

单词 列斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arawak〕A member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.阿拉瓦克人:南美印第安族成员,早先居住在大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚纳的某些地区美国传统〔Bonaire〕An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela. Tourism is important to its economy.博内尔岛:荷兰属安的列斯群岛中的一个岛屿,在加勒地海上,离委内瑞拉北部海滨不远。旅游业对该岛的经济举足轻重美国传统〔Calinago〕A member of a Caribbean Indian people inhabiting the Lesser Antilles.阿拉瓦克族:居住在小安的列斯群岛的加勒比印第安人中的一个民族美国传统〔Calinago〕The language of the Calinago.阿拉瓦克语:小安的列斯群鸟的加勒比人的语言美国传统〔French West Indies〕The French overseas departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Lesser Antilles.法属西印度群岛:法国在小安的列斯群岛的属地瓜德罗普岛和马提尼克岛美国传统〔Greater Antilles〕An island group of the northern West Indies including Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.大安的列斯群岛:西印度以北的一个群岛,包括古巴、牙买加、伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和波多黎各美国传统〔LEAVE〕Ballesteros has always found it difficult to leave his home in Pedrena. 巴列斯特罗斯总是舍不得离开他在佩德雷拉的家。朗文写作活用〔Lesser Antilles〕An island group of the eastern West Indies extending in an arc from Curaçao to the Virgin Islands.小安的列斯群岛:西印度群岛中的一个群岛,从库拉索岛向处女群岛成弧状延伸美国传统〔Maeander〕An ancient name for the Menderes River of western Turkey.曼伊安德河:土耳其西部曼德列斯河的古名美国传统〔Papiamentu〕A creole based on Portuguese and pidginized Spanish and spoken in the Netherlands Antilles.帕皮亚门托语:一种荷属安的列斯群岛讲的基本葡萄牙语,并混有西班牙语的克里奥语化的语言美国传统〔Windward Islands〕An island group of the southeast West Indies, including the southern group of the Lesser Antilles from Martinique south to Grenada.向风群岛:西印度群岛东南部一群岛,包括从马提尼克岛向南到格林纳达岛的小安的列斯群岛的南部群岛美国传统〔fault〕Frequent earthquakes have occurred along the San Andreas Fault.在沿圣安德列斯断层一带,地震频繁发生。韦氏高阶〔originate〕Dr Jose Arguelles is credited with originating the idea for the celebration.何塞•阿圭列斯博士被认为是首先想出这一庆祝方式的人。外研社新世纪Elvis Presley joined / went into the forces in 1958.埃尔维斯·普列斯莱1958年参了军。剑桥国际




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