

单词 刊登
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FUNNY〕I like a newspaper with one or two amusing articles, as well as all the serious stuff. 我喜欢那种在刊登所有严肃东西的同时又有一两篇趣味文章的报纸。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of Sales Executive advertised in yesterday's ‘Times’. 亲爱的先生:昨日贵公司在《泰晤士报》上刊登招聘销售经理的广告,本人特写此信应聘。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Since the story ran in local papers, the family has received several offers of help. 这则报道在本地报纸上刊登以后,已有多方表示愿意帮助这家人。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The magazine printed filthy pictures that shocked everyone. 该杂志上刊登了一些令人震惊的淫秽图片。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕I was threatened with jail if I published the story. 我受到威胁说,如果我把这件事刊登出来,就把我投入监狱。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕The perpetrators of the hoax managed to dupe respectable journalists into printing their story. 恶作剧者让受人尊敬的记者上了当,把他们的故事刊登了出来。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕Serious poetry published in newspapers always seems slightly out of keeping. 严肃的诗歌刊登在报纸上总有点不协调。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕We placed advertisements in a number of national newspapers.我们在多家全国性的报纸上都刊登了广告。牛津搭配〔advertise〕Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.许多公司只会在周日报纸上刊登广告。朗文当代〔advertise〕The company is advertising for a secretary.公司刊登广告招聘一位秘书。韦氏高阶〔advertorial〕An advertisement promoting the interests or opinions of a corporate sponsor, often presented in such a way as to resemble an editorial.社论式广告:宣传公司赞助商的兴趣或观点的广告,经常以社论的形式刊登美国传统〔advert〕The advert appeared in 'The Guardian'.这则广告刊登在《卫报》上。牛津搭配〔ad〕She took out a full-page ad in a women's magazine.她在一本女性杂志上刊登了一整版广告。牛津搭配〔appear〕It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in the n ational newspapers.要阻止全国性报纸刊登这件事情已为时太晚。牛津高阶〔appear〕Some of the material used has appeared in print before (=has been published) .用到的一些材料曾经刊登过。朗文当代〔appear〕The story appeared on the front page of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸的头版。韦氏高阶〔base〕The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising.公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。柯林斯高阶〔blaze〕News of their divorce was blazed across all the tabloids.所有小报都在显著位置上刊登了他们离婚的消息。朗文当代〔break〕The Daily Mirror broke the story on Christmas Eve.《每日镜报》在圣诞节前夕首次刊登了这篇报道。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕This morning's newspapers all carry the same story on their front page.今早的报纸都在头版刊登了相同的报道。剑桥高阶〔devote〕The newspaper has begun devoting more review space to children's books.该报纸已开始拿出更多的版面用于刊登儿童书籍评论文章。麦克米伦高阶〔do〕The magazine has done his profile.那家杂志刊登了他的传略。英汉大词典〔edition〕The story made it into the evening edition of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸的晚间版上。牛津搭配〔feature〕The magazine runs a regular feature on ethnic cooking.这本杂志定期刊登民族烹饪方面的特稿。牛津搭配〔feuilleton〕The part of a European newspaper devoted to light fiction, reviews, and articles of general entertainment.小品栏:欧洲报纸专用于刊登取悦一般读者的娱乐小说、评论以及文章的部分美国传统〔finalist〕The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.12 名决赛选手的名单将刊登在《星期日泰晤士报》上。柯林斯高阶〔furious〕I was furious with/at them for printing the story.他们把这故事刊登出去了,我感到怒不可遏。韦氏高阶〔headline〕The scandal was in the headlines for several days.这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。牛津高阶〔hoo-ha〕One of the tabloids published the pictures and they caused a great hoo-ha.一家小报刊登了那些照片,引起了不小的轰动。剑桥高阶〔inflame〕Information planted in the press could inflame the Vice-President to hasty action.