军队出动镇压叛乱,并逮捕了几百名抗议者。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕People dived aside as undercover cops ambushed a planned post office raid. 暗中埋伏的警察突然出动,打击一场有预谋的抢劫邮局行动,人群顿时散向两边。朗文写作活用〔action〕Ambulance crews are ready to spring into action if anything goes wrong during the race.救护车急救人员随时准备出动,以防比赛出现意外。朗文当代〔advocate〕Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel.动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。柯林斯高阶〔anestrous〕Not exhibiting estrus.未显示出动情期的美国传统〔army〕The army was/were called out to enforce the curfew.出动了军队以实行宵禁。剑桥高阶〔avert〕Violence may have been averted with a greater police presence.如果出动了更多的警力,暴力行为原本可能避免。麦克米伦高阶〔bargain〕The sales had started and the bargain hunters (= people looking for things at a low price) were out in force.减价销售开始了,那些到处搜寻便宜货的人便倾巢出动。剑桥高阶〔blaze〕Helicopters were used to help fight the blaze.出动了直升机来协助灭火。朗文当代〔blaze〕It took almost 100 firemen to bring the blaze under control.出动了近 100 名消防员才控制住火势。朗文当代〔body〕The town turned out body and soul for the Democratic candidate.全城出动竭诚支持民主党候选人。英汉大词典〔boiling point〕The situation in the inner city was reaching/at boiling point, so the police were out in force.内城的形势快要失控了,所以警察都全副武装出动了。剑桥高阶〔boiling point〕The situation in the inner city was reaching/at the boiling point, so the police were out in force.内城的形势快要失控了,所以警察都全副武装出动了。剑桥高阶〔call out〕Colombia has called out the army and imposed emergency measures.哥伦比亚出动了军队,并采取了紧急措施。柯林斯高阶〔call out〕The police could not control the demonstrators, so troops were called out.警方控制不了示威的群众,因此出动了军队。21世纪英汉〔call-out〕The lifeboat has had ten call-outs in the past year.去年救生艇出动过十次。朗文当代〔call-out〕The mountain rescue service had several call-outs last week.山地救护队上周好几次应召出动。剑桥高阶〔call〕Governor Ross called out the militia to deal with the riot.罗斯州长出动了民兵平定骚乱。麦克米伦高阶〔call〕The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.昨天消防队出动了两次。英汉大词典〔calm〕The presence of soldiers helped restore calm .军队的出动使局面恢复了平静。朗文当代〔carry〕He called for a motion to stop debate, but the motion did not carry.他提出动议要求停止争论,但是没能获得通过。韦氏高阶〔chase〕The police immediately gave chase to the thief.警方立即出动追捕小偷。英汉大词典〔concert〕The FBI and the local police acted in concert to solve the murder.为侦破那起谋杀案,联邦调查局和当地警方联合出动。韦氏高阶〔conjugate〕Can you conjugate the verb “to go”? 你能列出动词go的各种词形变化吗?韦氏高阶〔cuff〕Medicine An inflatable band, usually wrapped around the upper arm, that is used along with a sphygmomanometer in measuring arterial blood pressure.【医学】 橡皮箍袖带:一种可充气的箍带,通常裹在前臂上,与血压计一起使用以测量出动脉的血压美国传统〔dog〕Sniffer dogs were used to find the drugs.出动了嗅探犬寻找毒品。牛津搭配〔emergency〕An emergency crew was called out.紧急出动了一支抢险队伍。牛津搭配〔enemy〕The enemy were (或was) in large force.敌军大批出动。英汉大词典〔exodus〕There's a mass exodus from the city every Friday.全体出动;所有人的离开麦克米伦高阶〔false alarm〕Fire fighters responded to a false alarm at one of the college dormitories.消防员接一大学宿舍谎报的火警而出动。朗文当代〔false alarm〕The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。牛津高阶〔fianchetto〕The development in chess of a bishop from its original position to the second square of the adjacent knight's file.侧翼出动:国际象棋中一步棋,象从起始位置移至马所在相邻列的第二个方格美国传统〔fianchetto〕To develop as or set up a fianchetto.使侧翼出动:走侧翼出动着或出侧翼出动棋美国传统〔fire brigade〕Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze.出动了七个消防队以控制火势。外研社新世纪〔garrison〕The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.收到敌人推进的情报后,卫戍部队受命出动。朗文当代〔go out〕Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way.有消息说一队坦克已经出动了。柯林斯高阶〔guard〕It would only be a matter of minutes before the alarm was raised and the guard called out.警报响起、警卫出动只需要几分钟时间。牛津搭配〔hackle〕The use of the police raises the hackles of people in that country.出动警察激怒了该国人民。英汉大词典〔hand〕If we get the police involved, we'll be playing right into the protesters' hands.如果出动警察,那将正中抗议者的下怀。牛津高阶〔jail〕A posse has been out after the man who broke jail.已出动了一队警察,追捕那个越狱逃跑的人。英汉大词典〔law〕After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.暴乱以后,军队出动来恢复治安。牛津高阶〔lifeboat〕The lifeboat was called out five times in the January storms.