

单词 冷却
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COLD〕to get cold or colder 冷却或变得更冷朗文写作活用〔breakdown〕a breakdown in the cooling system 冷却系统故障朗文当代〔closed〕a closed cooling system 闭式冷却系统英汉大词典〔coagulate〕gravy clotting as it cools; 肉汤冷却时结块了;美国传统〔contraction〕the contraction of cooling metal 金属冷却时的收缩麦克米伦高阶〔contraction〕the contraction of metal as it cools 金属冷却时的收缩朗文当代〔cooler〕a water cooler 水冷却器麦克米伦高阶〔cooler〕the office water cooler 办公室的饮水冷却器牛津高阶〔cooling system〕a fault in the power station's cooling system 发电站冷却系统的故障朗文当代〔cooling tower〕landscapes dominated by cooling towers and factory chimneys. 放眼望去到处都是冷却塔和工厂烟囱柯林斯高阶〔cooling tower〕landscapes dominated by cooling towers and factory chimneys满眼望去都是冷却塔和工厂烟囱的景观外研社新世纪〔cooling-off〕after a cooling-off period 在冷却期间[缓和期]之后文馨英汉〔cool〕the car's cooling system 汽车的冷却系统韦氏高阶〔cool〕to cool food.把食物冷却。牛津同义词〔cool〕took a dip to cool off. 泡在水中冷却一下美国传统〔dead〕dead coals; a dead flame. 冷却的煤炭;熄灭的火焰美国传统〔evaporate〕evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却韦氏高阶〔evaporative〕evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却英汉大词典〔ferrofluid〕ferrofluid cooling 磁液冷却英汉大词典〔hardening〕hardening by cooling 冷却硬化英汉大词典〔mass〕before it cools and sets into a solid mass. 在它冷却成为固态之前柯林斯高阶〔recycle〕recycle cooling water 使冷却水再循环英汉大词典〔refrigerant〕a refrigerant device 冷却装置英汉大词典〔refrigerate〕frīgerāre [to make cool] from frīgus frīgor- [coldness] frīgerāre [使冷却] 源自 frīgus frīgor- [寒冷] 美国传统〔thermoacoustic〕a thermoacoustic condenser for use in refrigeration. 冷却用的热声冷凝器美国传统




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