报刊登载的消息会使这位副总统激动得轻率行事。英汉大词典〔injunction〕We can go to court and get a preliminary injunction to stop an ad.我们可以去法院领取一份停止刊登广告的预发禁制令。英汉大词典〔intimate〕The magazine published intimate details of their affair.这本杂志刊登了他们暧昧关系的隐秘细节。麦克米伦高阶〔invective〕I am shocked that a newspaper would publish such invective, unsubstantiated deceit.一家报纸会刊登这样没有事实依据的抨击性谎言, 我为此感到震惊。外研社新世纪〔journal〕All our results are published in scientific journals.我们的所有成果都刊登在科学期刊上。外研社新世纪〔locally〕He advertised locally.他在当地刊登了广告。外研社新世纪〔mistrial〕The judge declared a mistrial after newspapers printed a juror's name.在一家报纸刊登了一名陪审团成员的名字之后,法官宣布审判无效。剑桥高阶〔notice〕The request is published in notices in today's national newspapers.这一请求刊登在今天全国各大报纸的启事栏里。外研社新世纪〔notoriety〕She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.她因其裸照刊登在杂志上而声名狼藉。韦氏高阶〔page〕The article appeared on the front page of the New York Times.这篇文章刊登在《纽约时报》的头版。剑桥高阶〔page〕They ran the story on the front page of the newspaper.他们把这篇新闻报道刊登在报纸的头版。韦氏高阶〔printable〕His comment when he heard the news was not printable(= was very rude).他听到这消息时下的评语不宜刊登。牛津高阶〔print〕We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.我们只能刊登附有作者姓名和地址的信件。柯林斯高阶〔proceedings〕The proceedings were published in the newspapers.报纸上刊登了这次会议记录。外研社新世纪〔profile〕He has been profiled in his local newspaper.当地的报纸曾刊登过他的简介。麦克米伦高阶〔prominence〕Most of the papers give prominence to (= put in a noticeable position) the same story this morning.今天早上大多数报纸都在显著位置刊登了同一条新闻。剑桥高阶〔public〕Newspapers publish these outrageous stories because they know what their public wants.报纸刊登这些耸人听闻的报道是因为他们知道读者想要看些什么。剑桥高阶〔publish〕Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers.嫌疑人的照片刊登在各家日报上了。牛津高阶〔publish〕The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the government.这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。柯林斯高阶〔ran〕The ad was run in the paper for a week.这则广告在报上连续刊登了一个星期。21世纪英汉〔rehash〕Now newspapers and magazines rehash the civil war almost daily.现在报刊杂志几乎天天重复刊登以那次内战为题材的文字。英汉大词典〔relegate〕The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.这篇报道从重要版面撤下,刊登在中间的版面上。剑桥高阶〔reply〕I am grateful to you for having given me a right of reply (= the opportunity to respond) to the article in your magazine about my company.感谢您给予我机会回应贵刊登载的有关我公司的文章。牛津搭配〔reply〕The company has replied to the recent protests by posting an ad in the local newspaper.公司通过在当地报纸上刊登广告回应近期的抗议。韦氏高阶〔review〕The paper published a review of her book.报纸刊登了对她的书的评论。朗文当代〔run〕Every newspaper in the city ran the story.城市的每种报纸都刊登了这则新闻报道。韦氏高阶〔run〕Many of his stories ran in national magazines.他的许多报道刊登在全国性杂志中。韦氏高阶〔run〕Please run this ad in your paper for three days.这则广告请在贵报刊登三天。文馨英汉〔run〕The local newspaper ran a feature on Liverpool.当地报纸刊登了关于利物浦的特别报道。外研社新世纪〔run〕The newspaper ran a series of four editorials entitled 'The Choice of Our Lives.' 这份报纸刊登了4篇社论连载,题为《我们生活的选择》。柯林斯高阶〔scandal sheet〕A periodical, such as a newspaper, that habitually prints gossip or scandalous stories.黄色报刊:习惯刊登造谣或猥亵故事的期刊,如报纸等美国传统〔section〕The story was reported on the front page of the business section.这一报道刊登在商业版的头版。麦克米伦高阶〔special〕Full details of the election results will be published in a special edition of tomorrow's newspaper.选举结果的详细情况明天将刊登在报纸的特别版上。剑桥高阶〔specifically〕The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.那家报纸,更确切地说是那家报纸的编辑,因刊登那些照片而遭起诉。牛津高阶〔spectrum〕A whole spectrum of opinions is represented in the newspaper.各观点均已刊登在报。外研社新世纪〔splash across/over〕The scandal was splashed across the front page.那条丑闻大幅刊登在头版上。