

单词 依靠
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔assistance〕people on assistance 依靠国家补助的人们英汉大词典〔beholden〕be politically beholden to the industrial strength of the state 政治上依靠国家的工业实力英汉大词典〔bootstrap oneself〕to bootstrap ourselves out of our difficuties依靠我们自己的努力克服困难21世纪英汉〔bound〕people who are wheelchair-bound 只能依靠轮椅行动的人朗文当代〔chiefly〕an animal that hunts chiefly by smell 主要依靠嗅觉捕食的动物韦氏高阶〔conversion〕a conversion kit that lets your vehicle run on non-polluting fuel 使车辆依靠无污染燃料运行的转换装备牛津搭配〔crutch〕the crutch of sb.'s declining years 某人老来的依靠英汉大词典〔dependence〕dependence on others.依靠别人。牛津同义词〔dependence〕our dependence on our parents 我们对父母的依靠麦克米伦高阶〔dependence〕third-world dependence on Western technology第三世界国家对西方技术的依靠外研社新世纪〔dint〕succeeded by dint of hard work. 依靠艰苦努力取得成功美国传统〔dispersion〕seeds relying on birds for dispersion 依靠鸟类传播的种子英汉大词典〔fixed income〕pensioners living on a fixed income 依靠固定收入生活的领取养老金者朗文当代〔hollowness〕a hollow man who's coasted on charm for far too long. 长久以来一直依靠个人魅力取胜的肤浅之人柯林斯高阶〔independent〕operate independent of sb. 不依靠某人而独立操作英汉大词典〔industry〕live by one's own industry 依靠自己的正常劳动为生英汉大词典〔labour〕small commercial farmers who depend on a casual labour supply 规模小、依靠临时工提供劳力的商业农场主朗文当代〔launch〕launched the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks. 依靠在主要的电视台播出黄金时段的广告来推出这种新型香水美国传统〔lean〕lean on one's friends for advice [support] 依靠[依赖]朋友的忠告[支持]文馨英汉〔lean〕lean on support from Catholic voters 依靠天主教选民的支持英汉大词典〔live off〕a man who all his life had lived off his father. 一辈子都依靠父亲生活的男人柯林斯高阶〔live〕living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance. 靠米和鱼生存;依靠一小笔遗产生活美国传统〔magic〕natural magic (不依靠神力的)奇术文馨英汉〔observational〕observational humour. 依靠观察发掘的幽默柯林斯高阶〔own〕an achievement that was largely due to Stanley's own efforts 很大程度上依靠斯坦利自己的努力而取得的成就麦克米伦高阶〔parasitic〕be parasitic upon the labour of the masses 依靠大众的劳动过寄生生活英汉大词典〔pension〕retired people living on/off their pensions 依靠养老金生活的退休人员韦氏高阶〔reliance〕triumph by reliance on its superiority in manoeuvring warfare 依靠运动战的优越性获胜英汉大词典〔relief〕rely on helicopters for relief of personnel 依靠直升机进行人员替换英汉大词典〔rely〕rely heavily on sb. for assistance 在很大程度上依靠某人援助 英汉大词典〔renewable〕an industry based on renewable resources 依靠可再生资源的行业朗文当代〔squeak〕squeaked through the test; squeaks by on a limited income. 勉强通过考试;依靠一点有限的收入生活美国传统〔state〕people who are financially dependent on the state 依靠国家救济的人牛津高阶〔stay〕the stay of one's old age 老年时的依靠文馨英汉〔strain〕strain one's credit (luck) 过分依靠信誉(运气)英汉大词典〔suction〕their pneumatic robot which uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction. 他们的气动机器人依靠空气来移动,靠吸力附着于物体表面柯林斯高阶〔surrender〕the need for total personal surrender to and dependence on Jesus. 需要完全顺从并依靠耶稣柯林斯高阶〔talent〕one of the few teams that relies on home-grown talent 少数依靠本土人才的队伍之一牛津搭配〔tubeless〕a tubeless tyre 无内胎轮胎 (一种依靠胎圈与轮辋间的贴合来保证气密的轮胎)英汉大词典to rely on handouts 依靠救济牛津商务




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