

单词 关心
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕The mother bird's main concern is to provide food for her young. 雌鸟最关心的事是给小鸟找食物。朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class. 他的对手试图把他说成是一个对工人阶级的利益漠不关心的人。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕We make a range of natural, additive-free foods for people who really care what they eat. 我们为真正关心自己饮食的人生产一系列不含添加剂的天然食品。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕If private hospitals are operating purely for gain, how can we be sure they have the patients’ best interests at heart? 如果私人医院的经营纯粹是为了赚钱,我们怎样才能相信他们关心病人的利益呢?朗文写作活用〔SAME〕Club bosses and doormen are equally concerned about the situation. 俱乐部里从老板到看门人都一样关心这一事态。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕We're focused on the financial, rather than social, aspects of the problem. 对于这个问题,我们主要关心的是资金方面,而不是它的社会问题。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕She was full of pity for the little boy with no one to love and care for him. 她对这个没有人爱护和关心的小男孩充满了同情。朗文写作活用〔Whitehall〕Whitehall does not seem to care about this problem at all.看来英国政府对这个问题一点也不关心。英汉大词典〔actuality〕While economists are free to theorize, company chairmen are concerned with actualities.经济学家们可自由提出理论, 而公司总裁们则关心的是现实情况。外研社新世纪〔address〕The principal held a meeting to address the students' concerns.校长召开了会议解决学生们所关心的问题。韦氏高阶〔affair〕The public has shown little interest in the whole affair.公众对整个事件显得不甚关心。韦氏高阶〔argument〕Centralized government, so the argument goes, is too far removed from the problems of ordinary citizens.这种论点指出,集权政府不关心普通公民的困难。牛津搭配〔arraign〕The monks were arraigned for teaching grammer rather than things spiritual.修道士们因为讲授语法不讲授有关心灵的道理而受到指责。英汉大词典〔assume〕He assumed an air of concern.他装出关心的样子。牛津高阶〔attentive〕A good teacher is always attentive to their students' needs.一个好的老师总是对学生的需要很关心。剑桥高阶〔auxiliary〕The government's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.政府关心的首要问题是扩充军队及辅助队伍。柯林斯高阶〔bloody〕He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.他根本不关心别人。牛津高阶〔bothered〕They're not really bothered about what you do.他们并不真关心你做些什么。牛津搭配〔bottom〕At bottom, such an attitude is born not of concern for your welfare, but out of fear of losing you.实际上,这种态度并非源自对你幸福的关心,而是出于害怕失去你。柯林斯高阶〔brood〕Historians brood about the study of man's past.历史学家关心的是研究人类的过去。英汉大词典〔careful〕Be careful of his feelings.关心一下他的情绪美国传统〔care〕I could be dead for all he cares! 我是死是活,他才不关心呢!牛津高阶〔civic-minded〕Concerned with civic interests or active in community affairs.热心公益的:关心城市利益的,或活跃于小区事务的美国传统〔classic〕Too many job hunters make the classic mistake of thinking only about what's in it for them.不少求职者都会犯这种典型错误,即只关心自己能得到什么。朗文当代〔concerned〕He's more concerned with what people think of him than anything else.他最关心的是人们对他的评价如何。麦克米伦高阶〔concerned〕Mr Quinn is simply concerned to hold on to his job.奎因先生关心的只是保住他的工作。朗文当代〔concerned〕The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients' businesses.广告代理商更关心拍摄附庸风雅的广告, 而不是了解客户的业务。外研社新世纪〔concerned〕The government is chiefly concerned to ensure control of the economy.政府关心的主要是确保对经济的控制。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕He had only gone along out of concern for his two grandsons.他完全是出于对两个孙子的关心才继续这样做。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕I was surprised by her lack of concern.