韦氏高阶〔splash〕A picture of his girlfriend Sheryl had been splashed in the previous weekend's tabloids.他的女友谢里尔的一张照片被刊登在前一周末各家通俗小报的显眼位置上。柯林斯高阶〔splash〕Several newspapers splashed colour pictures of the star across their front pages.几份报纸在头版显着位置刊登了这位明星的多幅彩照。剑桥高阶〔splash〕The next day his exploits were splashed across the front page.第二天他的英勇事迹便浓墨重彩地在头版刊登了出来。牛津搭配〔splash〕The scandal was splashed across the front page of the paper.这条丑闻被刊登在报纸头版的显著位置上。麦克米伦高阶〔splatter〕His picture was splattered in many papers.许多报纸都以显要的位置刊登了他的照片。21世纪英汉〔splatter〕The story was splattered across British front pages.英国报刊的头版醒目地刊登了这一报道。外研社新世纪〔stop〕They'll pull out all the stops to prevent the story from being published.他们将想尽一切办法阻止这篇报道刊登出来。外研社新世纪〔such〕The magazine publishes articles about such varied subjects as astronomy, politics, and gardening.这份杂志刊登有关诸如天文学、政治学、园艺等不同题材的文章。韦氏高阶〔sure〕If you're really sure about the facts, we'll publish them.如果你真的能肯定这些情况属实,我们就把它们刊登出来。麦克米伦高阶〔syndicate〕His column is syndicated in all the major newspapers.他的专栏被所有主要报纸同时刊登。韦氏高阶〔text〕The newspaper had printed the full text of the president's speech.报纸刊登了总统演讲的全文。牛津高阶〔text〕The newspaper printed the full text of the interview.报纸刊登了采访的全文。牛津搭配〔that〕The story was published in a Sunday newspaper later that week.那周晚些时候, 这篇报道刊登在了一份星期日报纸上。外研社新世纪〔unbalanced〕The magazine had published an unbalanced report.那家杂志刊登了一篇片面的报道。英汉大词典〔vitriolic〕There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.两周前一份周日报纸刊登了一篇对他进行尖酸恶毒攻击的文章。柯林斯高阶〔write-up〕A published account, review, or notice, especially a favorable one.报道:一篇刊登的报道、评论或短评,尤指捧场文章美国传统British law prohibits newspapers from publishing information that might prejudice criminal cases before they go to court.英国法律禁止报纸在刑事案子审判前刊登会产生偏见的消息。剑桥国际I tried to sell my old bike by advertising it in the local paper, but I didn't have a lot of people beating a path to my door.我在当地报纸上刊登广告欲卖掉旧自行车,可是求购者并不多。剑桥国际I'm phoning about your ad in the paper.我打电话想问一下你们在报纸上刊登的广告。牛津商务It was in “The Star”first, then all the other newspapers cribbed it the next day.这条消息首先刊登在《星报》上,而第二天其他所有的报纸都窃用了它。剑桥国际Newspaper editors don't print the really obnoxious letters that they receive.报刊编辑不刊登收到的那些实在令人厌恶的信件。剑桥国际Parts of the report were printed in several newspapers.报告的部分内容被刊登在几家报纸上。牛津商务Some newspapers print television listings for the whole week.有些报纸刊登整个星期的电视节目预告。剑桥国际The editor says they cannot publish all the letters they received. 编辑说他们不可能刊登他们收到的所有的信函。译典通The interview with the new CEO was published last Friday.上星期五刊登了对新任首席执行官的访谈。牛津商务The magazine contains articles by leading analysts.这杂志刊登最杰出的分析家所撰写的文章。牛津商务The magazine published a short story written by a high school student. 这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。译典通The newspaper carried a large photograph of the bomb damage which fuelled popular wrath.报纸上刊登了一张炸弹破坏的大照片,这激起了公众的愤慨。剑桥国际The newspaper editor was sternly rebuked for allowing the story to be printed.这报纸编辑因同意刊登这篇报导而遭到了严厉谴责。剑桥国际The newspaper published an exclusive about the escape.这家报纸刊登了有关逃跑的独家新闻。剑桥国际The newspaper ran the review on page four. 报纸把这则评论刊登在第四版上。译典通The week's TV schedule is given in colour across the centrefold of the magazine.本周的电视节目表以彩色刊登在杂志中页上。剑桥国际There have been calls for tougher controls/restrictions on what newspapers are allowed to print.一直有人呼吁对允许报纸刊登的内容加以更为严格的控制/限制。剑桥国际Volkswagen published a full-page ad in today's China Daily.大众汽车公司在今天的《中国日报》上刊登了整版广告。牛津商务When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.报上刊登了整个故事后,他以前所有的欺诈行径被揭穿了。剑桥国际




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