

单词 几百年来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔READ〕Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated. 几百年来人们已经变得更健康,能读写的人更多,受教育程度更高了。朗文写作活用〔down〕Has mankind improved down the centuries? 人类几百年来有进步吗? 英汉大词典〔erode〕The cliffs have eroded over the centuries. Public confidence in the administration eroded.几百年来悬崖已经被侵蚀了,公众对当局的信心已经被削弱了美国传统〔manner〕Things had been done in the same manner for centuries.几百年来事情都是这么做的。麦克米伦高阶〔medicinally〕Root ginger has been used medicinally for centuries.几百年来姜根一直作为药用。柯林斯高阶〔offspring〕Most 'wild' horses are the offspring of domesticated animals that have been turned loose over the centuries.大多数“野”马都是几百年来被散养的家马的后代。外研社新世纪〔orbit〕These territories remained within the orbit of the empire for hundreds of years.几百年来,这些领土一直处在帝国的势力范围之内。韦氏高阶〔purist〕They are purists who insist on doing everything just as it has been done for centuries.他们是纯粹主义者, 坚持所有事情都要按照几百年来的方式去做。外研社新世纪〔self-doubt〕They have inherited timidity and self-doubt from centuries of subordination.由于几百年来处于唯命是从的地位,他们从祖先那里继承了怯懦与自我怀疑。英汉大词典A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries.几百年来水从岩石上流过,在上面留下了一条深深的沟。剑桥国际The aristocracy has/have sent its/their children to this school for centuries.几百年来,贵族一直将其子弟送到这所学校。剑桥国际These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries. 这些邻国几百年来和睦相处。译典通




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