

单词 佳作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Some of the director's best works were created during his neo-realist period. 这位导演的最佳作品中有些是在他的新现实主义时期创作的。朗文写作活用〔BEST〕Many people regard Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as his finest work. 许多人认为贝多芬的《第五交响曲》是他的最佳作品。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Some of Bresson's best photographs are being shown at the National Portrait Gallery this month. 布雷森部分摄影佳作本月正在国家肖像画廊展出。朗文写作活用〔balderdash〕Poetry, some of it excellent, much of it balderdash.诗歌嘛,有些是佳作,不少是胡言乱语。英汉大词典〔biggie〕Her new movie is expected to be a biggie.她的新电影有望成为佳作美国传统〔blockbuster〕Informal Something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.【非正式用语】 流行佳作:一些受到广泛普及和销售量巨大的事物,例如电影或书美国传统〔corker〕Last week's episode was good, but this one is a real corker! 上周那集连续剧不错,但这集才是真正的佳作!韦氏高阶〔count〕His fifth symphony counts among his best works.他的第五交响乐算是他的最佳作品之一。文馨英汉〔count〕This book counts among the best of his works.这本书被认为是他的最佳作品之一。21世纪英汉〔credible〕We can credibly describe the band's latest album as their best yet.我们完全可以说,这支乐队的最新专辑是他们迄今的最佳作品。牛津高阶〔dream〕The cathedral was a dream of Gothic towers.这座大教堂是哥特式塔楼中的佳作。英汉大词典〔dross〕His editor has a talent for turning literary dross into gold.他的编辑具有把烂文章修改为佳作的才能。韦氏高阶〔even〕There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay.尽管有许多拼写错误,它仍不失为一篇佳作。牛津高阶〔gilt-edged〕The last track on the album is a gilt-edged classic.这张唱片集的最后一首曲子是上乘佳作。外研社新世纪〔journalism〕The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism.这篇文章是调查性新闻报道中的佳作。麦克米伦高阶〔known〕Picasso looms largest of all, but there are also some fine things by a range of lesser knowns.毕加索的作品是最抢眼的, 但也有些佳作出自知名度没那么高的画家之手。外研社新世纪〔performance〕The novel was rated a brilliant performance.这部小说算得上是出色佳作。英汉大词典〔perusal〕Her natural good sense was improved by the perusal of the best books.她天生的敏慧由于博览佳作而更臻完善。英汉大词典〔rate〕The film rates with the very best.这部影片与最佳作品相提并论。文馨英汉〔timeless〕There is a timeless quality to his best work.他的佳作经得住时间考验。外研社新世纪He did write a wonderful book, but it was just a flash in the pan. 他是写出了一部佳作,可是那只是昙花一现。译典通His new novel is a superb job. 他的新小说是一部佳作。译典通His recent novel is a fine literary effort. 他新近的小说是一本文学佳作。译典通She did her best work before she was 30.她 30 岁以前就做出了最佳作品。牛津商务




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