

单词 侵袭
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PROTECT〕to protect someone by providing a place where they are safe from danger 向某人提供安全的、免遭危险侵袭的地方以作保护朗文写作活用〔attack〕a disease that attacks the brain 侵袭大脑的疾病牛津高阶〔attack〕an attack of hunger; an attack of melancholy. 饥饿感觉的侵袭;感到忧郁美国传统〔attack〕an attack of spring fever 春倦症的侵袭麦克米伦高阶〔castle〕romantic castles on windswept headlands大风侵袭的岬角上富有浪漫色彩的城堡外研社新世纪〔disorder〕disorders affecting the very old, such as senile dementia 老年痴呆之类侵袭老年人的疾病牛津搭配〔expose〕a coast exposed to severe gales 经常受强劲大风侵袭的海岸 英汉大词典〔foray〕foray into enemy territory 对敌人所在地区进行闪电式侵袭英汉大词典〔force〕the protection of mankind against the forces of nature: epidemics, predators, floods, hurricanes保护人类免受流行病、食肉动物、洪水、飓风等自然力的侵袭外研社新世纪〔inroad〕make inroads into a country 侵袭一个国家英汉大词典〔invadable〕a body invaded by the disease受疾病侵袭的身体21世纪英汉〔invasive〕an invasive disease 侵袭性疾病剑桥高阶〔nook〕a cosy/sheltered/quiet nook 舒适的/不受风雨侵袭的/僻静的角落剑桥高阶〔onslaught〕plants that will survive the onslaught of winter 即将熬过严冬侵袭的植物朗文当代〔pinch〕buds that were pinched by the frost; a face that was pinched with grief. 被寒霜侵袭而枯萎的花蕾;因痛苦而扭曲的脸美国传统〔protection〕protection against enemies.防卫敌人的侵袭。牛津同义词〔stricken〕a village stricken by plague遭受瘟疫侵袭的村庄外研社新世纪〔windswept〕a windswept island 受大风侵袭的岛屿英汉大词典〔windswept〕the windswept Atlantic coast 受大风侵袭的大西洋海岸牛津高阶〔windswept〕windswept moors. 受风侵袭的沼泽地美国传统




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