她的漠不关心令我很感意外。牛津搭配〔concern〕The survey's findings are a matter of great concern.这项调查的结果是大家非常关心的。外研社新世纪〔concern〕Without her care and concern, he had no chance at all.没有她的照顾和关心, 他就不会有任何机会。外研社新世纪〔consideration〕He showed no consideration for his daughters.他不关心他的女儿们。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Doctors are concerned to cover themselves against charges of negligence.医生关心的是要保护自己,不让自己被人指控失职。朗文当代〔difference〕A little extra care makes a big difference.稍微多关心一点儿,情况就会大不一样。牛津搭配〔disengagement〕The single lifestyle does not necessarily mean disengagement from family life.这种单身生活方式并不一定意味着对家庭生活漠不关心。外研社新世纪〔distaff〕Work and concerns traditionally considered important to women.女红:传统上认为女子重要的工作或女子关心的事美国传统〔enhancement〕He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition.他关心人类生存环境的改善。柯林斯高阶〔foremost〕Economic concerns are foremost on many voters' minds.经济是许多选民关心的首要问题。朗文当代〔genuine〕She is very caring and very genuine.她很关心他人, 也非常诚恳。外研社新世纪〔guise〕He was only concerned with the guise of his product.他只关心产品的外观。外研社新世纪〔heed〕She does not pay their concerns any heed.她对他们关心的事毫不理会。韦氏高阶〔hoot〕He doesn't care two hoots about Irish politics.他一点也不关心爱尔兰的政治。外研社新世纪〔ignorance〕Shoppers have had enough of unhelpful and uninterested shop staff treating them with ignorance and rudeness.购物者受够了某些店员的气, 他们对顾客既不帮助也不关心, 不理不睬, 粗鲁无礼。外研社新世纪〔indifference〕He has shown [displayed] complete indifference to the sufferings of the poor.他对穷人的苦难显得十分漠不关心。文馨英汉〔indifference〕They have an air of studied indifference to the problem.他们对这个问题故意摆出漠不关心的样子。牛津搭配〔indifferent〕Not mattering one way or the other.不关心的,不重要的:不在乎是那种方式的美国传统〔insouciance〕Blithe lack of concern; nonchalance.漫不经心;漠不关心美国传统〔interest〕A union looks after the interests of its members.工会关心其会员的利益。剑桥高阶〔intrude〕I was very concerned about her but I didn't want to intrude.我非常关心她,但我并不想打扰她。麦克米伦高阶〔irreligious〕Hostile or indifferent to religion; ungodly.漠视宗教的:对宗教敌视或漠不关心的;不敬神的,不虔诚的美国传统〔lapse〕Lapses in air safety raise fresh concerns.航空安全事故成为人们关心的新问题。外研社新世纪〔lavish ... on〕The couple lavished so much care on their only son.夫妇俩过分关心他们的独子。21世纪英汉〔line〕There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it.关心别人正在做的事情和进行干预之间存在着细微的差别。牛津高阶〔material〕He is concerned only with his own material comforts/needs.他只关心他的物质享受/需求。韦氏高阶〔misunderstand〕My concern for their well-being was misunderstood as interference.我关心他们的幸福,却被误解为多管闲事。牛津搭配〔natural〕Greg has natural warmth and concern for people.格雷格对人有真诚的热情和关心。麦克米伦高阶〔neglect〕What do you think of a man who neglects his wife? 你对一个漠不关心自己妻子的人有何看法?麦克米伦高阶〔negligent〕Characterized by careless ease or informality; casual.漫不经心的:以漫不经心或随便态度为特点的;漠不关心的美国传统〔nothing〕They care for nothing but fighting.他们只知道打架, 什么也不关心。外研社新世纪〔occupy〕But his thoughts were occupied elsewhere.可是他关心的是另外一些事。英汉大词典〔oligarchy〕Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare.雅典当时受寡头集团统治, 他们对人民的福祉毫不关心。外研社新世纪〔orientation〕Psychology Awareness of the objective world in relation to one's self.【心理学】 定位(力):对与自身相关的物质世界的关心美国传统〔place〕She keeps a special place in her heart for mistreated animals.她特别关心受虐待的动物。韦氏高阶〔politicize〕He became politicised during his years in prison.他坐牢的那些年开始关心政治。朗文当代〔portend〕Perhaps the present concern with the values of liberal arts education portends an intellectual anemia.