

单词 佩戴
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ark〕gods accompanied by priests carrying emblems and an ark full of objects of mysterious significance众神由佩戴徽章、携带满箱颇具神秘意义物品的祭司陪同外研社新世纪〔array〕be arrayed in twinkling pearls 佩戴着闪闪发光的珍珠英汉大词典〔assumptive〕upstarts with their assumptive arms 佩戴被据为己有的纹章的新贵们英汉大词典〔bejeweled〕the bejeweled princess 佩戴珠宝的公主韦氏高阶〔goggle〕goggles A pair of tight-fitting eyeglasses, often tinted or having side shields, worn to protect the eyes from hazards such as dust, glare, or flying debris. goggles 护目镜:佩戴较紧的眼镜,通常有颜色和侧面防护,戴上以用来保护眼睛免受灰尘、强光或飞行物体的伤害美国传统〔invisibility〕a magic helmet which secures the invisibility of the wearer能使佩戴者隐身的神奇头盔外研社新世纪〔militaristic〕charmless characters in black, armed with attitude, militaristic badges, batons and two-way radios一帮身穿黑衣、装模作样、佩戴着尚武徽章、手持警棍和对讲机的讨厌家伙外研社新世纪〔state〕a crown worn only on state occasions 仅在国事场合中佩戴的王冠韦氏高阶〔wear〕a badge worn by police officers 警察佩戴的警徽韦氏高阶〔wear〕wearing a jacket; must wear a seat belt. 穿了一件夹克;必须佩戴安全带美国传统




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