

单词 像机
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕If the VCR has something wrong with it, take it back to the store. 如果录像机有问题,就把它拿回商店去。朗文写作活用〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕You can't record anything - the VCR's busted. 你录不了东西了—录像机坏了。朗文写作活用〔CCTV〕The whole incident was captured on CCTV.整个事件被闭路电视摄像机拍摄了下来。剑桥高阶〔CRITICIZE〕Middleton suffered the ultimate humiliation of being pilloried by his colleagues in front of the television cameras. 米德尔顿的同事们在电视摄像机镜头前指责他,使他羞辱万分。朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕That kid of yours has trashed my VCR. 你那个宝贝孩子故意弄坏了我的录像机。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕The fault could be either in the tape or in the VCR. 毛病不是出在录像带上,就是出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Concealed cameras help security guards spot intruders. 隐藏式摄像机可帮助保安人员发现闯入者。朗文写作活用〔HOME〕While they were out, someone broke in and stole their TV and VCR. 他们不在家的时候,有人闯进屋里偷走了电视机和录像机。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕A video camera had been cunningly hidden behind the mirror. 镜子后面巧妙地藏着一台摄像机。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕I'd like to get a video camera but I can't afford to buy one new. 我想买一台摄像机,但是我买不起新的。朗文写作活用〔Polaroid〕A trademark used for a camera and film that produce instant photographs.宝丽来:一种能一次成像的照像机和胶卷的商标美国传统〔STEAL〕In full view of our cameras, looters calmly walked off with TVs, radios, and VCRs. 从我们的摄影机可以清楚看到,抢劫的人不慌不忙地搬走了电视机、收音机和录像机。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕Banks are installing surveillance cameras to prevent robberies. 银行正在安装监视摄像机以防止抢劫。朗文写作活用〔accessibility〕I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.我必须将摄像机放在触手可及的地方,以便需要拍摄时用得上。柯林斯高阶〔activate〕Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.带夜视镜的摄像机一有动静就会启动。外研社新世纪〔around〕They milled around the ballroom with video cameras.他们扛着摄像机在舞厅里转来转去。柯林斯高阶〔bear down〕The girl flashed a smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her.那个女孩对着冲向她的电视台工作人员和摄像机笑了笑。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera.刺眼的闪光:发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光美国传统〔bugger sth up〕Mike's buggered up the video again.迈克又把录像机弄坏了。剑桥高阶〔camcorder〕A self-contained unit of communications equipment made up of a lightweight, hand-held television camera and a videocassette recorder.摄像放像机:一种整套装在一起的通讯装置,由一轻便的手提电视摄像机和一录像机组成美国传统〔camerawoman〕A woman who operates a movie or television camera.女摄影师:操作电影或电视摄像机的女人美国传统〔camera〕He couldn't bring himself to face the waiting cameras.他无法使自己面对众多等待拍摄的摄像机。牛津搭配〔camera〕The part of a television transmitting apparatus that receives the primary image on a light-sensitive cathode tube and transforms it into electrical impulses.电视摄像机:电视发射装置的一部分,其在光敏阴极管上接受原始图象,并将之转化为电脉冲美国传统〔courtesy〕Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.由于飞机上安装有摄像机,电视观众可从空中鸟瞰体育场。牛津高阶〔detect〕A television camera can detect subtle differences in contrast better than the human eye.相比之下, 电视摄像机比人眼能更好地发现细微的差别。外研社新世纪〔device〕The store sells TVs, VCRs, and other electronic devices.商店销售电视机、录像机和其他电子设备。韦氏高阶〔dial up〕Its customers could dial up three video cameras at any time and watch the contestants talking, eating, or sleeping.用户可以随时接通三台摄像机, 观看参赛者交谈、吃饭或是睡觉。外研社新世纪〔digicam〕Film-making was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。外研社新世纪〔dirty〕With poor-quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder.