

单词 内人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Kutenai〕A Native American people inhabiting parts of southeast British Columbia, northeast Washington, and northern Idaho.库特内人:一支美洲印第安人,居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部、华盛顿州东北部和爱达荷北部的部分地区美国传统〔Kutenai〕A member of this people.库特内人:该印第安部落的成员美国传统〔Kutenai〕The language of the Kutenai.库特内语:库特内人讲的语言美国传统〔Temne〕A member of a people living in Sierra Leone.滕内人:居住在塞拉利昂的民族成员美国传统〔accession〕An accession of energy has been witnessed within a few years.几年内人们目睹了能源的增长。外研社新世纪〔address〕Most of the speaker's remarks were addressed to those with experience in the industry.演讲者大部分的话都是针对有经验的业内人士讲的。韦氏高阶〔backyard〕The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard(= from his own members).该党领导面临着党内人士的反对。牛津高阶〔be in the loop/be out of the loop〕You can tell she's in the loop. She always knows about policy decisions before the rest of us.她很明显是圈内人。她总是在我们所有人之前就知道政策决定。剑桥高阶〔bounce〕Party members feel that they were bounced into accepting the policy.党内人士觉得他们是被迫接受这个政策的。朗文当代〔car pool〕The State Government should encourage car pooling to cut the number of one-passenger cars on the roads.州政府应该鼓励拼车出行,以减少公路上车内人数只有一人的汽车的数量。柯林斯高阶〔consumption〕The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.强硬派的讲话大部分像是讲给国内人听的。外研社新世纪〔consumption〕The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.强硬路线的讲话似乎主要是说给国内人听的。柯林斯高阶〔cool〕Within a few minutes tempers had cooled.几分钟内人们气就消了。外研社新世纪〔crash pad〕Padding inside vehicles, such as automobiles or tanks, for protecting occupants in the event of an accident or sudden stop.防震垫:装在汽车或坦克等内部的在发生事故或急刹车时用于防护车内人员安全的衬垫美国传统〔demo〕A team of music industry figures will select bands and soloists from demo tapes.一组音乐界业内人士将从样带中挑选乐队和独唱演员。剑桥高阶〔empty〕There was a terrible smell, and the room emptied in seconds.房间里有一种难闻的味道, 几秒钟内人就都走空了。外研社新世纪〔favourite〕The bacon sandwich is still a national favourite.熏肉三明治仍然是全国范围内人们最喜欢吃的食物。麦克米伦高阶〔fever pitch〕Excitement at the stadium had reached/was at fever pitch.体育场内人们的兴奋情绪已经达到了顶点。剑桥高阶〔floor〕The surface of a room on which one stands.地板:房间内人们站立的表面部分美国传统〔homework〕Do your homework on the agency you're applying to, read the trade press, and talk to people in the industry.针对你申请职位的公司做好研究, 读一读行业刊物, 和业内人士谈一谈。外研社新世纪〔language〕Mr Harris has not been afraid to use language that many in his party despise.哈里斯先生素来不怕使用为许多党内人士所不齿的言辞。柯林斯高阶〔loop〕I think that the vice president was in the loop.我认为副总统是局内人。外研社新世纪〔loop〕I think that the vice president was in the loop.我认为副总统是局内人。柯林斯高阶〔loop〕We are too unimportant to be in the loop.我们太无足轻重, 根本就无法成为局内人。外研社新世纪〔occupant〕The car was badly damaged but the occupants were unhurt.汽车严重损坏,但车内人员安然无恙。牛津高阶〔overpopulation〕Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration.人口过剩:由于地区内人口过剩而引起的过度拥挤、自然资源枯竭或环境恶化美国传统〔unintelligible〕Their jargon is unintelligible to anyone outside the industry.他们的行话对非业内人士来说很难听懂。麦克米伦高阶〔wanigan〕Provisions for a camp or cabin.供一营地或木屋内人用的给养美国传统According to an industry source (= sb working in the industry) a deal will soon be signed.根据业内人士透露,将很快签订一份协议。牛津商务Do you feel you're in the loop at work? 你觉得自己是圈内人士吗?牛津商务Industry insiders predict a merger within the next year.业内人士预测明年之内要合并。牛津商务It was one of those cutting jokes insiders make about outsiders.这是局内人对局外人开的那些尖刻的玩笑之一。剑桥国际




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