现在关心大学文科教育的重要性也许意味着患了智力贫血症。21世纪英汉〔primary〕Dealing with crime is our primary concern.我们最关心的是如何对付犯罪。麦克米伦高阶〔primary〕The Red Cross's primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.红十字会最关心的是维护人的生命安全。剑桥高阶〔prime〕Political stability will be a prime concern.政治稳定将成为人们首要关心的事情。外研社新世纪〔rap〕She didn't care a rap for us.她对我们一点也不关心。外研社新世纪〔revert〕In the car she reverted to the subject uppermost in her mind.在车里,她又提起了她最关心的话题。柯林斯高阶〔sincere〕He showed a sincere concern for her health.他真心关心她的健康。韦氏高阶〔solicitous〕Marked by or given to anxious care and often hovering attentiveness.迫切的:急切的关心并带有殷勤的美国传统〔superficial〕Sarah is so superficial – she only cares about how she looks.萨拉非常浅薄,她只关心自己的容貌。麦克米伦高阶〔survival〕His main concern is to ensure his own political survival.他主要关心的还是要保住自己的政治前程。剑桥高阶〔take〕He doesn't take any interest in his children.他对孩子们一点也不关心。剑桥高阶〔thought〕It was a nice thought, thank you.那真是善意的关心, 谢谢你。外研社新世纪〔ticket puncher〕A career military officer or businessperson whose primary concern is personal advancement.职业军官商人:最关心的事务是个人发展的职业军官或商人美国传统〔top〕Pay was now (at the) top of the employees' agenda.薪水是雇员目前最关心的事。牛津搭配〔unresponsive〕The government is unresponsive to their needs.政府对他们的需求漠不关心。外研社新世纪〔unworldly〕Concerned with matters of the spirit or soul.超脱的:关心有关精神或灵魂的事情的美国传统〔unworthy〕You may feel unworthy of the attention and help people offer you.你可能会觉得自己不值得别人关心和帮助。柯林斯高阶〔welfare〕Our only concern is the children's welfare.我们唯一关心的是孩子们的幸福。朗文当代A rabbi's job involves giving help and care to the members of the community in which he or she works, as well as holding religious services.拉比的工作包括关心和帮助他或她所服务的社区内的成员以及举行宗教仪式。剑桥国际All he's interested in is satisfying his lust.他只关心满足自己的贪欲。剑桥国际An interest in children is a sine qua non of teaching.对儿童关心的是当教师的必要前提。剑桥国际As your uncle, it is only natural for me to show avuncular concern for your welfare. 作为你的叔叔,对你的幸福关心是很自然的事。译典通Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with how warm or cold they are and when they will next be fed.婴儿完全以自我为中心,他们只关心自己的冷暖和下次什么时候有吃的。剑桥国际Dr Abraham said he hoped teachers would be sensitive to signs of stress in children at exam time.亚伯拉罕博士说他希望老师们能体察关心考试时孩子们紧张的迹象。剑桥国际He is callous about the safety of his workers. 他对他工人的安全毫不关心。译典通He made a solicitous enquiry after her health.他对她的健康状况作了非常关心的询问。剑桥国际If parents are encouraged to be involved in school, there is less chance of a them-and-us situation developing.如果鼓励家长关心学校,家长和学校之间就不大会发生分彼此的情形。剑桥国际She couldn't care less about me.她对我漠不关心。剑桥国际She felt acute embarrassment / anxiety / concern at his behaviour.她对他的行为感到极其困窘/焦虑/关心。剑桥国际She is devoted to her patients and sees to their every need (= everything they need).她对她的病人非常关心,无微不至地照顾他们。剑桥国际She's been paying him an indecent amount of attention lately.最近她对他的关心有些过分。剑桥国际The country's citizenry is/are more politically aware than in the past.这个国家的全体公民比过去更关心政治了。剑桥国际The publicity material sent out by the company stressed their concern for the environment.这个公司散发的宣传材料强调了他们对环境的关心。剑桥国际There is growing concern in the chemical industry about safety standards in the workplace.在化学工业中,工作场所的安全标准正受到越来越多的关心。剑桥国际We're primarily (= mainly) concerned with keeping expenditure down.我们主要关心的是缩减开支。剑桥国际




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