使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损录像机磁头。外研社新世纪〔effort〕Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。柯林斯高阶〔enough〕We only had $500, and that was nowhere near enough to buy a new camcorder.我们只有 500 美元,要买一台新的便携式摄像机是远远不够的。朗文当代〔fail-safe〕The camera has a built-in fail-safe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.摄像机有内置自动防故障装置, 该装置确保摄像机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。外研社新世纪〔follow shot〕A shot in a movie in which the camera follows behind or along with a moving subject.追踪拍摄:摄像机跟在移动目标前后的电影拍摄美国传统〔freeze〕He tends to freeze in front of the camera.他在摄像机前总是呆若木鸡。外研社新世纪〔fritz〕The television camera fritzed out.电视摄像机发生故障。英汉大词典〔full〕Television cameras are carrying the full horror of this war into homes around the world.电视摄像机把这场战争彻头彻尾的恐怖传送到全世界的千家万户。柯林斯高阶〔gift〕The video camera was a retirement gift from colleagues.摄像机是同事们送的退休礼物。麦克米伦高阶〔guard〕There are cameras everywhere, so be on your guard! 到处都是摄像机,你要小心!麦克米伦高阶〔gum up〕Something had gummed up the video recorder.什么东西把录像机卡住了。外研社新世纪〔haywire〕The video had gone completely haywire.录像机彻底坏了。麦克米伦高阶〔infrared〕At night infrared cameras track these birds even as they sleep.在夜晚, 红外摄像机记录这些鸟的行踪, 包括它们睡觉时的情形。外研社新世纪〔input〕This VCR has several audio/video inputs.这台录像机有数个音频/视频输入端口。韦氏高阶〔insert〕She inserted a tape in the VCR.她把录像带放进录像机里。韦氏高阶〔jiggle〕It's hard to avoid a few jiggles when you're using a video camera.使用摄像机时,手抖几下是难免的。韦氏高阶〔liberty〕The use of surveillance cameras could infringe people's personal liberties.使用监控摄像机可能会侵犯人们的人身自由。麦克米伦高阶〔lug〕I was lugging a heavy camera around all day.我整天扛着沉重的摄像机转悠。韦氏高阶〔minicam〕A small, portable television camera used especially for on-the-scene videotaping.便携式摄像机:一种尤用作现场电视录像的小型便携式电视摄像机美国传统〔minicam〕They attached a minicam to the back of a terrier.他们将一台小型摄像机装在一只小猎狗的背上。外研社新世纪〔mount〕The surveillance camera is mounted above the main door.闭路电视的摄像机安装在大门的上方。剑桥高阶〔moved〕You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally.你可以上下左右移动摄像机。柯林斯高阶〔mug〕She was mugging for the camera.她冲着摄像机扮怪相。韦氏高阶〔neither〕Neither the TV nor the video actually work/works.电视机和录像机都坏了。牛津高阶〔new〕I got a used video camera for £300 – it would have cost £1000 if I'd bought it new .我花 300 英镑买了一台二手摄像机,如果买新的要花 1000 英镑。朗文当代〔one〕It's a TV, radio and VCR all in one.它集电视机、收音机和录像机多种功能于一体。朗文当代〔on〕This video recorder runs on batteries.这台录像机需使用电池。麦克米伦高阶〔or〕He doesn't have a television or a video.他没有电视机,也没有录像机。朗文当代〔pan〕The camera panned back to the audience.摄像机摇回拍摄观众。牛津高阶〔pan〕The director/camera panned past the pile of shoes to the bare feet of the playing children.导演摇镜头/摄像机摇摄,从一堆鞋子转向了玩耍的孩子们光着的脚丫。韦氏高阶〔photograph〕Frame the subject in the video viewfinder as you would for a still photograph.就像你拍静物照片时那样,在录像机的取景器里框定拍摄对象。牛津搭配〔plug in〕A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system.CD-I规格的光碟播放器看起来就像录像机,能与家庭电视和立体音响系统相连。柯林斯高阶〔preselect〕You can preselect programmes you want to watch, and program your VCR to record them.你可以预选想看的节目并设定录像机录下来。牛津高阶〔preset〕He preset the video recorder at the desired time.他按要求的时间预先把录像机调好。21世纪英汉〔programme〕We had programmed the video to record the final episode.我们已经设定录像机录制最后一集。外研社新世纪〔realism〕The director used handheld camera techniques to add to the gritty realism of the film.导演运用了手提式摄像机实拍手法,增加了影片的真实感。剑桥高阶〔record〕He recorded the birthday party with his new video camera.他用新摄像机录下了生日聚会。