

单词 免税
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔agitate〕agitate for a tax reduction. 鼓动减免税收美国传统〔allowable〕allowable deductions such as alimony and business expenses 免税的扣除额,如赡养费和业务开销朗文当代〔allowance〕a generous tax-free personal allowance很高的个人免税额外研社新世纪〔allowance〕personal tax allowances 个人所得免税额牛津高阶〔allowance〕the tax allowance for married couples 已婚夫妇的免税额韦氏高阶〔allowance〕those earning less than the basic tax allowance那些收入低于基本免税额的人外研社新世纪〔carrot〕the electoral carrot of early tax cuts 早期减免税的选举承诺麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕tax-free schemes that can hold shares or cash可持有股票或现金的免税计划外研社新世纪〔deductible〕tax-deductible expenses(= that you do not have to pay tax on) 可减免税款的开支牛津高阶〔delay〕an indefinite delay on plans to abolish duty-free shopping无限期延迟取消免税商店的计划外研社新世纪〔duty-free〕a duty-free port; a duty-free shop. 免税港;免税商店美国传统〔duty-free〕duty-free cigarettes 免税香烟文馨英汉〔duty-free〕duty-free cigarettes 免税香烟麦克米伦高阶〔duty-free〕duty-free cigarettes. 免税的香烟柯林斯高阶〔duty-free〕duty-free cigarettes免税香烟外研社新世纪〔duty-free〕duty-free merchandise. 免税商品美国传统〔duty-free〕the duty-free shop 免税商店朗文当代〔exemption〕a tax exemption on money donated to charity 给慈善机构的捐款免税牛津高阶〔exemption〕claim exemption for a dependent 为受赡养人申请部分免税英汉大词典〔exemption〕tax exemptions on gifts to spouses 送予配偶的礼物免税牛津搭配〔exemption〕the exemption of employer-provided health insurance from taxation. 雇主提供的健康保险免税柯林斯高阶〔exempt〕a tax-exempt savings account 免税储蓄账户麦克米伦高阶〔exempt〕exempt gilts免税金边债券外研社新世纪〔exempt〕persons exempt from jury duty; income exempt from taxation; a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process. 免去陪审团义务的人;免税的收入;永恒之美美国传统〔freedom〕freedom from taxation 免税英汉大词典〔free〕an opportunity to buy duty-free goods 购买免税商品的机会朗文当代〔free〕income that is free of all taxes. 免税的收入美国传统〔free〕tax-free earnings 免税的收入朗文当代〔municipal〕invested in tax-free municipals. 在免税市政公债上投资美国传统〔tax-exempt〕a tax-exempt organization 免税组织韦氏高阶〔tax-exempt〕tax-exempt bonds/funds 免税债券/基金韦氏高阶〔tax-exempt〕tax-exempt savings 免税存款麦克米伦高阶〔tax-exempt〕the tax-exempt status of college athletic departments 大学体育部门的免税资格剑桥高阶〔tax-free〕a return of 16.5% tax free. 16.5% 的免税回报柯林斯高阶〔tax-free〕a tax-free investment plan免税投资计划外研社新世纪〔tax-free〕tax-free medical benefits 免税医疗福利韦氏高阶〔tax〕free of tax 免税英汉大词典duty-free cigarettes/alcohol (= bought at an airport, etc.) (在机场等地购买的)免税香烟/酒牛津商务non-taxable income 免税收入牛津商务the capital allowance for investment in plant and machinery 工厂和机器投资的资本免税额牛津商务




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