在 1 月份的暴风雨中救生艇奉命出动了 5 次。牛津搭配〔militia〕He said he would call out the state militia if the rebels did not surrender.他说如果反叛分子拒不投降,他就要出动州国民自卫队。牛津搭配〔motion〕Only delegates may introduce motions and vote.只有代表可以提出动议并投票表决。牛津搭配〔motion〕The attorneys filed a motion (=made a proposal in a court) for a temporary restraining order.律师提出动议要求下达临时限制令。朗文当代〔motion〕The board tabled a motion calling for her resignation.董事会提出动议,要求她辞职。牛津搭配〔naturalistic〕Most zoos try to exhibit animals in naturalistic settings.大多数动物园会尽量在类似自然的环境里展出动物。剑桥高阶〔noise〕Don't make a noise or we'll kill you.不要弄出动静来, 否则我们饶不了你。外研社新世纪〔occasion〕The police were called out on 24 separate occasions.警察奉命出动了 24 次。牛津搭配〔order out〕Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.保安部队奉命出动以控制市内的局面。21世纪英汉〔order〕The governor decided to order out the National Guard.州长决定出动国民警卫队。朗文当代〔out〕The police were out in force (= there were a lot of police) at the demonstration.警方出动了大批警力到示威现场。剑桥高阶〔police〕The march was heavily policed.出动了大批警察维持游行示威的秩序。外研社新世纪〔police〕The march was heavily policed.出动了大批警察维持游行示威的秩序。柯林斯高阶〔powder〕Even if they realized I'd taken a powder, they wouldn't all go looking for me.即使他们意识到我不见了, 也不会出动全员找我。外研社新世纪〔principal parts〕In traditional grammars of inflected languages, the forms of the verb that are considered basic and from which all forms of the verb are derived.动词的主要变化形式:在有文法变化的语言的传统语法中,被认为是基本的并从中可以导出动词的所有其他形式的动词形式美国传统〔put ... down〕The opposition will put down a censure motion on the government's handling of the affair.反对党对政府处理该事提出动议。21世纪英汉〔put down〕Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.军队出动镇压叛乱。柯林斯高阶〔put〕I wouldn't put it past him to use force.我看他干得出动粗的事情。朗文当代〔recurrence〕Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.警方出动大量警力防止暴力事件再次发生。柯林斯高阶〔repudiate〕Leaders urged people to turn out in large numbers to repudiate the violence.领导们敦促人们集体出动反对暴力。外研社新世纪〔selectively〕The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity.这些士兵擅长小股出动,执行具有高度选择性的歼敌任务。柯林斯高阶〔sortie〕A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission.出动架次:战斗飞行器执行任务的一次飞行美国传统〔sortie〕Allied aircraft flew hundreds of sorties.盟军的飞机出动了几百架次。麦克米伦高阶〔sortie〕The US and its allies carried out 44,000 sorties during this period.美国及其盟友这段时间里出动了44,000 架次的飞机。朗文当代〔sortie〕They flew 2,700 sorties in a day and didn't lose a single plane.他们一天出动了 2,700 架次飞机,而且没有损失一架。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕The troops are standing by.部队随时待命出动。牛津高阶〔strength〕Security forces have been out in strength.出动了大批安全部队。外研社新世纪〔strength〕Security forces have been out in strength.已经出动了大批安全部队。柯林斯高阶〔such〕The director pointed out that the zoo provided no entertainment as such.这位主管指出动物园不提供任何所谓的娱乐活动。麦克米伦高阶〔swarm〕To move or gather in large numbers.云集,涌往:群集或成群出动美国传统〔takeoff〕At eight o'clock all units were in takeoff position.8点钟时,各单位均已处在出动位置。英汉大词典〔take〕The police took out after the thieves.警方出动警力追捕小偷美国传统〔trooper〕Troopers are called out in emergencies or dangerous situations.在紧急或危险的情况下可出动州警察。剑桥高阶〔turnout〕The act or an instance of turning out.出来、出动的行为或事例美国传统〔warrant〕This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.就这几个人,没有理由出动这么多警察。朗文当代〔weather〕The lifeboat crews go out in all weather(s).救生船人员在任何天气情况下都出动救援。牛津搭配Anti-riot squads were called out to deal with the situation. 防暴队奉命出动以对付这一局势。译典通Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout. 消防队员时刻准备著紧急出动。译典通The law was/were out in force at the demonstration.警方大举出动以应付示威游行。剑桥国际The lifeboat was called out again during the night. 夜间救生船又一次按指示出动了。译典通The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance. 警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。译典通The police immediately gave chase to the robbers. 警察立刻出动追捕盗贼。译典通The press was/were out in force at the awards ceremony.记者倾巢出动来采访授奖仪式。剑桥国际The whole family turned out for the match.全家出动看比赛。剑桥国际Troopers are called out in emergencies or dangerous situations.在紧急情况或危险情况下就出动州警察。剑桥国际




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