

单词 共生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPORTANT〕Politicians who are prominent in public life may be at risk from terrorism. 在公共生活中非常著名的政治家可能受到恐怖主义的威胁。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The Committee on Ethics in Public Life was regarded by many as being a mere instrument of the government. 许多人认为公共生活道德委员会只不过是政府的工具。朗文写作活用〔admixture〕Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals.铂见于含磷、砷的铂化合物中,并且绝大多数情况下都和一些铂族金属共生。剑桥高阶〔amensalism〕A symbiotic relationship between organisms in which one species is harmed or inhibited and the other species is unaffected.片害共栖:有机体之间共生的作用关系,一个物种受另一个物种侵害或抑制,而后者不受前者的影响美国传统〔coaction〕Ecology Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.【生态学】 (种间)相互作用:出现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象美国传统〔commensalism〕A symbiotic relationship between two organisms of different species in which one derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生,共栖:不同种类两个组织之间的共生关系,在此关系中一个受益而另一个不受影响美国传统〔commensal〕An organism participating in a symbiotic relationship in which one species derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生生物:具有共生关系的组织,在这种关系中一个种类得到某种利益,而其他种类不受影响美国传统〔commensal〕Of, relating to, or characterized by a symbiotic relationship in which one species is benefited while the other is unaffected.共栖的,共生的:属于、有关或特征有共生关系的,在这种共生关系中一个种类受益,而另一个种类未受影响美国传统〔community〕A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions.共生动物群:一群植物和动物,在有比较相似的环境条件的特定区域生活和相互影响美国传统〔community〕The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.共生区:由一群相互作用的生物体占据的区域美国传统〔conduct〕Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.大多数人认为自己是遵循基督教道德来过自己的私生活和公共生活的。外研社新世纪〔ectocommensal〕A commensal organism that lives on the outer body surface of another organism.外共生体:生活在另一种生物体外表的共生生物美国传统〔endobiotic〕Living as a parasite or symbiont within the tissues of a host.内在的:作为寄生虫或共生物寄生在寄生组织内部的美国传统〔free-living〕Living independently of another organism; not part of a parasitic or symbiotic relationship.非寄生或共生的:独立于其它有机体而存在的;非寄生或共生关系的美国传统〔gonidium〕An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen.共生藻细胞:在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞美国传统〔nurse〕Zoology A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young.【动物学】 工蚁,工蜂:喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂美国传统〔paragenesis〕The order in which a formation of associated minerals is generated.共生次序:相关矿物生成时的顺序美国传统〔phoresy〕A symbiotic relationship, especially among arthropods and some fishes, in which one organism transports another organism of a different species.携播:一种共生关系,尤在节肢动物和一些鱼中,寄居在不同种类的另一生物中的有机传送美国传统〔photophore〕A light-producing organ found especially in marine fishes that emits light from specialized structures or derives light from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.发光器官:常在海洋鱼类身上发现的一个发光器官,可以从特殊的结构中散射光或是从共生的发冷光细菌中提取光美国传统〔slings and arrows〕Politicians must be willing to endure/suffer the slings and arrows of public life.政治人物必须心甘情愿忍受公共生活的种种鞭挞。韦氏高阶〔symbiosis〕Biology A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member.【生物学】 共生现象:两个或多个不同种类的有机体之间的紧密的、长时间的联合,这种联合也许但不一定对每个成员都有益美国传统〔symbiosis〕He examines the link between bacteria, symbiosis, and the evolution of plants and animals.他仔细观察细菌、共生现象和动植物进化之间的联系。外研社新世纪〔symbiosis〕The bacteria exist in a symbiosis with the plant's roots.这种细菌与植物的根共生。韦氏高阶〔symbiosis〕The bird lives in symbiosis with the hippopotamus.这种鸟与河马共生。韦氏高阶〔symbiotic〕There are fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with the trees of these northwestern forests.有一些真菌与这些西北森林的树木有一种共生关系。外研社新世纪〔symphysis〕A growing together of bones originally separate, as of the two pubic bones or the two halves of the lower jawbone.联合:原来分离的骨头长在一起,如两块共生骨或下颌骨的两块骨头美国传统〔zoochlorella〕Any of numerous unicellular green algae that live symbiotically within the cells of other organisms, especially those of many freshwater invertebrates.虫绿藻:一种单细胞绿藻,共生地生长在其他生物体的细胞内,尤指许多淡水的无脊椎动物细胞内美国传统〔zooxanthella〕Any of various yellow-green algae that live symbiotically within the cells of other organisms, such as those of certain radiolarians and marine invertebrates.动物黄藻:与其它生物细胞共生的黄绿色海藻,如某些放射虫和海生无脊椎动物美国传统The relationship between the ant and the tree is symbiotic-- the tree provides food for the ant, and the ant protects the tree from harmful insects.蚂蚁和大树之间是共生的关系----大树向蚂蚁提供食物,而蚂蚁则保护大树不被害虫破坏。剑桥国际




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