

单词 关于人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TRUE〕fundamental truths about human nature 关于人类本性的基本真理朗文写作活用〔abuse〕controversy over human rights abuses关于人权滥用的争议外研社新世纪〔assertion〕assertions about human nature 关于人类本性的种种断言牛津搭配〔cognition〕a book on human learning, memory, and cognition 一本关于人类学习、记忆和认知过程的书剑桥高阶〔deterministic〕a deterministic view of human progress. 关于人类进步的决定论观点柯林斯高阶〔deterministic〕a deterministic view of human progress关于人类进步的决定论观点外研社新世纪〔dramatic〕dramatic new evidence about human origins 关于人类起源的惊人新发现英汉大词典〔drinking〕a snapshot of people's eating and drinking habits抓拍的关于人们饮食习惯的照片外研社新世纪〔human〕theories of human behaviour 关于人类行为的理论朗文当代〔infant〕a book on intellectual development in the human infant 关于人类婴儿智力发育的书牛津搭配〔interact〕a study of how people interact in the workplace一项关于人们在工作场所如何交往的研究外研社新世纪〔regard〕a country's laws in regard to human rights 一个国家关于人权的法律牛津高阶〔society〕a theory on the basis of human society 关于人类社会基础的理论牛津搭配〔treatise〕a treatise on population 关于人口问题的论文(或专著)英汉大词典new legislation governing the manual handling of goods and materials 关于人工装卸货物的新立法牛津商务




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