韦氏高阶〔revert〕He soon reverted to type when the cameras were turned off.摄像机一关掉, 他马上就回到了原来的样子。外研社新世纪〔rig〕A camera rig was positioned at a depth of 30 feet in the loch.一架摄像机安装在湖底30英尺处。英汉大词典〔rig〕Cameras were rigged up to televise the event.临时架起了一台台摄像机以便作电视实况转播。英汉大词典〔robotize〕To make (a person) machinelike, as in giving responses or performing work.如在反应或工作方面使(人)变得像机器美国传统〔scan〕Video cameras scanned the car park.摄像机扫描着停车场。朗文当代〔security〕The thief was caught on a security camera .小偷被安全摄像机当场拍了下来。朗文当代〔snapshot〕A photograph taken with a small hand-held camera.快照:用小型的手持像机拍摄下的照片美国传统〔spy〕Video spy cameras are being used in public places.隐蔽的摄像机在监视着公共场所。牛津高阶〔squint〕There was a camera squinting at him from the corner of the office.办公室角落里一架摄像机正偷偷对着他。英汉大词典〔strategic〕Cameras were set up at strategic points(= in places where they would be most effective)along the route.在沿途一些最佳位置架设了摄像机。牛津高阶〔strategic〕Strategically placed video cameras can alert police to any trouble.安装在关键位置上的摄像机能提醒警方警惕任何乱子。朗文当代〔surveillance〕The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance video cameras.银行劫案被监控录像机拍了下来。韦氏高阶〔telecamera〕A television camera.电视摄像机美国传统〔track〕Our VCR tracks automatically.我们的录像机能自动摄录。剑桥高阶〔video camera〕A portable, hand-held camera resembling a movie camera but recording on videocassettes for playback on a television set.摄像机:一种类似电影摄像机的便于携带的手提摄像机,它录制在电视录相带上以便在电视上复放美国传统〔videocassette recorder〕They still have an old VCR.他们还有一台老式的盒式磁带录像机。剑桥高阶〔videography〕The art or practice of making one's own video shows or movies using a video camera.电视录像制作:用摄像机进行个人的电视录像和电影制作的艺术美国传统〔videotape recorder〕A device for making a videotape recording.磁带录像机美国传统〔video〕Can you set the video to record the football match? 你能把录像机设定一下录下这场足球比赛吗?朗文当代〔video〕Have you got a video?你有录像机吗?外研社新世纪〔video〕I can't figure out how to programme the video.我弄不清楚如何设置这台录像机。麦克米伦高阶〔video〕Turn off the video.把录像机关掉。英汉大词典〔while away〕Miss Bennett whiled away the hours playing old films on her video-recorder.贝内特小姐用录像机播放老电影来消磨时间。柯林斯高阶Don't forget to set the video (recorder) before you go out.出去前别忘了设置好磁带录像机。剑桥国际Halfway through the exam, I turned into an automaton and was writing without thinking.考试进行到一半时,我已经像机器人一般不假思索地答题。剑桥国际Just as the television cameras started rolling, it began to pour down with rain.正当电视摄像机开始运转的时候,下起了倾盆大雨。剑桥国际Many people now own a video recorder.如今许多人都有录像机。剑桥国际On camera he appears twitchy and ill at ease.在摄像机前他显得紧张和局促不安。剑桥国际She has a sassy self-confidence that suggests she has spent her whole life in front of television cameras.她具有一种活泼的自信,从而使人联想到她的一生是在电视摄像机前度过的。剑桥国际She stared at the instruction booklet in perplexity (= in a confused way), trying to work out how to programme the video recorder.她困惑地盯着说明书,想搞明白如何使用录像机。剑桥国际The cameras are used for detecting leaks in oil wells and pipelines.这些摄像机用来探测油井与管道上的漏洞。剑桥国际The introduction of police speed cameras on main roads has left many people with the impression that we are entering a Big Brother society.主要公路上警察测速摄像机的使用给人们一个印象----我们正进入一个专制社会。剑桥国际The lieutenant was grim-faced (= looked very serious) as he stared into the camera and answered the question put to him without emotion.中尉盯着摄像机一脸严肃,不带任何感情色彩地回答向他提出的问题。剑桥国际The video recorder comes with/has a two-year guarantee.录像机保用二年。剑桥国际Video and television rentals have decreased this year.今年,录像机和电视机的租金已下跌。剑桥国际




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