

单词 关心政治
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LISTEN〕According to the survey, two-thirds of young people do not follow politics and pay no attention to election campaigns. 根据这次调查,2/3的年轻人不关心政治,也不过问竞选活动。朗文写作活用〔apathetic〕Young people today are so apathetic about politics.现在的年轻人太不关心政治。剑桥高阶〔apolitical〕As a musician, you cannot be apolitical.作为一个音乐人,你不能不关心政治。柯林斯高阶〔apolitical〕Having no interest in or association with politics.不关心政治的,对政治无兴趣的:对政治不感兴趣或与政治无关的美国传统〔concern〕I didn't concern myself with politics.我不关心政治。柯林斯高阶〔politically incorrect〕Disregarding or unconcerned with political correctness.政治不正确的:漠视或不关心政治正确性的美国传统〔politically〕Oh I'm not political, I take no interest in politics.噢,我不关心政治,对政治一点也不感兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔politicize〕He became politicised during his years in prison.他坐牢的那些年开始关心政治。朗文当代〔politicize〕Many new voters are believed to have been politicized by the protest.人们认为很多新选民是受到抗议活动的影响而开始关心政治的。外研社新世纪〔strictly〕He's strictly apolitical.他完全不关心政治。文馨英汉〔the citizenry〕The country's citizenry is/are more politically aware than in the past.现在该国公民比过去更关心政治。剑桥高阶The country's citizenry is/are more politically aware than in the past.这个国家的全体公民比过去更关心政治了。剑桥国际




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