

单词 可食的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔McIntosh〕A variety of red eating apple, grown commercially in the northern United States.麦金托什苹果:一种红色可食的苹果,在美国北部商品化种植美国传统〔akee〕The edible, fleshy, ripe aril of this tree, especially popular as a food in Jamaica. The seeds and unripe arils are poisonous.阿开木果实:阿开木结的可食的、肉质的、成熟的假种皮,尤其在牙买加被广泛作为食物。其种子和不成熟的假种皮有毒美国传统〔apricot〕The edible, yellow-orange fruit of this tree.杏:这种树的可食的橙黄色果子美国传统〔arame〕An edible, mild-flavored seaweed.可食海草:一种可食的,淡味海草美国传统〔añu〕The edible tubers of this plant.旱金莲块茎:这种植物可食的块茎美国传统〔beetroot〕The edible root of the beet.甜菜根:甜菜的可食的根部美国传统〔calipash〕An edible, gelatinous, greenish substance lying beneath the upper shell of a turtle.海龟绿脂:海龟上壳下部的一种可食的、浅绿色胶质物质美国传统〔calipee〕An edible, gelatinous, yellowish substance lying beneath the lower shell of a turtle.海龟黄脂:海龟下壳下部的一种可食的、胶质的、淡黄色物质美国传统〔carob〕An edible powder or flour made from the ground seeds and pods of this plant, often used as a substitute for chocolate.角豆粉:一种可食的粉状物质,用角豆树的种子和角豆荚磨制而成,常用作巧克力的替代品美国传统〔comestible〕Fit to be eaten; edible.可食的;能吃的美国传统〔esculent〕Suitable for eating; edible.可食用的:适合食用的;可食的美国传统〔inedible〕Unfit to be eaten; not edible.不可食的:不适合食用的;不能吃的美国传统〔kashrut〕The state of being kosher.恪守犹太教饮食规定:(食物等)按犹太教规制成的清洁可食的状态美国传统〔kernel〕The inner, usually edible seed of a nut or fruit stone.核,仁:坚果或水果仁内的通常可食的种子美国传统〔kumquat〕The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.金桔:这些植物的果实,有酸的果肉和薄而可食的果皮。它是柑橘果中最小的一种美国传统〔loquat〕The edible fruit of this plant.枇杷:这种植物可食的果实美国传统〔marrow squash〕An edible squash having very large, elongated greenish fruit.西葫芦:一种可食的南瓜科植物,具有长而大的绿色果实美国传统〔nutmeat〕The edible kernel of a nut.核仁:坚果的可食的仁美国传统〔oyster〕An edible bit of muscle found in the hollow of the pelvic bone of a fowl.虫毛状鸡背肉:在家禽的骨盆骨空心内发现的一种少量的可食的肌肉美国传统〔pistachio〕The nutlike fruit of this tree, having an edible, oily, green or yellow kernel.阿月浑子的果实:这种树的似坚果的果实,长有可食的、油性的绿色或黄色核肉美国传统The artificial fruits looked so delicious it was hard to believe in their inedibility.人造水果看上去如此诱人,很难相信它们是不可食的。剑桥国际




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